Chapter 262 Is a Dumb!
When Shengsi put Asuka in the tent, Xiao Ai and Ayumi were already asleep, and both of them were sleeping next to the little sister. It seemed that they liked this little sister very much.

Seeing this, Shengsi also laid down in the tent after setting up the warning trap again.

In this way, the night passed quickly.

The next day, Shengsi woke up early.

Sure enough, as he guessed, it was safe last night, and those monsters didn't dare to come at all. Thinking of this, Shengsi smiled and put away the two flashlights. At the same time, the traps buried around were also blocked by Shengsi Secretary put it away.

After finishing all this, Shengsi didn't rush to wake up everyone, because after what happened last night, it's better to let them sleep more now, so Shengsi made breakfast by himself.

Ten minutes later, Shengsi finished the breakfast. At this time, Shengsi planned to call everyone up to eat.

However, just when Shengsi was about to turn around and call for someone, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

"It smells so good! What did Brother Shengsi make?"

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head immediately and found Ayumi and Xiao Ai, they had gotten up at some time and came behind him, and it was Ayumi who spoke just now.

"It's nothing, it's just a simple poached egg." Shengsi waved his hand casually, and then asked: "How is the little girl from before?"

"Still sleeping." Xiao Ai replied.

"Then Ayumi, go and wake her up, Xiao Ai, you go and order tomorrow's dishes, and me, how about bringing the breakfast over?" Seiji said and served the breakfast he had prepared. up.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, the two nodded and followed Shengsi's orders.

One minute later, Shengsi had already prepared the breakfast, and Xiao Ai also walked over from the tent with tomorrow's dishes on his puzzled face.

"Eh?! Why are we here?" While walking, Asuna looked at the surrounding walls and asked with a puzzled expression.

She clearly remembered, weren't they still on the grass last night?Why are you in this kind of place like an arena now?

"It's nothing, it's just that it wasn't safe there last night, so we changed to another place." Hearing this, Shengsi replied casually, because he was afraid of scaring Tomorrow's dishes, so Shengsi didn't tell the truth, but I found a plausible reason to perfunctory.

"Ah?! Not safe? What happened last night?" After hearing Shengsi's words, Asuna's mind, which was still slightly confused just now, instantly woke up.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that a few animals came running over, I was afraid they would come over, so I moved the tent, it's just a small thing."

Shengsi said it very easily, as if it was really just a trivial matter.

"Really?" Tomorrow Cai reconfirmed, but she already believed more than half of it in her heart.

"Of course it's true, well, don't think too much, and get ready to eat." Saying that, Shengsi pointed to a small table behind him.

There were five nutritious breakfasts on the table. They all exuded a strong aroma, which made people's appetite greatly increase when they smelled them.

'Cuckoo.' Smelling the scent, Asuka's stomach growled.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Go and eat if you are hungry, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"En, thank you!" Asuka nodded to Shengsi and then walked towards the table. Now the big thing is being hungry. As for the danger, let's go.

"Xiao Ai, you can go too!" Shengsi turned his head and said after seeing tomorrow's food leave.

"En!" Xiao Ai nodded and followed the pace of Tomorrow's Cai, she was also a little hungry at this time.

After they both went to eat, Seiji got up and walked towards the tent, what happened to Ayumi?Why haven't you come out for so long?Did you fall asleep again?
With such doubts in mind, Shengsi came to the door of the tent.

"Brother Shengsi, you are finally here. I was going to call you just now, look! This little sister has been hugging me and won't let me go. I asked her why she didn't speak!" Seeing Shengsi appear At the door, Ayumi said helplessly.

When Ayumi said this, Seiji also saw the scene in the tent clearly.

Ayumi was paralyzed in the tent, and the little girl threw herself on Ayumi. When she saw Shengsi coming, the little girl looked back at him. Continue to lie on Ayumi, without saying a word.

"Little sister? What's your name?" Seeing this, Seiji walked into the tent and asked tentatively. He was curious what Yagotai's little sister would say.

"Hmm!~" Hearing this, the little girl buried her head even deeper.

Eh? !dumb? !Shengsi was startled when he heard the sound of "hmm", because the sound of "um" and "ah" made by a dumb person is completely different from that of a normal person, so Shengsi immediately recognized the child's voice. The sound is different.

Thinking of this, Shengsi asked: "Little sister, can't you speak?"

After hearing this sentence, Ayumi also asked: "Little sister, can't you speak with your mouth?"

Ayumi had been asking this little girl questions before, but she just said "um, um" and didn't speak. At that time, Ayumi didn't understand. Now that she heard Seiji's question, she seemed to have guessed something .

When the little girl was asked by Seiji and Ayumi, she turned her head slowly, and then nodded slightly. After doing these actions, she threw herself into Ayumi's arms again, and stopped talking.

"Brother Shengsi, she is so pitiful, let's help her!" Knowing that the little girl is dumb, Ayumi looked at the little girl with a trace of pity.

"Yeah!" Seiji nodded.

This little girl is quite pitiful. She can't speak at such a young age. She will definitely be bullied and ridiculed by children of the same age in the village. And she should be dragged here by these monsters when she was asleep, just like Asuna. Yes, her family is probably in a hurry now.

However, Shengsi can't do anything now. If Shengsi's strength is still there, he can use magic to cure the little girl's illness, but now, he can't do anything except to protect her safety.

Thinking of this, Shengsi said: "Let's go eat first, we'll talk about it after dinner."

Saying that, Shengsi turned around and walked out of the tent, and the little girl seemed to understand Shengsi's words, or was attracted by the fragrance outside, and at this time she was surrounded by Ayumi, so she followed obediently up.

Seeing this, Shengsi turned his head and smiled, then walked towards Xiao Ai and the others together.

(End of this chapter)

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