Chapter 275 Giant eyes!

During this afternoon's play time, Shengsi found many traces of Yagotai in this city.

In addition, when walking on the road, he would ask the surrounding villagers about something from time to time. Because of the previous decree, the villagers did not have any embarrassment for Shengsi. Basically, whatever Shengsi asked, they would answer. answered.

In this way, when Shengsi returned to the grandfather's house, he had already integrated the knowledge in his mind.

After integrating this information, Seiji had a general impression of Yagotai at this time.

First of all, Shengsi discovered that the history he learned from these people was very different from what was recorded in the Koizumi family book.

According to the book, Yagotai has a history of 3000 years, but the people here say that it only has a history of 2000 years.

Also, according to the book, hundreds of years ago, when Yagotai’s entrance was opened again, the magic family on the ground invaded it, and more than half of it was invaded within two years, and then because the gate was closed again And had to quit.

But the people here said that this war lasted for more than 200 years. During these 200 years, the people on the ground coveted Yagotai's wisdom and wealth, so they carried out a large-scale invasion. Gevis closed the door.

Of course, this information is not exhaustive, it is just the surface.

For example, how old is Gevis, how many entrances are there, how many races are there, etc., these holy priests don't know, and they need to be discovered and searched one by one by the holy priests.

In addition to this information, Shengsi also knew what the monsters who had taken tomorrow's vegetables were. Those monsters turned out to be a race of Yagotai—the Yi tribe. They hate light and water and are a cursed race.

And they are still part of the rules of this world, so they also hate everything that interacts with the outside world, which is why Asuka was taken away before.

Also, Shengsi also knew the information about the boy Xin from before. Xin is also from a village. The village he belongs to is called Canaan, which is in the southwest of Amale, but the distance is more than 100 kilometers away!
If you just walk, it will take a day or two, and it will take a day to ride a horse!From this, it can be seen how sparsely populated Yagotai is. No wonder he didn't meet anyone after walking for a few days. It turns out that there are so few human beings here.

The above is the information that Shengsi has inquired this afternoon. Although he did not inquire about the news he most wanted, knowing this information is also a great gain for Shengsi.

In this way, Shengsi and the others will be able to find a place quickly when they come in next time. If Shengsi can find a way to maintain his strength here, then it will be more convenient.

During this period of thinking in Shengsi's mind, Shengsi and the others also returned to the grandfather's house.

At the same time, in a relatively luxurious palace in the center of the city, in the hall of the palace.

Wang Bao was kneeling there on one knee, and directly in front of him, on a high platform, was an old woman about five or sixty years old sitting cross-legged there.

At this time, the old woman's eyes were glowing white, and she was probably watching something. After a long time, the old woman's eyes turned back to black, and then she said to Wang Bao, "Just do as I said before, you go down." Bar!"

When the old woman waved her hand, Wang Bao felt a gust of wind blowing, and then stood up unconsciously.

Seeing this, Wang Bao bowed and said in a low voice, "I will obey the witch's order!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Bao turned around and walked outside the palace.

After Wang Bao left, only the old woman was left in the palace. A few seconds later, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the open space of the hall.

In the next second, a huge red eye appeared out of thin air. This eye is very big, about two meters long and one meter wide, about the height of an adult!

If Shengsi was present at this time, he would have noticed at a glance that this eye was exactly the same as the one he saw on that spaceship!
Also, if Shengsi looked more carefully, he would find that the feeling of being watched when they entered Yagotai before came from this giant eye in front of them.

After the giant eye appeared, she first looked around, and then ran directly to the old woman, and the old woman saw the giant eye running towards her, instead of panic and surprise, her face was full of excitement. .


Following the old woman's low shout, the two collided suddenly!
"Shengsi, you are back!" The moment Shengsi and the others opened the door, the old man said.

In fact, he had sobered up more than an hour ago, but when he got up, he found that there was no one at home, so he ran out of the house eagerly, but after asking a few people casually, he realized that the previous saint Division's business.

After knowing that they were going to play, the grandfather waited quietly at home.

No, as soon as Shengsi and the others opened the door, the old man found them.

"En! Grandpa, you're up." Hearing this, Shengsi replied with a smile.

"Yeah! You little guy is very weird, you are not old, and you can drink a lot! You can pour me down, and you are like a normal person, tsk tsk! Amazing!" It was a tone of exclamation. It seems that the shock given to him by Shengsi before was really too great.

"Hehe." Regarding this, Shengsi just smiled and didn't answer.

After a pause, Shengsi continued: "Grandpa, it's very late now, Mana and the others are also tired, why don't we cook together? By the way, can you teach me how to cook the food at noon?"

"Hey, that's cool! Let's go!" Hearing this, the old man released Mana from his arms, and then took Shengsi to the kitchen.

So, Ayumi and the others rested here, while Seiji and the old man went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

An hour later, in the same living room, everyone sat around on the ground again.

On the carpet in front of everyone, there are all kinds of dishes, including Chinese dishes made by Shengsi, and local dishes made by the grandfather, all in all very rich.

When he was in the kitchen just now, Shengsi asked the grandfather a lot of cooking methods and requirements, and Shengsi's understanding of cooking skills and his cooking skills opened his eyes, calling him a "wizard"!
No, the old man was still praising Shengsi during the meal.

"Shengsi, you are amazing. I have never tasted these dishes. It smells so delicious. It must be delicious!" The old man was beaming when he said this, and he was picking up vegetables while talking, with a greedy expression on his face. appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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