Chapter 274 Play
"Why?!" Seeing that Wang Bao was about to leave, Shengsi immediately asked.

He is still in a daze now, he doesn't understand at all, didn't he want to fight just now, why did things become like this now?This is really amazing.

Hearing this, Wang Bao was stunned when he first took a step, and he turned around and said with a sneer, "Why? Hehe, don't you know it in your heart?"

Just now Wang Bao's son was punished by Shengsi. It is estimated that it will be at least a few days of foolishness. As for the shadows in his heart in the future, there is no need to say more.

So at this time Wang Bao didn't have a good face towards Shengsi. Although Shengsi was a very powerful person in his heart, the witches in their village were not easy to bully!

With this in mind, Wang Bao left directly after saying this.

Looking at Wang Bao who was walking away, Shengsi blinked his eyes and looked confused. What do you mean you are very clear?It's really inexplicable!
Just when Shengsi was puzzled, the door of the grandfather's house was suddenly opened, and Ayumi and Xiao Ai ran out of the door together.

"Brother Shengsi, why are they all gone?" Because they couldn't hear the voices outside the house very clearly, so watching the people outside gradually leave, Ayumi and the others didn't know the reason at all.

Not only Ayumi and the others don't know the reason, Seiji actually can't figure it out either, so, regarding Ayumi's question, Seiji shrugged and said: "I don't know why, but I know one thing now, that is, we You can play freely here."

"Really? That's really great!" Hearing this, Ayumi jumped up excitedly, and even Mana who was led by her jumped up a few times, and Xiao Ai and Asuka also smiled at the corners of their mouths , looked very happy.

Seeing the excited crowd, Shengsi changed his tone: "However. For some reason, we are going back tomorrow! So, tonight is our last day here."

Because there is an irresistible danger here, Shengsi can't let Aomi and the others take risks. If it weren't for the fact that he still has some important information to understand, Shengsi even planned to leave today.

"Ah?! Why? We finally came here, and this is the first day of playing! Also, Brother Shengsi, didn't you say that you want to finish exploring here?" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi Immediately unhappy.

Not only Ayumi, Xiao Ai and Asuna also looked at Seiji with doubts, hoping to get an explanation.

Shengsi said before that he would finish the expedition here, so everyone was looking forward to this expedition, but at this time, Shengsi said that he would go back, which surprised everyone.

"It is certain that the expedition is over, but it is not now. We came here in a hurry this time, and there are many things that are not ready, so we have to go back first, and we will come in to explore after we are fully prepared. In this case, We can have more fun." For everyone's questions, Seiji did not directly tell the real reason, because if he told the real reason, it would be of no use except to scare Ayumi and the others .

Therefore, Shengsi wisely chose not to say anything, but answered in a tactful way.

When he said this, Shengsi's eyes were extremely firm, sometimes looking at Ayumi and Mana, sometimes looking at Xiaoai and Asuna, which made everyone feel that Shengsi's words were very credible.


"Of course it's true. When we come in next time, we will definitely have more fun! Well, let's hurry up and play now. You can see that Mana is waiting impatiently." Regarding everyone's questions , Seiji directly diverted his attention and changed the topic to Mana.

At this time, following Shengsi's finger, everyone focused on Mana.

And Mana looked at everyone blankly, "Yeah?!."

Seeing this, Shengsi laughed and said: "It's getting late now, let's go quickly and try to finish shopping here in an afternoon."

Saying that, Seiji took Mana from Ayumi's hand, and then took the lead to walk towards the distance. Seeing this, Ayumi and the others behind him had to follow.

Anyway, Shengsi has already made a decision, and they can't change anything, so hurry up and play now!

So, everyone planned to set off to the first place - the big windmill, but just as Shengsi and the others took two steps, there was a shout from behind.

"Hey! On the ground. No, little brother, what happened to these four children? Why are they motionless?!"

This cry was made by the onlookers just now, and they were surrounding the few people whose acupuncture points had been tapped by Shengsi at this moment, helpless.

This is really weird, just being clicked by the man on the ground, and then they can't move, and everyone can't find the reason, it's really weird, so, the helpless people looked at Shengsi and they wanted to Go, call out immediately.

Hearing this, Shengsi shouted without turning his head: "Don't worry, they will be able to move in ten minutes!"

Shengsi just punished these four people a little, so he tapped their acupoints randomly, and they would untie them by themselves in about half an hour.

"But...!" After hearing Shengsi's words, the person who spoke just now wanted to say something.

However, before he could say anything, Shengsi continued to shout: "Don't worry, there will be no after-effects! It's the same with the one who threw the stone before, nothing will happen!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi led everyone away, leaving only the surprised people on the spot.

In this way, Shengsi and the others happily played in this city throughout the afternoon.

First, a group of people went to the windmill in the center of the city under the leadership of Mana.

As Shengsi guessed, this big windmill was used to divert water to irrigate the fields. This big windmill was built on a straight mountain in the center of the city. Just now, Shengsi and the others walked up the mountain road, and it took a lot of effort.

But after arriving on the mountain, no one regretted it, because it was the time when the mountain flowers were in full bloom, and the whole mountain was full of blooming flowers. In this sea of ​​flowers, Ayumi and the others were playing happily.

And this game lasted for more than an hour. After more than an hour, under the urging of Shengsi, everyone left here and rushed to the next location.

The next location is the city's moat. The moat is very long. People are sitting on borrowed boats and playing happily on the river.
Then there are clock towers, forests, farmland, farms and other places. Anyway, in this afternoon, everyone visited many places. After an afternoon of playing, Ayumi and the others were a little tired.

So, in the evening, Shengsi returned to the grandfather's house with the exhausted people.

(End of this chapter)

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