Chapter 269 Drinking!

After hearing Shengsi's request, the old man nodded without thinking: "No problem! I promise you all of this!"

Regarding the matter of letting Shengsi and the others visit the city, as the former captain of the guard of Amale Village, the old man still has a bit of scorn in the hearts of the villagers.

After agreeing, the grandfather felt that these things were not enough to repay Shengsi, so he said again: "Shengsi, these things are nothing to your kindness, please say a few more conditions, I will agree to you no matter what !"

"Uh..." For the old man's enthusiasm, Shengsi was at a loss for words for a while, but he doesn't have any demands now, and he can't understand the books here, etc.!If he doesn't understand, he can ask the old man to tell him directly!
Thinking of this, Shengsi hurriedly said: "Then let me make two last requests, one is that we stay here for one more day, and the second is that you can tell me about Amale and Yagotai at night. history? Alright! I’m just asking for these two, if you want me to say something, I really can’t say anything!”

In the end, Shengsi also got a vaccination. He was afraid that the old man would ask him to continue to make demands, but Shengsi really had no other demands to make.

"No problem! I can agree to all the requests you said!" The old man waved his hand to Shengsi's request and agreed with a smile.

Today can be said to be the happiest day for him this year. After he finished speaking to Shengsi, he said loudly: "Okay! Sit down, eat first, and I'll get the wine!"

With that said, he put Mana on Seiji's body, and then walked towards the kitchen.

At this moment, the old man was very happy, so happy that he wanted to drink heavily!And in his heart, Shengsi is not a child at all, whether it is in terms of behavior, speech, or style, Shengsi does not look like a child, so at this time, the grandfather wants to have a good drink with Shengsi .

With this in mind, the old man walked happily to the kitchen.

After the grandfather left, Ayumi and the others began to eat again, but during the meal, they were teasing Mana, making Mana speak.

And Mana is also studying hard. She was also very happy when she saw her grandpa happy just now, so she has to work hard to learn how to speak well. In this way, grandpa will be happier.

Just like that, after Shengsi and the others teased Mana for a while, the old man came out with a jar of old wine.

"Come on! Shengsi, let's drink!" As he spoke, he brought over two large bowls and filled them up.

After it was full, he handed one bowl to Shengsi, while he held the other bowl in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi laughed: "Okay! Let's drink!"

He could tell that the old man was happy from the bottom of his heart, so Shengsi didn't refuse, but happily drank wine with him.

Besides, this wine looked like a good wine. When the grandfather opened the jar, Shengsi could smell a strong aroma. Judging from the aroma, Shengsi seemed to have never drunk this level of good wine!
Shengsi will not miss such a good wine!
"Brother Shengsi? Do you want to drink?" Seeing that Shengsi was about to drink, Ayumi said in surprise.

She had never seen Shengsi drink before, so she was very surprised at this time, not only Ayumi was surprised, but Asuka also opened her mouth wide.So she was a little surprised.

"That's right, does Ayumi want to drink too?" Seiji asked back after hearing Ayumi's words, he seemed to remember that Ayumi had never drank alcohol, so it would be nice to try it now.

With this thought in mind, Shengsi asked Xiao Ai and tomorrow's dish, "Xiao Ai? Tomorrow's dish? Do you want to drink too?"

"No! I don't drink!" Hearing this, Ayumi waved her hand quickly.

Tomorrow Cai also waved her hand, indicating that she would not drink, while Xiao Ai was even more straightforward, she just ate her own food, and didn't care about Shengsi at all, which made Shengsi a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, the old man laughed three times, then touched the bowl with Shengsi and said, "Shengsi, I toast you!"

As he spoke, he drank the large bowl of wine in his hand in one gulp. Seeing this, Shengsi was unambiguous and also drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good!" Seeing Shengsi's bold drinking posture, the old man shouted three times excitedly.

After shouting, he immediately served Sheng Siman again.

After more than ten minutes, the old man was completely drunk at this time, and Shengsi, he was smiling at the corner of his mouth, not at all drunk!

Just kidding, at this time, how could Seiji be drunk? If he was drunk, what would Ayumi and the others do if they were in danger?So Shengsi wouldn't get drunk at all, he used his magic power to force out the drunkenness while drinking just now, so at this time Shengsi was not drunk at all, and the old man was already drunk.

"Brother Shengsi, why are you not drunk, and the old man is already drunk?" Ayumi has never drunk, but she knows that usually the two people who drink with each other will be almost drunk, but now, the old man is already drunk But Seiji is fine, Ayumi feels so strange.

Mana looked at Ayumi asking Shengsi, she also raised her head and shouted: "Brother Shengsi. Li. Awesome!"

Because I haven't spoken for a long time, Mana's speech is not very good at this time, and it feels like she is stuttering, but with her cute little face, it feels very interesting.

Hearing this, Shengsi approached Mana with a smile and said, "Really?"

"Really!" Mana was taken aback by Seiji's sudden action, but she still answered.

"Mana is really amazing, she has learned so many words in just such a short time!" Looking at Mana's cute appearance, Seiji patted her head and praised her.

It's not that Shengsi is exaggerating, but that Mana is really good. To know that a person who hasn't spoken for a year can achieve this level with just one meal, is really amazing!

"Where is that?" Mana was a little embarrassed to be praised by Shengsi.

Seeing this, everyone laughed, they were all amused by Mana's cute appearance.

"Okay, I'll take the old man to the room to rest first, and then how about we go out to play in the afternoon?" Originally, Shengsi planned to be accompanied by the old man in the afternoon, and then play in the city, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change , now the grandfather is drunk and at least will be drunk for several hours, so Shengsi has to go out to play by himself at this time.

"Hmm!" Everyone had no objection to Shengsi's suggestion.

"Then let's clean up here." Since Seiji went to pick up the grandfather, Asuka and Ayumi will clean up the mess here.

"Okay!" After nodding, Shengsi hugged the old man and walked towards the master bedroom of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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