Chapter 258 Unknown
After casually looking around, Shengsi found a place nearby where everyone could hide from the rain.

This is a small cave. Judging from the structure inside, it should be used by people to store food.

Seeing this, Shengsi led everyone into the cave, because the cave was a little messy, so everyone stopped at the entrance of the cave where the rain could not reach.

"Okay, let's rest." Saying that, Seiji took out a floor cloth and some food from the space.

So, everyone sat here eating and chatting.

At the same time, on the west side of Yagotai, on a few small hills, there is a village named Canaan. The village is very large, consisting of more than ten small villages, completely covering several hills, and there are about a few thousand The appearance of people living here, and at this time, on the road leading to the outside world from the village, a young man rode a white horse galloping away from the village to the outside world.

And this boy's name is: Heart Cunan Prashers!

That is the heart from before!He is now shouldering a very important task. This task is given by the witch in the village. The witch is the oldest and most powerful person in the village. She can predict the future. She told her heart that the people on the ground are holding The fragments of Gevis went to the gate of life and death. If they succeed, it will bring ominous news to Yagotai!

Therefore, the witch gave Xin a mission, and the content of the mission was to prevent the people on the ground like Shengsi from going to the gate of life and death, and retrieve the pieces of Ge Weisi, and kill them if necessary!

However, the Shengsi people who were happily discussing what they saw and heard along the way didn't know anything about it.

On the grassland, in the cave.

"Brother Shengsi, why does it rain here?" In Ayumi's heart, the world here is so weird, how can it rain?

"Fool, why isn't it raining?!" Shengsi asked with a smile.

"That. Because" Ayumi wanted to refute at first, but he didn't know what to say.

Yes, why isn't it raining?Is it because this is the underground world?However, everything here is so similar to the original world. It can be said that except for the absence of the sun and stars, everything else is exactly the same, so rain should be a very normal thing.

It's true to think so, but Ayumi always feels a little weird
While Ayumi was thinking about it, Seiji answered her question just now: "It is said that Yagotai is a world built by sages, and sages are the ultimate dream of magicians! The wind makes the wind, and the rain makes the rain! It can be said to be omnipotent. Although it only exists in legends, we have never seen a sage at all, but a sage does exist in our hearts. Maybe it is a kind of Be obsessed"

After speaking, Shengsi sighed slightly, and everyone was fascinated by it. Shengsi paused, and then continued: "Maybe the sage does not exist... Heh, but! His power is beyond doubt! So, It should be a very easy task for the sage to create an almost perfect world like Yagotai."

In Shengsi's heart, the sage is an invincible existence. Although he has never seen it, Shengsi always believes in his existence!

According to legend, Yagotai was created by a sage. Except for the absence of stars and the sun, everything else in this world is the same as the world on the ground. It can be seen that it is still very difficult for the sage to endow this world with weather changes. Easy.

"Sage, can Brother Shengsi become a sage? Because if Brother Shengsi becomes a sage, then Ayumi can play happily in the world created by Brother Shengsi." After listening to Shengsi's words , Ayumi said innocently.

Seeing this, Seiji touched Ayumi with a smile on his face and murmured: "Hehe. Yes, I will!"

Seeing Shengsi's extremely confident words, for some reason, everyone believed it.

Soon, a heavy rain slowly stopped.

After the rain stopped, the sun peeked out from the dark clouds, and the warm sunlight shone on the humid air. Suddenly, a beautiful rainbow bridge appeared in the sky not far away.

Because tomorrow's food was sitting facing the outside of the cave, she saw this beautiful scene first. Seeing this scene, tomorrow's food couldn't help exclaiming: "Look! The rainbow outside is so beautiful!"

"Well, it's quite beautiful." After hearing Asuka's shout, everyone looked outside.

"Okay, now that the sky has cleared up, we'll be ready to go soon." Looking at the clear sky, Sheng Silang said.

No one had any objection to this, so after resting for a while, they continued to walk forward.

Ten minutes later, Shengsi found traces of human activities under a big rock, and the traces were very new, definitely not more than half an hour old, and judging from the size of the shoe prints, it should be left by Sen Qi, It seems that the distance between the two is not far.

Thinking of this, Shengsi turned his head and said: "The one named Sen Qi is not far ahead, we just need to follow him and not let him find out."

Shengsi's idea is to let Sen Qi find the way for them, and they just need to hang behind. In this way, no matter what happens, Shengsi and the others can have a buffer.

However, what happened last night was a bit weird. Why were they the only ones being targeted?But Sen Qi is fine?This made Shengsi very puzzled, but now Shengsi found that the two beads in his brain would protect them, so he didn't panic, just pretend it didn't happen, it didn't affect him to continue exploring Yago Thai.

"Teacher Mori Qi?!" After hearing Seiji's words, Asuka was surprised.

In fact, Tomorrow Cai was thinking about Sen Qi when she first joined Ya Ge Tai, but in her heart, Ya Ge Tai is so old, the possibility of their meeting is already very small, so she did not hold the idea of ​​meeting Sen Qi at all , but now, Seiji said that Teacher Mori Qi was in front, which surprised Asuka.

However, why did Seiji say that he wanted to follow Mr. Mori Qi instead of directly following him?
Thinking of this, Asuka couldn't help asking: "Why don't we follow? It should be better if Mr. Mori Qi joins us."

"This." Hearing this, Shengsi didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say that Sen Qi was his guinea pig, let him explore the way ahead.

When Seiji was thinking about what reason to explain to Asuka, Ayumi immediately said: "What Brother Shengsi said is correct, we just need to do what Brother Shengsi said!"

Seeing Asuna's questioning of Seiji's words, Ayumi was the first to stand up. In her heart, what Seiji said was right and could not be questioned at all!

(End of this chapter)

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