Chapter 276 Yadriko
Regarding the old man's praise, he smiled and said, "No, no, the old man's cooking skills are amazing. I have learned a lot from you, which is enough for me to use for the rest of my life."

What Shengsi said is the truth. The grandfather has a lot of unique understandings of ingredients. These are all experiences that Shengsi has never heard of, so Shengsi thinks it is very precious.

"Hehe. Since we are so happy, why don't we have another drink?!" Hearing this, the old man stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face.

He was so happy today that he couldn't help but want to drink again.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, no! Grandpa, I can't drink today. We have to leave here tomorrow, so we have to rest early today, so... I'm sorry."

"Eh?! Shengsi, you guys are going back tomorrow?!" Hearing this, the old man's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yes! Brother Shengsi suddenly said that he wanted to go back, so we will leave tomorrow, but! We will come back again! Do you think so, brother Shengsi?" Looking at the old man's puzzled look, Ayumi immediately replied Said, and at the same time, she stabbed Shengsi next to her.

"Oh? Is it like this? But, Shengsi, didn't you say that you would stay for another day this afternoon? It would be a pity if you left tomorrow. I haven't entertained you well, and the conditions I I didn't do a few, it's true." Hearing this, the old man said with regret, and he didn't know what to say in the end.

"It's okay, we will come again, and when we come back after a while, we will still come to you, and this time will not be too long, we will meet again soon! At that time, we will meet again I'm going to disturb you again," Shengsi explained.

"Yes! Yes! Brother Seiji is right! We will be back soon, and by then, I will take Mana to play every day!" At this time, Ayumi shouted excitedly.

Ayumi's childhood dream was to travel around the world, but now that Seiji and the others came to Yagotai, it was equivalent to coming to another world, so Ayumi paid special attention to the exploration in this world.

"Hey!" After hearing Ayumi's words, Mana clapped her hands happily. It seemed that Ayumi's words made her very happy.

While the few of them were chatting, a small accident happened to Tomorrow's side. Mimi next to Tomorrow's suddenly grinned at a certain place, looking very disturbed.

Seeing this scene, Tomorrow Cai asked with a puzzled look: "Mimi! What's wrong?!"

However, Mimi turned a deaf ear to Tomorrow's cries, it just kept roaring in that direction, appearing extremely irritable.

Maybe it was because Mimi would disturb others eating, Tomorrow Cai hugged the irritable Mimi directly in her arms, and said in a low voice, "Mimi! Don't call!"

"Hiss! Mimi~" being drunk by Tomorrow's Cai, Mimi roared in that direction first, and then became obedient in an instant.

Seeing this, Tomorrow Cai touched Mimi's back, and then planned to continue eating.

But the moment she raised her head, she froze!
At this time, everyone's eyes were on her. Asuka thought her movement was very small, but it was not the case. When Mimi roared, everyone turned their attention, and at the same time, everyone saw the whole thing. go through.

"It's the first time I've seen Yadrico so close to the people on the ground!" Looking at this scene, the old man sighed.

"Yadrico? Do you mean the cat?" Because Asuka always thought that Mimi was a cat, she thought that the cat in Yagotai meant Yadrico.

When he heard this, Shengsi also raised his attention. In fact, he was going to ask others what kind of species Mimi is, but because he has been busy looking for Yagotai's information, and Mimi has been around Asuka, It didn't often appear in Shengsi's field of vision, so he forgot about it for a while.

Now hearing the old man say that Mimi is Yadriko, Shengsi's attention was suddenly raised.

First of all, Mimi is a cat. Shengsi absolutely does not believe this statement. Although the cat runs fast, Shengsi can easily catch up with him, but Mimi makes Shengsi unable to catch up at all.

Moreover, Mimi's recovery ability is terrifying. Last night, Shengsi saw a few claw marks on Mimi's face, but just a few minutes after it was caught, the wound on Mimi's face was intact. , this is really amazing.

Also, Mimi was able to escape the moment Shengsi took it into the dimensional space. This is simply not something that ordinary animals can do, so if Mimi is a cat, Shengsi completely denies it.

"Adrico is not a cat. It is an animal containing the son of God. It grows up with humans until it completes its mission. It will become a part of Kecharte and live here forever!" For Tomorrow The doubts about the dishes, the old man explained with a smile.

"Eh?! An animal that contains the Son of God? Yeah? Is Mimi such a noble animal?" Speaking of Asuka, she lifted Mimi up, looked left and right, with a look of disbelief.

Seeing Tomorrow Cai's expression of disbelief, the old man didn't say much, he put a ball into Mana's bowl and said, "Okay, since you guys want to go back, then finish your meal earlier, Then take a shower and rest."

Seeing this, Shengsi also stopped thinking, and then said: "Well, eat quickly, you are also tired from playing this afternoon, go to bed early after taking a bath, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Ayumi and the others nodded and continued eating.

In this way, everyone quickly finished the meal, and then went to take a bath to prepare for bed.

No one paid attention to why Mimi was yelling in one direction before, even Shengsi didn't think much about it, why, just think that Mimi saw a mouse or something.

Time turned back and came to the moment when Mimi was screaming in one direction. At this moment, everyone's attention was still on Ayumi, but Mimi's eyes pierced through the space, and saw directly the place in the center of the city. in a palace.

In the palace at this time, the old woman was looking at the empty hall calmly, her eyes were closed tightly, but on her forehead, there was a huge red eyed boss covering the entire forehead, and this The direction the only eye is looking at is the northwest, which is where Shengsi and the others are!

After looking at it for a while, the old woman's big eyes suddenly closed, and then disappeared in the next moment. At the same time, the old woman's originally closed eyes opened, and then the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, letting out a wicked moan. laughter.


However, Shengsi and the others knew nothing about all this.

(End of this chapter)

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