Chapter 272
"I'm sure!" While nodding, Shengsi drew a semicircle on the ground with his toes, and then formed a horse stance, giving people a sense of agility and elegance.

Seeing this scene, maybe he was infected by this kind of momentum, Wang Bao suddenly stopped laughing, and turned to look at Shengsi with a serious face, he felt that this kid is not simple, he can do it with just a horse stance If you show your momentum, it might be very powerful.

With this thought in mind, Wang Bao also took off the knife from his waist, put it on the ground, and then made a fighting gesture.

If this feeling is correct, the kid in front of him may be very powerful, so Wang Bao began to take it seriously.

However, Wang Bao would not attack first, because if Shengsi was just an empty frame, he might be injured by him all at once.

In this case, maybe he will get a reputation for bullying children, so he is just defending now, and he will look at the situation after Shengsi attacks.

At this time, in the open space in front of the grandfather's house, Shengsi and Wang Bao stood facing each other. Perhaps because of the subtle changes of the two people in the field, the crowd held their breath and did not dare to speak for fear of disturbing the scene. two of them.

And at the old man's house, Ayumi and the others were also observing Shengsi from the window. Seeing that Shengsi was about to fight with others, Ayumi was not nervous, but rather excited.

"Hit him! Hit him!"

And the others were speechless looking at Ayumi who was so excited. Is it necessary to be so excited?Are we all worried about Seiji?As for you, it seems that you can't wait for Shengsi to fight
Not to mention the situation inside the house, at this time outside the house, after Shengsi and the others confronted each other for a while, they all took two steps forward, it seemed that they were about to fight.

However, the next second, Shengsi stopped his foot suddenly, then raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Wang Bao had been paying attention to Shengsi just now, and now he replied immediately after hearing Shengsi's words.

But the onlookers looked at this scene and thought that Shengsi was cowardly, and they were about to start a fight, but Shengsi said, "Wait a minute", isn't this cowardly, what is it?
With this in mind, they mocked Shengsi one after another.

"Little devil, weren't you very arrogant just now?! Now you know you are afraid?"

"People on the ground, go back, this is not a place for you to run wild!"

"Also challenged all of us, hum!"

However, Shengsi didn't pay attention to the clamor and disdain in the crowd. He smiled and said to Wang Bao: "It would be too boring if the two of us just fight, why don't we add some color."

The person in front of him should be regarded as a prestigious person in the village. If Shengsi asked him to agree to give in to Bumei and the others to visit here, it must be easy to achieve it. If so, when they play in the village, they should will not be hindered.

In fact, Shengsi has no choice but to think of this method. Who told the old man to be drunk now? If there is no middleman to communicate with the people in the village, they will probably encounter a lot of trouble when they play, so he wants to propose this at this time. Require.

"Lottery? What do you want to bet on?" Wang Bao asked in surprise after hearing Shengsi's words.

In his heart, people on earth are cunning, even the children in front of him are no exception!Therefore, he was careful about what Shengsi said.

"It's very simple. If I lose, we will leave here immediately! But if you lose, then the previous request will be..." Shengsi didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was already expressed very clearly.

After hearing Shengsi's words, before Wang Bao said anything, the onlookers had already started talking.

They thought it was Shengsi who was fighting cowardly just now, but they didn't expect Shengsi to say such a thing now.

"This kid looks quite confident. Judging from his performance just now, I guess Wang Bao might not be able to beat him."

"Fart! I know how powerful Wang Bao is. He is so powerful, he probably beat this little brat to the ground in no time!"

In the crowd, because of Shengsi's words, they began to divide into two groups of opinions. What's more, they shouted directly at Wang Bao: "Wang Bao! Promise him, this brat is too arrogant! We must drive him away!" go out!"

Perhaps because of this shout, Wang Bao seemed to have made up his mind.

"Good! Deal!"

Originally, Wang Bao thought that Shengsi would make some other requests, but he didn't expect it to be the few requests he made before. In fact, he was going to agree to Shengsi and the others before. After all, they are just a few children. It doesn't matter, so after hearing Shengsi's words now, he readily agreed.

"Then... come on!" Seeing Wang Bao agree, Shengsi did not hesitate, and directly made a gesture.

Seeing Shengsi's serious look, Wang Bao's expression froze, and he confronted Shengsi again.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers gradually stopped discussing and began to pay attention to the movement in the field.

At the back of the crowd, Huzi and the others were rescued just now, but except for Huzi who could move, the others kept their previous movements and couldn't move at all!
"Father! Help me beat this brat to death! Revenge me!" Rubbing his drowsy head, Hu Zi pushed his way out of the crowd and shouted at Wang Bao.

Hearing this, an inexplicable anger rose in Shengsi's heart, this brat is really hateful!Throwing stones at people just now, and being slapped by myself is over, but now, he even said that he would kill himself, it's so black-hearted!
This kind of person deserves to die!
Thinking of this, Shengsi's eyes immediately looked at Huzi, and then slowly exuded a bit of hostility from his body, as if he would go over and give Huzi a 'click' in the next second.

And Wang Bao may have discovered the transformation of Shengsi's temperament, and he immediately turned around and shouted angrily: "Huzi! Get out of here, you don't have a place to speak here! Isn't it embarrassing enough to be beaten just now? Hurry up!" Lao Tzu go back!"

While speaking, he waved his hands with an eager look on his face.

Just now, from the moment Shengsi's temperament changed, he knew that Shengsi must not be simple!wrong!It's not that it's not easy, it's scary!
This is hostility, it is not as simple as murderous aura, if murderous aura is just an invisible aura that makes you feel scared and want to run away, then hostility is a kind of real energy that makes you so scared that you dare not run away!
This is the hostility that can only be cultivated after killing at least hundreds of people and then having a special method!
He had heard about this kind of breath from the witch in the village a long time ago, and he always thought it was just something in legends.But now!But he saw it with his own eyes in the kid Shengsi!

(End of this chapter)

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