Chapter 268 Heal Mana!

Tomorrow Cai also said happily when he heard the words: "That's great! It's really great!"

The old man laughed loudly from the sidelines, apparently the news from Shengsi made him very happy.At this time, Mana seemed to have discovered something, and she also happily cried "Yeah".

In this way, after a while, the excitement of the crowd gradually subsided. At this time, the old man picked up Mana and said to Shengsi: "Shengsi, what should I do next to cure Mana? No matter what is needed, I will I'll get it all for you!"

Although Seiji said that it would cure Mana's illness, but the treatment has not yet started, so the old man's heart is still not completely let go.

"You don't need anything, you just need to sit here quietly and watch for a while." Saying that, Shengsi stretched out his hand and hugged Mana over.

So, under the astonished and curious eyes of everyone, Shengsi first let Mana sit on the ground, and then Shengsi put his hands on Mana's temples. The next second, Shengsi's magic power spread from his fingers and entered Mana's body In the brain, her nerve center began to be slowly repaired.

Seeing Shengsi's tense face of 'healing' Mana, everyone held their breath and concentrated, not daring to speak for fear of disturbing Shengsi.

Soon, about ten seconds later, Seiji let go of Mana, and then rubbed his forehead, looking sad.

There's no way, the magic power on Seiji's body is really low now, so he took a lot of effort to repair Mana's nerves, and now he feels a little tired.

Seeing this scene, Ayumi and the others immediately surrounded her.

"Brother Shengsi, what's wrong with you?!"

"Saint? Are you alright?"

Seeing everyone's concern, Shengsi shook his head, and then said with a smile: "I'm fine, just take a rest. Look at Mana, she has been cured by me, and she should be able to talk now."

Shengsi knew his state, it was just because he had consumed too much mana, and he could recover later, it wasn't a big deal.

But having said that, Shengsi has not experienced this feeling for a long time. Because of his power of thought, his magic power can be said to be inexhaustible, and now he feels this feeling again. Time has a strange freshness.

And everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Shengsi said that he was fine, and then they all looked at Mana, because just now Shengsi said that Mana had been cured by him, so everyone looked at him curiously. After seeing Mana, they were expecting Mana to say something.

"Mana? Say something." After hearing Shengsi's words, the old man looked at Mana expectantly.

"Huh?" Mana replied in a daze to the hopeful gaze of the old grandpa, she still couldn't speak like before.

Seeing this, everyone showed puzzled expressions on their faces, and the old man turned his head and asked eagerly: "Shengsi, why is Mana still unable to speak?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, it's just that Mana doesn't get used to it for a while, it only takes two days, as long as you talk to her more, she will be able to talk again soon." After talking to the grandfather, Shengsi turned his head Facing Mana said: "Mana, come, follow me, say: Grandpa!"

"Yeah?" Mana followed Seiji and said.

"Grandpa!" Shengsi emphasized again.

"Ya Ye."



"Learn from me again, Grandpa!" Seeing Mana's progress, Seiji smiled.


"Yes! It's Grandpa! Come on, let's do it again! Grandpa!"


"Mana, what did you say, say it again." After hearing Mana's immature voice, the old man had tears in his eyes.

Grandpa, this is such a strange and familiar word. I still remember that a year ago, Mana called "Grandpa" around her every day, and Tina was there at that time. What a happy day it was.

But since Tina passed away, Mana couldn't speak anymore. On that day, he felt that the world had collapsed. For a year, seeing Mana who couldn't speak, the old man felt extremely complicated in his heart. Now, Mana called out again The word 'Grandpa' came out, it was really a gift from God to him, he even doubted if it was a dream!

"Grandpa!" After hearing what the old man said, Mana called out again.

"Ah! That's great!" After hearing Mana's voice again, the old man hugged Mana excitedly. Feeling the familiar aura on Mana's body, the old man immediately settled down.

This is not a dream!

Seeing the happy look of the grandpa and grandson, Ayumi and the others also laughed, "Great, Mana can talk!"

Seeing this, Shengsi also smiled slightly: "Mana is very smart, maybe it won't take two days, if we talk to Mana more this afternoon, she should be able to communicate with us freely in the evening."

After hearing Shengsi's words, the old man had a meal, and then he said gratefully: "Thank you! Shengsi! Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, Mana might have... I... I don't even know How should I repay you?"

"It's nothing, these are what I should do." Hearing this, Shengsi said with a smile.

In fact, Mana still helped Shengsi and the others a lot. If it wasn't for Mana, Shengsi and the others don't know how long it would take to find a place where people live, and even if they find a place where people live, they might be stopped .

But now, because of Mana, Seiji and the others not only quickly found the village, but also walked in easily. Therefore, Mana helped them so much, and Seiji should be able to cure her illness.

Although Shengsi and the others think so, the old man doesn't think so. First of all, Shengsi and the others rescued his precious granddaughter, which is a great kindness, and Shengsi and the others also cured Mana's illness by the way. It is a super big kindness, and these two kindnesses add up, it is not as simple as one plus one, it is a huge kindness!Therefore, the grandfather is very grateful to Shengsi.

"No, no, no! Shengsi, your kindness is too great, I must do something to make my heart feel better!" After hearing Shengsi's words, the grandfather said slightly excitedly.

He has already made a decision, he must repay Shengsi and the others well, no matter what Shengsi and the others propose, he will agree.

For the old man's stubbornness, Shengsi couldn't refuse, so Shengsi thought for a while and said: "Then let us visit the city, if it is convenient, can you teach me how to make these foods at night? "

Now that the old man said so, Seiji made two small requests. The first request was to satisfy the curiosity of Ayumi and the others, and the second request was something he just thought of.

(End of this chapter)

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