Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 265 Amale Village

Chapter 265 Amale Village
Seeing that Seiji not only didn't come over to coax him, but laughed louder, Ayumi became even more unhappy now.
"Hum hum!"

Ayumi hummed three times to express her unhappiness. When humming, she stomped her feet, and the little girl followed suit when she saw this. The two of them stamped their feet together very cutely.

"Okay, okay, promise, here it is!" Saying that, Shengsi took out two small lollipops and handed them over, looking defeated.

"Wow! That's great!" The moment Ayumi saw the lollipop, Ayumi's face immediately turned from cloudy to clear, and the speed of the change surprised Seiji.

"Ah!..Ahaha..." The little girl was also very happy about this, and after taking the candy, she happily ate it.

"Do you want it?" Looking at Xiao Ai and Tomorrow Cai who were looking towards this side, Shengsi also handed over two lollipops.

However, for Shengsi's two candies, Xiao Ai didn't even look at them, "No."

Tomorrow Cai first stared at Tang, then looked at Ayumi and the others, then shook his head and said, "No."

Seeing this, Shengsi gave each person a piece of candy to Xiao Ai and Tomorrow Cai with a chuckle, and said, "This is no ordinary candy! Eating it will restore your physical strength."

"Oh? Really?" Xiao Ai originally planned to refuse, but after hearing this sentence, she still took the candy.

As for Tomorrow Cai, she took the candy directly and happily. She actually wanted to eat it very much, but seeing Xiao Ai refused, and she, a child who was a little older than Xiao Ai, wanted to refuse even more.

"Of course it's true! This is a must-have product for traveling and killing, after exhaustion!" Seiji prepared these candies specially for Ayumi in the past, because Ayumi likes to eat candies, so he Made a lot of lollipops and put them in the space.

These candies are made by Shengsi with magic power, so eating them will not cause any harm, but will quickly restore physical strength. However, because of the forbidden magic environment here, the effect should be greatly reduced, but it is still useful.

"Okay, let's go, they seem to know we're coming." After distributing the candies, Shengsi took the lead and walked towards the city.

Because when those people were running towards the city just now, they shouted something towards that side, which caused the people in the city to already know that Shengsi and the others were coming.

Judging from the weird behavior of those people before, Shengsi estimated that the people in the city would not be very friendly, so Shengsi let everyone recover their physical strength first, so that they can adapt to the situation later.

In this way, after walking for a few more minutes, Shengsi and his party slowly came to the gate of the city.

At this time, the gate of the city was already full of people talking about it. From their discussions, Shengsi could hear words like 'unknown', 'people on the ground', and 'would bring disaster' from time to time.

Hearing this, Shengsi thought to himself: Why do these people think this way? Could it be the aftermath of the last war?
Just as Shengsi was thinking about this, three middle-aged men in black robes and white scarves walked out of the city gate.

And the little girl who watched this scene left Ayumi with a happy face, turned around and ran towards them, seeing that Shengsi did not stop her, the little girl was the joy of going home, she should have seen her relatives.

Seeing the little girl run away, Ayumi subconsciously chased after her. Seeing this, Seiji and the others had no choice but to follow. Originally, Seiji planned to stop here to have a look, but Ayumi had already stepped forward, and he also I had no choice but to go forward, anyway, Shengsi didn't feel any danger here, so he clicked casually.

However, just as everyone took a few steps forward, the leader of the three middle-aged people suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

The white scarf on this man's head was slightly lowered, just covering one of his eyes, leaving only one eye, which gave people a feeling of seriousness, and it was precisely because of this that his low shout seemed Full of momentum.

Hearing this, Shengsi and the others gradually stopped in their tracks, while the little girl in front of the crowd seemed to have been frightened by the low shout, and stayed where she was, looking at the speaker blankly.

After finishing his drink, the one-eyed man walked straight towards Shengsi, and at the same time, the two people behind him also followed.

When he passed by the little girl, he whispered, "It's Tina's child, I didn't expect it to be so big."

After finishing speaking, he happened to stand in front of Ayumi.

Seeing this, Seiji pulled Ayumi behind her and stood in front of her.

Seeing Shengsi's action, the one-eyed man frowned slightly, and then said lightly: "Thank you for bringing back the children from the village, but you are people from the ground, and people from the ground are not allowed in Amale Village! So... please You go back!"

There is no doubt and a touch of contempt in the man's tone.

Because Seiji and the others are children, do you look down on them?

Seeing the man's squinting eyes, Shengsi smiled slightly: "I only have two requests. First, let us go in and take a look. We don't have weapons on us, and we are children, so you don't have to worry about danger at all."

"Second, I want to take a look at your books here! There are also some documents and so on. That's all I want!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi stared closely at the man's one eye and did not speak.

"You don't look like a child." After listening to Shengsi's request, the one-eyed man murmured, and then there was no more to say.

For a while, the atmosphere became dull.

A few seconds later, the one-eyed man pulled out the saber from his waist, drew a blade in the air, and then slammed it into the ground: "No!"

"Just the first request!" Shengsi stared at the man's eyes and spat out these words.

Since the two requests are not accepted, one must be agreed. As for the second one, Shengsi plans to borrow it when he is alone at night.
"No request! Not even one request!" Shengsi had just finished speaking, when the man seemed to have remembered something, and shouted fiercely.

Because of the loud voice and full of momentum, the man's yell scared Ayumi and the others behind Seiji.

Seeing this situation, Shengsi was also a little annoyed, you said that you don't agree to your two requests, that's fine!But not even agreeing to this request is really unreasonable!And also scared Ayumi!It is unforgivable!

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to clean them up.

However, just as Shengsi was gathering strength to kick the person in front of him, an old voice suddenly came from behind the one-eyed man.

"Wait a moment!"

After hearing the sound, Shengsi loosened his feet slightly, raised his head, and looked behind the man.

The one-eyed man put away his ferocious expression when he heard the sound, and turned his head to look sideways.

The next second, an old man in a brown robe walked over from behind the man with a little girl in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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