Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 263 Discovering the City!

Chapter 263 Discovering the City!

"Eh?! Who is this little sister?" Seeing the three of Shengsi approaching, Asuka felt puzzled again.

You said that if you move the tent, just move it, but why did a little sister suddenly appear here?Could it be that it was conjured by Shengsi? ? ?

"She is a native of Yagotai, we met last night." Shengsi said as he handed a breakfast to the little girl.

After the little girl took the breakfast, a smile appeared on her face. After she said "um, um" a few times, she started to eat, and she laughed from time to time while eating. It seems that she very happy.

"People from Yagotai?!" Hearing this, Asuka looked at the little girl with a strange look in her eyes.

"It's so pitiful that she got lost, we must send her home!" At this time, Ayumi said loudly, her tone was extremely firm, as if she would not give up until she reached her goal.

After finishing speaking, Ayumi looked at Seiji expectantly, and the little girl seemed to have discovered something, and raised her head to look at Seiji.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi nodded, "We will definitely send her home."

The purpose of Shengsi's coming here is to know everything about this place, and to meet that ship, and now, this little girl's home should be a nearby village, and the information in the village that he can check There are too many materials, so even if there is no such thing, Shengsi will go to find the village.

"Yeah! That's great!" Ayumi exclaimed excitedly after receiving the affirmation from Shengsi.

Soon, everyone's breakfast was finished.

After breakfast, Shengsi began to pack his things and prepare to go on the road.

"Mi! Mimi!" Just as Shengsi put the tent into the dimension, Mimi suddenly jumped out of the tent.

"Mimi!" Seeing this scene, Asuka cried out in surprise and ran towards Mimi.

Just now Mimi was sleeping alone in the tent, everyone forgot about it, even Tomorrow Cai was no exception.

And Shengsi was surprised, you know, he just put the tent into the dimension space without even thinking about it, and Mimi was able to run out at that moment, plus its wound last night It healed after a while, and now Shengsi couldn't see through it even more.

Thinking of this, Shengsi slowly walked towards it, trying to see something from it.

However, Mimi seemed to have discovered Shengsi's intentions, and after it roared at Shengsi a few times, it turned and ran away.

Seeing this, he stopped in embarrassment, then coughed and said, "That... let's go."

"But... how do we go up?" As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, Asuka asked with a puzzled expression.

In this circular arena, the surrounding walls are at least four or five meters high, and their general height is only about one meter, so they can't go up at all.

Regarding tomorrow's food, Shengsi smiled slightly: "It's a piece of cake!"

As he said that, Shengsi suddenly picked up tomorrow's dish, and then jumped suddenly. The next second, Shengsi had already fallen on a flat ground.

After putting down Asuna who was still in surprise, Seiji turned around and jumped down again.

And Asuka looked at Seiji who jumped down, and couldn't calm down for a long time.
More than ten seconds later, Shengsi carried everyone up according to the method just now. What is worth mentioning here is that Shengsi originally wanted to carry Mimi up, but Mimi didn't want to see Shengsi at all. Instead, he came to tomorrow's side with a light leap.

After everyone arrived, Seiji said to the little girl who was still beside Ayumi: "Little sister, do you know where your home is? We will take you home!"

Shengsi found out that this little girl was relying on Ayumi, and her little hand kept pulling on Ayumi's sleeve, never letting go, and Ayumi was also happy about it, she also liked the little girl tightly, the little girl This really suits her.

After hearing Shengsi's words, the little girl thought for a while, then pointed her little hand in one direction.

Seeing this, Shengsi continued to ask: "Can I go home if I go that way?"

Shengsi was afraid that the little girl was still young, so he thought he was playing a game with her and pointing in any direction, so Shengsi checked again.

"Hmm!~" After hearing Shengsi's words, the little girl nodded fiercely, because Shengsi was suspicious of her, and the little girl made a face at her after she finished speaking. Haha laughed.

"Then let's go!" After laughing, Shengsi waved his little hand, and everyone walked in the direction pointed by the little girl.

This direction is not too far from the left that Shengsi said before, and after a while, everyone set foot on the green grass again.

More than an hour later, everyone came to the hilly area, where there are hills and some basins at a glance, there is not much vision at all, and there is no feeling of endlessness on the grassland before.

After resting on the spot for more than ten minutes, everyone set off again, walking in the direction pointed by the little girl.

The next road is more difficult to walk, because they have to go up and down the mountain from time to time, which consumes a lot of energy for everyone, so they usually take a rest after walking for a while.

In this way, more than two hours later, when everyone walked to a mountain again, their eyes suddenly opened up.

"Ah!~" The little girl cried out 'Ah'.

"Wow!" Everyone opened their mouths wide when they saw the scene in front of them!

In front of everyone's eyes, this is a huge basin, and its size is not much smaller than the valley of Koizumi's Jiang Gutian.

In the very center of the basin is a city similar to the ancient Hua Kingdom!But there are some small differences, the city is round!

First of all, there is a huge city wall on the outermost side. The city wall is several thousand meters long, tall and large, and surrounds the entire city. Inside this outer wall is a moat of different widths.

Immediately afterwards, the first floor inside the moat is the inner wall of the city, and the inner wall is also very tall, enough to protect against most dangers.

And inside the inner wall is the whole city. The most eye-catching inside the city are two flat mountains, one is in the center of the city, and the other is in the southeast of the city. On each mountain, there is a Hexagonal giant leaf windmill, the windmill is very big, I don't know what it is used for, presumably it took a lot of manpower and material resources to build it.

In addition, there are houses and some fields for people to live in the city. Of course, there are some undeveloped forests in the city.

At this time, the whole city may be due to the fact that it is noon. Many houses are filled with thick smoke, which should be cooking or something. If Shengsi and the others hurry on the road, they may still be able to catch up with the meal time!

(End of this chapter)

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