Chapter 260 Surrounded?
Because he was afraid that there would be problems attaching to the two monsters, Seiji directly attached it to Asuka's body.

'hiss!hiss! ’ At the moment when the bead emitted light blue light, the two Yi tribes let out a slightly painful roar as if they had been illuminated.

Seeing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback. Could it be that they are afraid of light?

Thinking of this, Shengsi was about to take out a bead sealed with the white light technique and throw it over, but the two Yi tribes ran faster because they were stimulated by the light.

In the blink of an eye, he ran across a hillside.

Seeing this, Seiji took back the beads in his hand, then turned around and walked towards Ayumi and the others.

Because these monsters are afraid of light, it is just a guess of Shengsi, and Shengsi is not sure, and the tracking magic will not last long in this kind of lost magic situation. If Shengsi loses the beads but does not affect them, In this case, it will delay a little time, and this little time is precious now, so Shengsi didn't try it, but put away the beads and turned to walk towards Ayumi and the others.

After coming to Ayumi and the others, Seiji first hugged the sleeping two people one by one from left to right. At the same time, he immediately put away the tent, and then carried the unconscious Mimi over with his thoughts, and put them in the on his shoulders.

After doing this, Seiji immediately chased after Asuka.

After running a few steps, Mimi on Shengsi's shoulder woke up by herself.

"Mimi." After waking up, Mimi called out twice, with a puzzled look on her face.

Surprised by Mimi's two calls, Ayumi and Xiaoai also woke up one after another.

"Brother Shengsi? Where are we going?" Feeling the wind whistling by her side, Ayumi looked confused.

She was still dreaming about eating delicious food just now, why is she blowing the wind all of a sudden?

"What's wrong? Is something wrong? Where's tomorrow's food?" Xiao Ai looked around after waking up, and then expressed her doubts.

Regarding the doubts of the two, Shengsi breathed slightly and said: "Asuka was captured by two monsters just now, and they are right in front, let's save her now!"

In fact, Shengsi was slightly puzzled when he said this, because what happened this time was so sudden that the two balls in his head didn't remind him at all, or was there no need to remind him at all?

Is it because these two monsters are not strong enough to harm themselves, so they don't think they are dangerous?

In fact, Shengsi was right, and because of this, these two Yi tribes would not pose much danger to Shengsi, so the light ball in his head did not respond at all.

"Ah?! A monster?!" Surprised by the news, Ayumi lost more than half of her confusion.

Xiao Ai's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but she didn't speak.

She was looking forward to it, looking forward to what those monsters would look like. Before Shengsi told them that he was a magician, Xiao Ai became very curious about the magic world. Later, Shengsi made a series of changes, In addition, I told some stories about the magic world, which deepened Xiao Ai's curiosity.

But now, Shengsi said that there was a monster in front, Xiao Ai was very excited about this.

"En! They look weird, they don't look like humans at all, they have six things that look like hands, and they can make a 'hissing' sound." Shengsi made a clear description of the monsters as much as possible.

"Ah? It's so scary! Brother Shengsi, hurry up! Otherwise Tomorrow's Cai will be in danger." In Ayumi's heart, such a terrifying monster must be terrifying, so she was afraid that Asuka's accident would happen.

Regarding this, Shengsi smiled slightly, "She shouldn't be in any danger now, but we have to leave quickly."

Shengsi guessed that these monsters should have stored Tomorrow's Vegetables as food, or brought them home or something, so Tomorrow's Vegetables should not be in danger at this time.

As he said that, Shengsi crushed a white bead, and the next second, Shengsi's feet felt the wind, and he rushed towards the distance at high speed.

A few minutes later, Shengsi stopped suddenly in an open space. After stopping, Shengsi quickly put Ayumi and Xiaoai off his body.

After a few minutes of running at full speed, Shengsi had gone deep into the desert at this time, surrounded by green and dry yellow land and some old dilapidated buildings.

There are actually two reasons for Shengsi to stop. First, Asuka is in front, and Shengsi can already see her. At this time, she is being thrown into a building similar to a small arena.

As for the second one, it was also the main reason why Shengsi stopped. In the wasteland around Shengsi, there were non-stop "hissing" sounds, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

Seeing this weird scene, Shengsi did not dare to move, because he found that there was no one other than them here, and Tomorrow Cai was also waiting there. Why is there a sleepy little girl beside Tomorrow Cai? Could it be a local? Also caught by those monsters?
But Shengsi didn't think too much about this, because this is not the point, the point is those monsters just now?Why are you gone?Disappeared?hid?
So, watching this weird scene, Seiji did not choose to advance rashly, but put Ayumi and Xiaoai down, and began to think about countermeasures.

"Mi! Mimi!" When Shengsi put Ayumi and Xiaoai down, Mimi also jumped off his shoulder suddenly, and then looked around in an aggressive manner, with a vigilant look on her face.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi whispered: "Pay attention to your surroundings!"

The animal's intuition is keen, and with Mimi's behavior, Shengsi guessed that it must have found something nearby, otherwise it would not be vigilant about its surroundings.

At the same time, he took out a few beads from the space and pinched them on his left and right hands respectively.

A lot of magic is sealed in these beads, including protection, attack, and of course white light!

Just now, Shengsi guessed that these monsters are afraid of light, but now, if these monsters come out, Shengsi will immediately crush the bead to see what the effect will be.

However, just as Seiji took out the beads.

The "hissing" sounds around him suddenly became more intense. These sounds sounded like insects and beasts, but they were extremely weird anyway. In this desolate night, everyone felt a little flustered.

"Brother Shengsi? Us!~" Before Ayumi finished speaking, dozens of Yi tribes suddenly crawled out from the ground around them!

Their red eyes and weird appearance startled Ayumi, and Suyu let out a loud cry.

As for Xiao Ai, when she saw these monsters coming out, her heart tightened, and she couldn't help leaning towards Shengsi.The appearance of these monsters is so frightening that even a person with a strong heart like Xiao Ai can't help but be frightened by them.

(End of this chapter)

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