Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 273 Government Order!

Chapter 273 Government Order!

This is really incredible!There is hostility in such a young child. Could it be... did he kill a lot of people?However, this kid has such a kind face, he doesn't look like the kind of heinous person. Could it be that he has misread it?
After Wang Bao finished yelling at Huzi, these thoughts flashed through his mind.

After hearing Wang Bao's words, Huzi was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously planned to refute his father's words, but before he could utter the rebuttal, a feeling that made him tremble from the bottom of his heart came from not far ahead came.

This feeling is very scary, just like when you are watching TV in the middle of the night, the power goes out suddenly, and then the TV emits a faint light, and Sadako crawls out of it, it is very scary!Huzi was so frightened that he couldn't move.

Not only him, but the people around him were also trembling with fear, as if they were being targeted by some kind of beast. This was just the aftermath of the hostility. If they directly felt the hostility, they would be like tigers. In that way, he was so frightened that he seemed to be suffocated, he didn't dare to say a word, and he didn't dare to move!
But Wang Bao looked at Hu Zi motionless, and his heart became even more anxious. He was afraid that what Shengsi would do to his son in the past, so he sternly shouted again: "Hu Zi! What are you still doing here?! Hurry up!" I'm going back!"

As he said that, Wang Bao walked towards Huzi. While walking, he also used his body to block the sight of Shengsi to prevent Shengsi from suddenly attacking.

Seeing that his line of sight was blocked, Shengsi suddenly withdrew from that hostile state for some reason.

After shaking his head, Shengsi gradually came to his senses.

What happened just now? !Why do you get angry so easily? !Although that brat spoke a little poisonously and struck a little harshly, but the crime is not worthy of death!But just now, the idea of ​​killing someone appeared in his heart.

What exactly is going on?Something must have happened just now!
Just as Shengsi was thinking, a voice came from his mind: Something invaded your brain just now, and it was very hidden. If you hadn't woken up just now, we wouldn't have found him!
What? !Something has invaded my brain, and I don't even realize it!This... this is really scary!

While Shengsi was astonished, the voice in his head came again: This thing has been wiped out by us just now. Judging from the breath, this thing is very similar to the thing from that night. I think it should be them!

Shengsi knew that these were the things that brought danger to the light ball in his head last time. When Shengsi came out of the tent, that thing had disappeared, but now, it appeared again. It seems that It should be staring at itself.

And this thing was able to bypass the ball of light in his brain and directly attack him. After being attacked, Shengsi had no way of noticing it. Thinking of this, Shengsi became a little anxious, and he smelled a sense of crisis.

At this moment, Shengsi has already made a decision, that is, to finish what needs to be done immediately, and then leave Yagotai!
After implementing this decision, Seiji planned to quickly end the game.

At this moment when Shengsi was thinking, Wang Bao had already come to Huzi's side, and he said to a strong middle-aged man beside Huzi, "Liu Xian, drag Huzi home!"

This strong man is the one who called Wang Bao to agree to the holy division's appointment. He is Wang Bao's neighbor and knows Wang Bao very well, so he can call him by his first name.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Liu Xian nodded, and then left with a terrified tiger.

Looking at Huzi's terrified eyes, Wang Bao was extremely shocked. At first he thought that Shengsi's hostility was just an illusion, but now, he no longer thinks that way, Huzi's appearance is completely affected by hostility appearance.

The witch in the village said that those who are angry will not leave for three days, they will be in panic, and they will have trouble sleeping and eating!

It means that for a person who is affected by hostility, you will not be able to live a normal life within three days, and you will live in fear all day long!It's scary!Although this feeling may be exaggerated, it also shows the horror of hostility.

As for Huzi's appearance just now, it can be seen that he has been greatly feared, at least he will have a shadow for a long time.

Thinking of this, Wang Bao suppressed the shock in his heart and slowly turned to look at Shengsi.

At this time, Shengsi also just made that decision.

"It was a mistake just now, come on! Let's start now!" Saying that, Shengsi pulled away with a smile on his face.

At this time, Shengsi's idea was that as soon as Wang Bao was ready, he would defeat him with thunder. In this case, he could immediately take Ayumi and the others out to play.

However, what Ling Shengsi didn't expect was that just after Shengsi finished speaking, Wang Bao directly lowered his head, "I admit defeat! I agree to all your requests!"

Eh? !What the hell? !Shengsi looked confused, but this is not over yet,
After Wang Bao finished speaking, he immediately turned around and said: "Tell all the villagers! These people on the ground are unimpeded in the village! This is from Amale Village! The decree of the guards! I will personally tell the witch!"

"What?! Captain Wang! You two didn't even fight, why did you admit defeat?!" As soon as Wang Bao finished speaking, there was a burst of doubt in the crowd.

They were puzzled, why did Wang Bao just admit defeat?

In fact, not only were they puzzled, but Shengsi was also very puzzled at this time. He looked like he was going to teach me a lesson just now, why did he admit defeat now?
"I said it! This is the decree of the guard! I don't want to say it a third time!" To the doubtful crowd, Wang Bao shouted directly with a serious face.

"Yes!" Seeing this scene, everyone closed their mouths, raised their heads, and left to inform the villagers.

In Amale Village, the decree of the guard is equal to the imperial decree!No matter what the decree is, everyone in the village must obey it unconditionally!
Because the guards are directly under the jurisdiction of the witches, and the witches are the most respected people in the village. Before taking office, each witch will swear that she will live and die with the village. Therefore, every government order issued by the witches is for the safety of the village.

Therefore, the people in the village obey the decree unconditionally.

At this time, Wang Bao said it was a government order, so most of the people around here went to spread the news.

After these people left, Wang Bao turned around and looked at Shengsi, "Okay, now you are in the village unimpeded, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After saying that, Wang Bao planned to leave here, and he had to report this matter to the witch, so he left in a hurry!

Besides, Shengsi is a big boss in his heart now, Wang Bao knows his own weight, and he is not enough to look at a big boss with hostility!So he can't wait to get out of here sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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