Chapter 259 Yi Clan!

"Uh" Asuka was obviously choked by Ayumi's words.

Seeing this, Seiji patted Ayumi's head first, and then smiled at Asuka: "Actually, there are two reasons why we don't go there. First, our purpose is different from his. We want to travel here , and then discover the secret here, and he is going to resurrect her wife, although we may meet in the end, it is better not to meet before then."

"As for the second one, we don't know him at all, and we don't have much to say when we pass by, so we just follow him. As for meeting, there will still be opportunities in the future."

"Oh~." After listening to Shengsi's explanation, Tomorrow's face was stunned.

In fact, what Shengsi said was not unreasonable. Their purposes were completely different, and it was useless to put them together.

"Then let's follow." After thinking it over, Asuna nodded to Shengsi.

"En! Let's take a rest first." Because the ground is very wet after the rain, the traces of Sen Qi's walking will be obvious, so Shengsi is not worried at all that they will be lost, and the next trip will be much easier.

Regarding the arrangement of Shengsi, everyone has no objection at all. Just now they were a little uncomfortable walking on the wet ground, and it is good to take a rest now.

In this way, next, Shengsi and the others followed Sen Qi to stop and go, and the journey was very leisurely.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened. At this time, everyone came to a place where the grassland and the wasteland meet. Behind Shengsi and the others is the endless grassland, and in front of them is the place where the grassland and the wasteland intersect. At the end of everyone's line of sight, it was completely deserted.

Seeing this, everyone found a place to spend the night.

Because the walk was very easy today, everyone was not very tired at this time, so after dinner, they sat in front of the tent and chatted.

"Shengsi, it doesn't look like there is a village in front." Xiao Ai knew that Shengsi's purpose was to find a place where people lived, and the wasteland in front didn't seem to be inhabited, so she reminded at the right time.

In fact, Xiao Ai knew that Shengsi didn't meet with Sen Qi before, and knew that his idea should be to let Sen Qi be a guinea pig, but she didn't tell the truth, because she knew that Sheng Si's approach was right!If it were her, she would do the same!
"Well, let's take a walk to the left tomorrow. I guess the village is not far away." Shengsi could already see traces of many people's activities along the way today.There are indications that there should be people living nearby.

Hearing this, Xiao Ai nodded and did not speak.

And then, everyone discussed what they saw and heard today and guessed what kind of person they would meet tomorrow.

In this way, it was time to go to bed soon, and after talking for a while, everyone went back to their tents, ready to go to bed.

It's been a long time.

Late at night.

At this time, Shengsi and the others were all asleep.

But suddenly!Shengsi's hand was slightly pulled by the thin thread tied in his hand, because of this movement, Shengsi woke up!

Someone hit the trap!
This was Shengsi's first thought after waking up. Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately ran out of the tent, and at the same time, Shengsi's thoughts spread to the surroundings.

Although Shengsi's thought power is only ten meters in radius at this time, this range is enough to cover three tents.

Tomorrow dishes are gone!

This is the first situation that Shengsi discovered after stretching out his mind power, and the second situation is that in tomorrow's tent, Mimi is lying unconscious, with a clear scar on his face.

Seeing this, Shengsi was startled, but what made Shengsi feel relieved was that Xiao Ai and Ayumi were both sleeping soundly, and there was no danger at all.

While sensing, his eyes also looked around, trying to find the person who touched the mechanism.

However, when he looked towards the agency, he was slightly surprised.

I saw two strange-shaped things not far from the organ!They are carrying tomorrow's vegetables and running towards the distance.

These two things look weird, with two legs and four hands, all with three-fingered claws, gray skin all over, no hair, ears, or mouth (maybe there is, but I can’t see it anyway) , In addition, there are bone spurs growing on the back, elbows, and elbows of the legs, and there are two red eyes on the face, which looks very scary in this dark night!
Seeing this strange-looking monster, Shengsi froze in place.

This... what kind of monster is this? !Shengsi has never seen anything like this!He has never seen it in the book, and he has never heard of it. It must be something unique to Yagotai.

However, what are they carrying tomorrow's dishes for?Could it be that tomorrow's vegetables are regarded as food?Going to eat her?

Because now these two monsters give Shengsi the feeling that they are cannibals!Therefore, the moment Shengsi saw this scene, he thought that these two monsters had brought tomorrow's vegetables back and stored them as food.

However, Shengsi was right!These two strange-looking things belong to a cursed race of Yagotai——the Yi people!
Cursed by Yagotai's rules, they hate water and light, and everything related to the outside world.

They usually come out to move around at night, and the place where Shengsi and the others are resting is just within the scope of activities of the Yi people!So these two Yi people who came out to wander found Shengsi and the others, and after some discussion, they took back the Tomorrow's Vegetables and planned to make food.

At this moment when Shengsi was stunned, one of the Yi people seemed to have discovered Shengsi, and saw it making a 'hissing' sound.

With the sound of 'hissing', the two Yi people suddenly accelerated, and ran towards the distance with tomorrow's vegetables in their arms.

Their speed is very fast, not much worse than Shengsi now!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi thought quickly!

Now, it doesn't matter if he chases or not. If he chases immediately, Shengsi will definitely be able to catch up, but he has to run for more than a minute. What if Xiao Ai and Ayumi were taken away?Seiji was worried about this.

But if you don't chase immediately, but hug Xiaoai and Ayumi and chase after them, Shengsi may not be able to catch up with them!

Thinking of this, Shengsi was very entangled, but in the next second, he immediately made a decision.

Seeing the two Yi tribes walking away, Shengsi immediately took out a light blue bead from the dimensional space, which sealed a tracking spell. After taking out the bead, Shengsi immediately took out It was crushed, and then it was thrown towards the two Yi tribes.

'call out! 'A light blue light flashed, and it was attached to Asuka's body.

(End of this chapter)

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