Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 261 Yagotai's Little Girl

Chapter 261 Yagotai's Little Girl


Looking at the scene around him, Shengsi immediately crushed the bead in his hand and threw it out.

At the same time, Shengsi immediately turned around and shouted, "Close your eyes!"

This is a bead sealed with the white light technique. Shengsi has been holding it in his hand just now. He guessed that these monsters should come out soon, and now, he guessed it!
After Shengsi crushed the beads, a white light flashed, and it was as bright as daylight in a radius of 20 meters from Shengsi. Because of Shengsi's reminder before, Xiao Ai and Ayumi both closed their eyes tightly at this time, and they were not caught. Flash to.

But the surrounding Yi tribes were not so lucky. They were a cursed race, extremely afraid of light and water.

But now, Shengsi's white light technique emitted a dazzling light at this moment, exposing the unprepared Yi people directly to this strong light!

'hiss!hiss! .'Being illuminated by this strong light, they let out painful roars one after another, and then burrowed towards the ground.

However, there are always some who walk slowly, and they turn into fly ash under the white light!

When the white light technique was gradually extinguished due to the loss of mana supply, there was no Yi tribe around Shengsi.

"Okay, it's safe." Seeing this, Sheng Si said.

"Brother Shengsi, have those monsters been wiped out?" Hearing this, Ayumi and the others opened their eyes.

Although she closed her eyes just now, Ayumi was still frightened by those roars, and now she can't help but feel a little scared when she speaks.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Although they have not been completely wiped out, I believe they should not dare to come over in a short time."

Shengsi's white light technique just now wiped out at least twenty or thirty monsters of that kind, almost one-third of the total. If these monsters are wise, they must not dare to come back at this time.

"Really?!" Hearing this, Ayumi smiled.

"Of course it's true! If they come again, you can use this to shine on them!" Saying this, Seiji took out two flashlights from the space and distributed them to Ayumi and Xiaoai.

If they are afraid of light, they should also be afraid of the light of the flashlight, so Shengsi directly took out the flashlight in the space.

"Yeah! If they come, I'll take photos of them! Whoops! Whoops!." After getting the flashlight, Ayumi shot eastward and westward happily, looking very happy.

"Okay, let's go there quickly, I don't know what's going on tomorrow's dish. Look! Mimi can't wait!" Shengsi just finished speaking, when he found that Mimi had already run towards tomorrow's dish went.

"Yeah!" After the two nodded, they ran towards Asuka with Seiji.

After a while, when he came to the arena, Shengsi jumped straight down with the two of them in his arms. The walls of this arena are very high, about five meters. If there is no help, Tomorrow Cai will be alone Can't get out.

It seems that this should be the place where the group of monsters often store 'food'.

After jumping down, Seiji led the two of them and walked quickly towards Asuka.

After walking to Asuna's side, Seiji knew her state at a glance. Asuna was just asleep, and there was no other danger.

In fact, Seiji was very curious, how could Tomorrow Cai still sleep?Don't you know that you have been carried for so long?But in the next second, Shengsi understood, and saw that tomorrow Cai's clothes were soaked with sweat, and there were a lot of sweat marks on his face, and his brows were also slightly frowned.

It seems that those monsters should have some ability to make people have nightmares in their dreams and cannot wake up!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi crushed a bead and threw it towards Tomorrow's Cai. This is a calming magic that can make Tomorrow's Cai relax.

The effect was obvious. Within a few seconds after being shrouded in the light of the beads, Asuna's brows slowly relaxed, and there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be a good dream.

After doing this, Shengsi got up and said: "You two look at her, I'll go over there to have a look, if there is a monster appear, just use your flashlight to shine on it!"

At this time, Shengsi and the others were standing on the east side of the arena, and the side that Shengsi said was the west side of the arena, where there was a little girl he had seen before.

"Yeah!" The two nodded and took care of tomorrow's dishes.

Seeing this, Shengsi turned around and walked towards the little girl. The distance between the two was not far, and Shengsi walked to her side in a few steps.

This little girl is wearing a yellow-red one-piece suit, which is full of exotic flavors, which is very interesting. On her head, there are two braids tied into the sky. Her small face is round, and she feels very cute. At this time She was holding her knees with her hands, motionless, and she must have fallen asleep.

Seeing this, Shengsi stretched out his hand and hugged her slowly, because he was afraid of waking her up, Shengsi still assisted her with his thoughts, and acted lightly.

A few seconds later, Seiji came to Ayumi and the others with the little girl in his arms.

"Wow! What a cute little sister! Where did Brother Shengsi find it?!" Seeing Shengsi walking over with a little girl in his arms, Ayumi couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

And Xiao Ai looked at the shining eyes of this man in different clothes and smiled.

"She is a native of Yagotai. She is probably captured by those monsters just like tomorrow's dish." Shengsi answered and waved out three tents.

After finishing all this, Shengsi took out another bead and said, "I don't have time to take a bath anymore, I'll use magic to help you clean it up and go to sleep!"

Saying that, Seiji crushed the bead.

Because they ran all the way on the wasteland just now, everyone was covered with dust at this time, which was very uncomfortable, but now they are much more comfortable after being washed by Shengsi with magic.

When Shengsi used magic, Mimi was also included. At this time, because it was covered with dust, it glowed again!
Eh? !etc!Sheng Si clearly remembered that Mimi had a scratch on her face before, but now, it is intact as before, it is amazing!

While Shengsi was thinking, Ayumi said worriedly: "Brother Shengsi, what if those monsters come back while we are sleeping?"

In this regard, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will connect and open the three tents, and then I will turn on the flashlight, so that the three tents will be shrouded in light, and the monsters will not dare to open it." coming."

The batteries of these flashlights of Shengsi are all specially made, and it is pediatrics to keep lighting them for one night.

"Oh, that's it, that's really great. Ha~" Ayumi yawned as she said that, as if she was about to fall asleep.

Now if counted according to the time, it is already two or three o'clock. It is really difficult for a child like Ayumi not to sleep at this time.

Seeing this, Shengsi put the little girl in his arms in the tent, got up again and walked towards Asuka.

(End of this chapter)

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