Chapter 266
After the old man came over, he said to Shengsi with a little apology: "Please forgive the rudeness of the villagers. I want to thank you for saving my granddaughter's life. Just stay at my house tonight."

"Old Senior!" After hearing the old man's words, the one-eyed man looked surprised, obviously he couldn't believe what the old man said.

"Only tonight, for my sake." The old man looked at the one-eyed man with a smile on his lips.

Hearing this, the one-eyed man didn't speak, but just stared at the old man quietly.

After a long time, the man pulled out the knife stuck in the ground and inserted it into the scabbard at his waist, and said, "Let's go!"

As he spoke, the man nodded to the old man first, and then left with the other two men in black.
After they walked far away, the old man turned to Shengsi and the others and said, "It would be too conspicuous if you go directly through the main entrance, so let's go sideways."

As he said that, the old man walked towards a small path outside the left side of the city's outer wall.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others quickly followed.

The old man first led the crowd to circle halfway around the west side of the city, and then walked over a stone bridge to the west gate of the city.

There were two guards at the door of the west gate, and they found Shengsi and the others after a long distance.

"People on the ground! Don't go in!" Seeing Shengsi and the others, the two guards immediately pointed the spears in their hands at the crowd, meaning clearly, don't go in!
However, when everyone approached, the two guards also saw the old man at the head. At this moment, the old man stepped forward and said something to the two men. The next second, the two guards put away their spears and stood in front of them. Stand aside.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others took a few quick steps and followed the old man into the city. When passing by the guards, Ayumi sized them up with curiosity in his eyes.

After approaching the city, the old man led the crowd around, and after a while, the group stopped in front of a house. Oh no, to be precise, it was a house.

This house is full of exotic atmosphere. It is not a double-storey or multi-storey building like the one outside, but a flat single-storey structure.Round, conical, or flat roofs plus a few different corridors, this is the first impression of the whole house on Shengsi.

After standing at the door for a while and waiting for Shengsi and the others to look at the exterior of the house, the old man opened the door and turned around and said, "This is my house, everyone go in."

"En!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded and led everyone into the house.

"Wow! It's so beautiful." After entering the house, Ayumi and Asuka exclaimed.

I have to say that the decorations and items in this house are very beautiful, because they were built by a completely different civilization, so in the eyes of everyone, it is full of a different style.

Wooden or bamboo objects can be seen everywhere in the house. There are all kinds of murals and decorations hanging or placed on the walls and tables. In this novel house, Ayumi and Asuka They all opened their mouths wide with surprise and excitement on their faces.

But Xiao Ai and Shengsi were much calmer, they are people who have seen the world, they often see this kind of houses decorated by foreign races in other countries, so they were not surprised at this time, but looked at it everything in this house.

"Please take a look around, half of the lunch was done just now, but it's because of your business." Not long after Shengsi and the others entered the room, the old man also walked in.

"Well, grandpa, go get busy, we will take a good look at it, and we will take care of Chennai." Hearing this, Shengsi nodded.

Seeing this, the old man nodded and got up and walked towards the house.

After the old man left, Shengsi turned his head to the little girl next to Ayumi, oh no, she should be called Mana now.

Just now, along the way, Shengsi talked a lot with the old man, and also learned a lot of basic information about the city and the name of the little girl.

First of all, the name of this city is Amale, and it is the largest village nearby!With a population of nearly 3000, Amale can be considered a large village in the entire Yagotai.

In addition to these two pieces of information, Shengsi also asked what the two big windmills in the city center and southeast were for. To this, the old man replied: They are used to divert water to irrigate the fields.

In the end, Shengsi and the others also learned the name of the little girl——Mana.

As for other information, Shengsi didn't ask, because he might get an answer if he asked other questions, but it would make the old man unhappy, so Shengsi didn't ask.

Now, it looks like the old man is going to cook, so Shengsi plans to visit here.

"Mana, can you show us here? For example, the kitchen, bedroom or something."

After hearing Shengsi's words, Mana raised her face, "Ah!"

After shouting happily, Mana took Ayumi's hand and walked into the house.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others hurriedly followed.

First of all, everyone first came to a place that should be a study room. There was a bamboo bookshelf full of books, but Shengsi glanced at it casually and ignored it, because the words on it were all Shengsi. Shengsi can’t understand the ones that he doesn’t know. If his magic power is still there, he can use magic to understand it, but now. Let’s forget it!
After everyone exited this room, the second one came to a bedroom. There were two bamboo beds in the bedroom. The bamboo beds were not big, so they should be for children to sleep on. As soon as Mana entered the room, she threw herself on the bed, which also proved that The thoughts in Shengsi's heart.

"Mana, is this where you live?" Seeing Mana's lively appearance, Ayumi asked.

Hearing this, Mana sat up from the bed, then nodded: "Yeah!"

"Then Ayumi and Mana will sleep here at night, there should be a few guest rooms over there, Xiao Ai and Asuna will sleep in the other room, and I will sleep in the next guest room." Seiji was sweeping the hallway just now. After a quick glance, he found that there were three guest rooms in this house, all with double beds, and the one in front of him was one of them, so he made an allocation at this time.

"Hmm!" No one had any objection to Shengsi's distribution.

After finishing the distribution, Mana took everyone to visit around the house again.

The living room, the bedroom, the toilet, the kitchen, the yard, everyone walked by one by one. What is worth mentioning here is that when everyone came to the kitchen, the grandfather had almost prepared lunch, and it seemed that the meal should be ready soon .

As Shengsi expected, just after everyone finished visiting the courtyard, the old man's shout came from the living room: "Mana! Shengsi! Lunch is ready, you can come over to eat!"

"Hey! Come! We'll be right there!" After answering, Shengsi led everyone to the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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