Chapter 267 Aphasia

When walking from the yard to the living room, Shengsi found that some people had already surrounded the house, but there were not many people, only a few, probably because Shengsi and the others came here, so they came to watch the excitement. , Shengsi didn't think too much, and after a while, everyone came to the living room.

"Wow! It's so rich!" As soon as they entered the living room, everyone saw a red patterned blanket in the center of the living room. At this time, the blanket was full of rich food.

Soups, snacks, desserts, staple foods, etc., everything, very rich.

"Because of the celebration of Mana's return, I temporarily added some dishes. Let's sit down first!" After saying that, the old man knelt and sat down first.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others also sat around before the sumptuous lunch.

"Okay, let's eat!" Seeing everyone sitting down, the old man said loudly.

"We're about to start!" Everyone grabbed their jobs and shouted happily.

"Ah!" Mana also yelled, but the cute appearance made everyone laugh.

So, in this harmonious atmosphere, Shengsi and the others began to eat.

"Delicious!" Just after taking a bite, Ayumi and Tomorrow Cai were full of praise.

Shengsi also nodded secretly after eating, and at the same time, he was thinking: I must ask the grandfather how to make these later, so that I can make them for anyone in the future.

"Eat more if it tastes good!" The old man chuckled at the compliments of the two, looking very happy.

"Yeah!" Hearing this, the two nodded, and started to eat more vigorously.

Seeing the happy conversation of several people, Shengsi seemed to remember something and said, "Grandpa, where are her parents?"

Shengsi just discovered that there are only traces of Mana and the old man living in this room recently, so where are Mana's parents?live somewhere else?

After hearing Shengsi's question, the grandfather's expression darkened. At the same time, Mana stopped eating and listened with ears.

"What's the matter? Grandpa." Maybe seeing the strangeness of the old man, Shengsi asked.

Hearing this, the old man's voice sounded faintly: "This child Mana is a bit special, her father is from the earth, this kind of thing rarely happens, and my daughter Tina also passed away due to illness last year, Mana also died because of this incident. can't speak anymore."

After saying this, the old man closed his mouth, obviously he didn't want to talk about this matter any more. For a while, the atmosphere in the venue was a little silent.

After hearing this sentence, Mana was also slightly sad, and looked like she was about to cry. Seeing this, Ayumi hugged her quickly to show her comfort.

After a long time, Ayumi said with pity: "Manna is so pitiful! Brother Shengsi, let's help them."

Seiji always thought that Mana's loss of voice was congenital, so he didn't go to check it. He didn't expect that Mana's loss of voice might be caused by acquired. alright.

Thinking of this, Shengsi nodded to Ayumi first, and then said: "Yes! That's right, grandpa, isn't it natural that Mana can't speak? It's a result of the day after tomorrow?"

Seiji reconfirmed, because the following words are a bit exaggerated, so Seiji needs to confirm Mana's situation first.

The old man seemed puzzled by Shengsi's words, but he still nodded: "Yes, after Tina's death, Mana won't be able to speak, what a pity."

Saying that, the old man sighed.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Mana should be suffering from aphasia, I am sure to cure her."

"What?! Can you cure Mana?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, the old man couldn't believe it, and stood up excitedly.

He was so excited. Since his daughter passed away, Mana couldn't speak again, which made the old man heartbroken. At this moment, he heard Shengsi say that Mana's disease could be cured. This... This really made him very excited.

"Let me try it! Mana, come here!" Seiji didn't talk too much, after all, he had lost his magic power now, so he had to talk half.

"Quick! Mana, come here!" Seeing this, the grandfather immediately hugged Mana to Shengsi.

And Mana probably knew what Seiji was going to do at this time, so she was very obedient and didn't make a fuss.

Seeing this scene, Ayumi and the others gathered around one after another. They were also very curious about how Seiji would heal Mana.

Seeing so many people looking at him, Seiji was unambiguous. After taking Mana, he first felt her throat and abdomen with his hands, and then touched Mana's head.

After doing this, Seiji let go of Mana, and sat down thinking.

Mana's vocal cords and abdominal vocal cavity are fine, but the language motor center in her brain was damaged. It is estimated that Mana's mother died, so Mana was overly sad, which caused this nerve center damage.

If this center is damaged, the patient will lose the ability to speak and will not be able to speak.But can understand the meaning of other people's words, and often answer questions with gestures or nodding. This situation is called motor aphasia!
This symptom is very easy to treat. In fact, as long as you talk more every day, and try to say some words, plus a reasonable diet and rest, in this way, you may recover on your own in a few years.

Of course, this is the case of adults for a few years. Children like Mana, who are growing up, may recover in a few months, but because Mana has not received normal recovery training in this environment and the environment The reason, so she has not recovered, and even caused complete aphasia!
But now, she met Seiji, this kind of motor aphasia syndrome, Seiji only needs to use magic power to turn around Mana's brain, and after being turned around by Seiji's magic power, Mana's brain damage will be eliminated Fixed it so that Mana will be able to speak after just a few more days of training.

Thinking of this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, looking happier.

"How is it? Can it be cured?" Seeing that Shengsi remained silent for a long time, the old man seemed a little anxious.

Not only was he anxious, Ayumi and the others were also anxious, and they were also very anxious about whether Seiji could cure Mana.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is no problem at all!"

"Really? Can brother Seiji really cure Mana?!" Ayumi confirmed, she didn't believe it, but she was afraid it was fake.

This day, Mana has been clinging to Ayumi, which makes Ayumi love her so much, so she is very happy at this time.

Hearing this, Shengsi nodded again: "Yeah!"

"Yeah! That's great!" After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi hugged Mana and happily spun around in circles.

(End of this chapter)

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