Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 264 Abnormal behavior

Chapter 264 Abnormal behavior
The above are the scenes inside the city, but what about outside the city.

First of all, the entire west side of the city is covered with a large number of fertile fields that have been reclaimed. Other than that, there are some scattered houses. As for the north side, there are also fertile fields on the west side, and a forest on the east side. In addition, there is a long road to the north, which should lead directly to the outside. Shengsi glanced at it, and they can also go directly to the city wall from that road after going down the mountain later!
The situation in the south of the city is similar to that in the north. There is a road, and there are fertile fields to the west, and forests to the east.Finally, it is to the east, where there is a large forest, no one has cultivated it, and it is full of green, which is very eye-catching.

And in the distance of these four sides, the north and south sides are almost all forests.

After seeing the general situation of this basin, Shengsi already had some countermeasures in mind.

"Little girl, is that your home over there?" Seeing the little girl pointing at the city and screaming non-stop, Shengsi asked.

"En!" Hearing this, the little girl raised her head and answered. When she answered, she smiled and her eyes were narrowed, obviously very happy.

"Then let's go!" After confirming, Shengsi waved his small hand directly, and then took the lead to walk down the mountain.

"Yeah!" Ayumi and the others were also quite excited at this time, after all, this is a completely different place, and this strange freshness made everyone feel very interesting.

"Brother Shengsi, do you think people in that city have three heads and six arms?" As they walked, Ayumi ran over curiously and asked Shengsi.

Seeing Ayumi's curious face, Seiji pointed to the little girl beside Ayumi angrily and said, "Thirty heads and six arms? How is it possible! Look at the little girl, she has three heads and six arms, isn't she just like a normal person?" ?”

Seeing Seiji pointing at herself, the little girl also yelled "Yeah" at Ayumi, obviously because she was a little unhappy that Ayumi called her superhuman.

Seeing this, Ayumi first smiled at the little girl, then nodded, as if she understood the question, but in the next second, she asked again: "Brother Shengsi, since they are all normal people, why are they so normal?" Are you still living underground?"

"Well, I don't know, why don't you ask after you see them." Ayumi's question stopped Seiji immediately.

Why do they live underground instead of above ground?It's a question, also, where do these people come from?Migrated from the earth?Or is it originally from this world?

If they were immigrants, why did they move here?And if they originally belonged to this world, etc., this should not be possible. First of all, this world was built by sages. If the ancestors of these people originally belonged to this world, then...can sages create human beings? !
If this conjecture is true, then the sage is too powerful!Being able to directly create a living person, Shengsi felt that such a thing should be impossible!
If a sage is the ultimate realm of a magician, Shengsi does not think he will have the ability to directly create a soul, because soul magic is the most difficult magic for a magician to control, and even magicians have not grasped the power of the soul , and even they only know a little bit about it.

For example, Shengsi, he has almost reached the peak of the great magician, but now he knows nothing about the power of the soul, at most he can only modify the memory on the surface of the brain, other than that, Shengsi doesn't know anything about the inner workings of the brain!
So, in Shengsi's heart, sages are very powerful, but Shengsi does not believe that a person can be created alive.

Just as Shengsi was thinking about these questions in his mind, everyone had already walked down the hill.

At this time, they had already set foot on the road leading directly to the gate of the city. This road was not big, probably just enough for two carriages to walk, but it was extremely long. Shengsi estimated that everyone would have to walk a dozen or twenty Minutes to walk to the gates of the city.

On both sides of the road, everyone found many abandoned houses and fields.

It seems that there should be people living here before, but they left for some reason. If you add the ruins and abandoned villages you saw on the grassland before, Shengsi guessed that these buildings may be because of the last time. The traces left by the war.

In addition, maybe it was because of the rain yesterday. At this time, some traces of carriages and some human footprints can be seen on the road, and there are quite a few of them. It seems that a large number of people should have walked from the Pass here.

During the observation along the way, Shengsi and his party had already completed half of the journey. At this time, Shengsi could already see some figures on the side of the road or on the road in the distance.

But because of the distance, they haven't found the group of Shengsi yet.

It didn't take long, about three or four minutes, and everyone had already walked three-quarters of the way.

At this time, those people who were working, resting, or playing around on the side of the road just now also found Shengsi and the others, but their reactions were not as beautiful as Shengsi imagined, but rather weird?

I saw that after they found Shengsi, they didn't come forward to greet them enthusiastically, but turned around and ran away, as if they had encountered some monster, Shengsi could even see a trace of fear from their faces.
Seeing those who ran away, Shengsi said to the little girl with a puzzled expression: "Little girl, why am I so scary? Why do they run away just looking at me?"

"Ah!~" Hearing this, the little girl shook her head with a puzzled look on her face.

"I guess, Brother Shengsi must have scared them." Seeing Shengsi's puzzled look, Ayumi laughed.

"Oh? Really? Then. Did I scare you?!" Saying that, Seiji made a big grimace and ran towards Ayumi.

"Ah!" Because Seiji's action was so sudden, Ayumi was taken aback, and the little girl beside her was also taken aback.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi burst out laughing, "Hahaha"

At the same time, Tomorrow Cai and Xiao Ai also covered their mouths and smiled lightly, as if they were watching the excitement.

"Humph! Brother Shengsi scared Ayumi, Ayumi is not happy!" Seeing that everyone was laughing at her, Ayumi snorted softly and stood still.

"Hum!" The little girl also imitated her cry, but that look was too cute.

This made Shengsi not only not 'realize' his mistake, but laughed even louder.

"Haha. It's so cute!" Saying that, Seiji clapped his hands, looking very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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