Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 278 It's Strange Everywhere!

Chapter 278 It's Strange Everywhere!

This time entering the palace went very smoothly, because Shengsi was not stopped by anyone this time. Of course, no one stopped him, because there was no one guarding the gate of the palace. Shengsi guessed that they should also go to the palace to play. Well, it's a big event after all.

After entering the palace, Shengsi could hear people's joyous laughter more clearly, and as he walked in, the laughter became louder, and from these laughter, Shengsi also heard Ayumi and I mourn their voices.

When he heard Xiao Ai and the others' voices, Shengsi completely relaxed. It seems that Xiao Ai and the others must be inside.

With this thought in mind, Shengsi accelerated forward and finally came to the most important part of the palace.

This is a blood-red door. On this door, a huge red eye is painted. The eye is so big that it directly covers the entire door. Moreover, the eye is painted very realistically, giving people a feeling of being watched. This feeling, this feeling, is just like the feeling of being watched when he entered Yagotai!
And no matter which angle Shengsi looked at him, he would find that this eye was staring at him in the end, which was very weird.

Seeing this, Shengsi gradually stopped running, and finally, three meters before the gate, Shengsi stopped completely.

At this time, the laughter of Ayumi and the others in Shengsi's ears has reached the point where the sound of magic can be heard, and these laughter came from behind the gate in front of him. Magic sound, no matter how stupid Shengsi is, he will understand, this laughter is fake!
How could someone keep laughing all the time, it's been several minutes, it's impossible for Ayumi and the others to laugh for so long, so this place is very weird!And it's weirdly weird!
Thinking of this, Shengsi directly took out a dozen magic beads from the dimensional space, and made a gesture of defense at any time.

However, just after Shengsi made these preparations, the door in front of him slowly opened with a 'creak' sound!
Seeing this, Shengsi directly crushed a defensive magic bead in his hand. At the same time, Shengsi kept shouting to his heart, hoping to get the help of the two light balls in his head.

However, no matter how Shengsi yelled, he couldn't get the slightest response, as if the two balls of light had completely disappeared.

It's weird!Because every time Shengsi encountered danger before, he could get a reminder from the light ball in his head, but now, this place is so weird, and Shengsi can clearly sense a sense of danger, but his brain But the ball of light in it didn't respond!
This is so weird!
Just when Shengsi was puzzled, the door in front of him was completely opened, and with the opening of the door, the laughter that was still lingering in his ears just now stopped abruptly!At this time, the scene inside the door directly caught Shengsi's eyes.

I saw a hall behind the gate. The hall was not crowded with people as Shengsi imagined, nor was it a place for activities, but empty!
right!It was empty, there were no Ayumi and the others, no grandpa and Mana, only four beams and pillars standing in the hall and a high platform.

Eh? !Wait, there seems to be someone on the high platform!Just now, Shengsi's attention was all around the hall, so he didn't notice it, but now he looked up and found this scene.

I saw a person sitting on the high platform with his back facing Shengsi. Judging from her long gray hair, this should be an old woman, and this is the witch temple, so Shengsi guessed that this should be the witch.

Thinking of this, Shengsi slowly approached the high platform with vigilance.

And Shengsi yelled loudly while walking: "Hello? Are you a witch?! Excuse me, what happened to those laughter just now?"

However, Shengsi didn't get any response after shouting. The old woman still turned her back to Shengsi, motionless, as if she didn't hear Shengsi's words at all.

Seeing this, Shengsi gradually quickened his pace, and he was about to take action!

Since the person did not respond after hearing what he said, there are only two possibilities. The first is that the person did not hear what the priest said at all, and the second is that the person heard it but ignored him. In other words, they were waiting for Shengsi.

If it is the first type, then the old woman may have fallen asleep or died, because this place is so empty, it is impossible not to hear Shengsi shouting so loudly.

If you think about it this way, the second possibility is much more likely. If it is the second one, then this old woman's motive is worthy of Shengsi's deep thinking.

So at this time, Shengsi's plan is to directly subdue this old woman, and then ask her some things.

With this thought in mind, Shengsi quickly came under the high platform.

This high platform is not very high, about three meters or more, so Shengsi jumped onto this high platform with a leap of energy, and at the same time, he kept holding a few magic beads tightly in his hand. Crumble all.

These beads are full of his magician-level magic, both defensive and offensive. If they are all crushed, the power of the magic beads will completely destroy the Witch Hall, and the holy priest who is protected by magic will be intact.

This place is really weird, the empty hall, the weird door, the unheard laughter, and the old woman sitting alone on the high platform, all of these make Shengsi feel very uncomfortable, and from this discomfort , he also smelled a hint of danger.

Because of this slight danger, Shengsi has been tense, holding the magic beads in both hands, ready to crush them at all times, and even the question of where Ayumi and the others are, Shengsi has no time to worry about it. In this way, the highly concentrated Shengsi The company jumped onto this high platform.

but!After jumping onto the high platform, Shengsi was stunned!

How did people disappear? ? ? ! ! !kindness? !What about the old woman?Why did it suddenly disappear? !This made Shengsi very puzzled!

Just now, Shengsi has been locking the old woman with his mind, he can be sure!Last moment the old woman was still sitting here, but now!She disappeared!

This... This is really weird!The moment Shengsi came out of the bathroom, there was something weird everywhere, especially now, a living person disappeared out of thin air!
Just when Shengsi was surprised, he felt someone behind him tap his shoulder suddenly.

This shot came so suddenly, Shengsi didn't notice it at all beforehand!His telekinesis was always on, but he didn't notice anyone behind him at all!
And at this moment, he was patted on the shoulder by someone. After being patted, Shengsi immediately turned his head without even thinking about it.

Then he saw a scene that shocked him!
(End of this chapter)

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