Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 270 Huzi is a tiger?

Chapter 270 Huzi is a tiger?

A few minutes later, Shengsi had settled the grandfather down, and he was waiting in the living room for the people who were cleaning up in the kitchen.

Didn't make Seiji wait long, and after another few minutes, Ayumi and the others came out from the side door together.

Seeing this, Shengsi stood up and said: "Okay, let's go to the city to visit now."

After finishing speaking, Seiji said to Mana beside Ayumi: "If we go out to play, can Mana be our guide?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Mana looked puzzled.

Seeing this scene, Seiji guessed that Mana probably didn't know what the word 'guide' meant. Thinking of this, Seiji said, "That's right. Can Mana take us to play in the city?"

"Play? Okay! I'll take you out to play!" This time, Mana understood Seiji's words and replied happily.

"Mana must be very familiar with this place, can you tell us where the fun is?" Asking, Shengsi led everyone to the door.

"Big windmill! Grandpa took me there before, it was fun!" Hearing this, Mana immediately pointed in one direction and said excitedly.

"Really?! Let's go there to play first!" Saying that, Seiji opened the door.

In fact, Shengsi was also planning to go there just now, because the two big windmills were too eye-catching, like landmarks, so they aroused his curiosity.

However, when he opened the door, he froze.

I saw that at the door of this house, there was a group of people around at this time, including adults and children, and they all looked at Shengsi and the others with curious and wary faces.

Seeing this scene, Seiji swallowed back what he was about to say to Ayumi and the others.

After thinking for a while, Shengsi went out and smiled, "Why are you all here? We don't have to be so enthusiastic about our welcome."

When he said it, Shengsi was smiling, and his face was not 'thick' at all.

However, the people in front of them didn't respond to Shengsi's smiling face, and even showed a trace of disgust on their faces. They hated the people on the ground from the bottom of their hearts, so they didn't give Shengsi any good looks at all.

"Brother Shengsi, what are these people outside here for?" Seeing so many people blocking the door, Ayumi felt slightly uncomfortable.

After hearing Ayumi's words, Seiji said with some embarrassment: "I guess they came to welcome us, look at them, how happy they are 'smiling'."

Judging from the expressions of these people, they should be very upset at this time, and it is estimated that something will happen later.

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to give in to Bumei and the others to go back first, and then come out after he made an agreement with these people, but!Before Shengsi could say anything, there was a shout from the crowd.

"People on the ground! Get out!"

Hearing this, Shengsi looked intently and found that this sentence was said by a child about his age in the crowd.

And, at the same time as he was speaking, the little brat threw a stone towards him. The stone came fiercely, and he came to Shengsi in an instant.

Seeing this, Shengsi subconsciously grabbed the stone with his backhand and grabbed it in his hand.

After grabbing the stone, Shengsi first weighed it in his hand.

Well, the weight is very large, and judging from the strength just now, this stone hit Ayumi and the others in the face, it is probably the best to be disfigured, if you accidentally hit the eye, you will be blind!
Thinking of this, Shengsi felt a little angry in his heart, this brat is too cruel, he just showed his face, so he made such a cruel hand!This kind of person must be taught a lesson!
"Ayumi, you go in first, and I will tell you to come out later." After making a plan, Seiji pushed Ayumi and the others into the room who hadn't reacted to the situation.

"Hey! Hey! Brother Seiji!" By the time Ayumi and the others came to their senses, they had already returned to the room.

'boom! ' After a sound, the door was tightly closed by Shengsi.

After closing the door, Shengsi slightly raised the stone in his hand, squinted at everyone and said, "Just now! Who threw this stone?! Stand up for me now!"

Although Sheng Siming knew who threw the stone, he didn't say it out loud. He was thinking that if this brat admitted his mistake later and had a good attitude, Sheng Si would just give him a reprimand instead of hitting him, but !If he is still very arrogant, hehe. It goes without saying!

Seeing Shengsi's abnormal behavior, the onlookers were puzzled, what happened to this child on the ground?Is one man going to challenge us all?If so, that would be really funny, with his small body, the weakest Tianzi at the head of the village could easily defeat him.

Thinking of this, everyone felt disdain for Shengsi's stubbornness.

After hearing Shengsi's words, the kid who threw the stone just stood up with a look of disdain: "People on the ground! That stone was thrown by me! Why? You still... ah!~"

Before the Huzi could finish his words, Shengsi directly dragged him out of the crowd with the help of Nianli!

Shengsi's speed was so fast that no one had time to react.

'Boom. '

After being dragged out, Shengsi threw Huzi directly on the open space in front of the crowd. At this time, Huzi was lying on the ground with his head facing Shengsi, with a look of embarrassment.

"Huzi!" Several of Huzi's playmates in the crowd looked shocked!
Not only them, but everyone who was watching here was also very surprised. What happened just now?I just felt a gust of wind blowing, and then the tiger was raised by others!That speed is too fast!And Huzi is not weak, he is the king of kids among kids of the same age, so he has a few brushes.

And being able to raise Hu Zi effortlessly, it seems that this kid is even more powerful!
Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Shengsi completely changed, from disdain before to a little shocked now, the change is fast, just in an instant.

However, this is not over yet, when everyone was surprised, Shengsi suddenly squatted down, and said to Huzi condescendingly: "You are called Huzi, right? What? You were a tiger just now? You actually threw stones at us?" ?!"

However, at this time, Huzi was still in a state of confusion. He was caught by Shengsi in an instant just now, and he has not recovered yet, so he just said in a daze to Shengsi's question: "You How did you do that just now?!"

'Snapped! Seeing the dazed tiger, Shengsi slapped him on the face, and then asked again: "Aren't you a tiger just now?! Now continue to be a tiger!"

Shengsi was really angry just now, if it wasn't for him, maybe Ayumi and the others would have been smashed, really thinking about it makes him angry, so at this time Shengsi insisted on slapping the brat a few times to discourage him.

(End of this chapter)

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