Chapter 279 Despair!

Behind Shengsi, in the originally empty hall, there were three people standing, and these three people were very familiar to Shengsi, they were Ayumi, Xiao Ai, and Asuna!

Ayumi and the others were trapped together in a transparent cover, perhaps because they suddenly saw Seiji. At this time, the three people in the cover were constantly beating the cover wall and opening and closing their mouths, as if they wanted to follow Shengsi said something, but because of the cover, Shengsi couldn't hear what they were saying.

And beside the hood, there is an old woman standing, judging from her figure, she should be the one that Shengsi saw on the high platform just now.

And the hand that patted him on the shoulder just now, Shengsi guessed that it should also belong to the old woman. During the time when Shengsi turned around, the old woman was able to run from the high platform to the center of the hall. This speed is terrifying!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi immediately shouted: "Who are you?! Why did you arrest Ayumi and the others?!"

The old woman turned a deaf ear to this, and just stared at Shengsi quietly with a smile on her face.

After Shengsi finished drinking, he immediately ran towards Ayumi and the others, but Shengsi had just run a few steps before he was blocked by an invisible wall!

The wall was invisible and perfectly separated Seiji and Ayumi. Seeing this, Seiji crushed a magic bead in his hand without thinking.

In an instant, a fire dragon flew out of Shengsi's hand, and then blasted towards the invisible barrier, but in the next second, the fire dragon of Shengsi dissipated in the air as if it had encountered water mist.

Seeing this, Shengsi crushed three attack-type magic beads again, but!It doesn't help!These three magics are the same as the fire dragons before, they dissipated out of thin air as soon as they appeared, and they are useless at all!

Just when Shengsi Shengsi was anxiously thinking about how to break the transparent barrier, the old woman waved her hand, and the transparent barrier that locked Ayumi and the others disappeared.

"Brother Shengsi!"



Following three shouts, Ayumi and the others ran straight towards Seiji, but because of the invisible wall, Seiji, Ayumi and the others couldn't get together at all, so they had to talk through the wall.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Shengsi slammed the wall hard and cursed in a low voice.

At this time, Shengsi felt a deep sense of powerlessness!Why? !Why did things become like this? !Wasn't he still taking a good bath just now?Why did it come out like this?

And it's so weird here, the magic will disappear as soon as it is released, and at the same time, there is an old woman who is unpredictable to Shengsi watching, and now that he has lost all magic power, this situation really makes Shengsi feel uncomfortable. do not know what to do with it.

Although Shengsi was upset, he still forced a smile and asked: "Xiao Ai! Why are you here?! Also, where are Mana and Grandpa?!"

At this time, Seiji didn't know why Ayumi and the others were here, so he had to figure out the situation first.

Hearing this, Xiao Ai said confusedly: "I don't know, just now we were playing at the grandfather's house, but then we fell asleep suddenly, and when we woke up, we were locked in that hood. Grandpa, we don't know where they are either."

At this time, Ayumi also added: "Brother Shengsi, when you passed us just now, we kept calling you, but you didn't seem to see us, so you walked straight past, and you didn't see us until just now. us."

After hearing what the two said, Shengsi almost understood the ins and outs of the matter, but it was precisely because he understood what happened that he was even more shocked.

Generally speaking, the old woman directly gave in to the beauty and the others to sleep and took them away from the grandfather's house, and the grandfather and Mana were also wiped out. All these things were carried out under the nose of Shengsi, Shengsi Si didn't know, and the ball of light in his brain didn't notice it, which was really terrifying!

Also, the old woman has a very clever way of blinding her eyes and this invisible wall!
Coupled with the environment where the use of magic is invalid, at this moment, Shengsi even felt a trace of despair!
However, just as Shengsi was thinking about countermeasures, the old woman suddenly walked towards the crowd.

Seeing this, Ayumi and the others shouted: "Go away! Don't come over!"

While talking, they retreated towards the corner, and Shengsi was also very anxious when seeing this scene, and shouted: "What are you going to do?! Come at me if you have the ability!"

Saying that, Shengsi took out a large number of magic beads from the dimensional space, crushed them like no money, and threw them towards the wall.

What fire dragon, lightning, ice elephant, etc., all kinds of magic rushed towards the wall, but these magics were useless!Every magic of the holy division can't last long outside, and it can't exert its due power at all.

At this time, the old woman had already cornered Ayumi and the others.

In the next moment, a terrifying scene happened. A huge eye suddenly opened on the old woman's forehead. This eye was so huge that it directly occupied the entire forehead of the old woman.

After opening this eye, he has been staring at Shengsi closely, seeming to be sizing up, disdainful, uneasy, frightened, and happy. In short, all the emotions that eyes can have can be found in this eye, which is really weird Plus horror.

As for Ayumi and the others, they were too scared to move when they saw this terrifying scene, and they couldn't even speak.

The next second, the eyes on the old woman's forehead blinked, and then she opened her mouth and laughed loudly. This laughter was like a bug that penetrated all holes, raging in Shengsi's mind, The rushing caused Shengsi to suffer and become exhausted.

"Ah!~" Because this kind of pain is unbearable at all!Shengsi cried out in pain.

However, this is nothing, seeing Shengsi yelling, the old woman laughed even louder, and her mouth was infinitely wide open as she laughed, as if she could swallow Ayumi and the others directly in the next second Same!
However, this is not as if, but the fact!I saw that the old woman's mouth became bigger and bigger as her laughter grew louder. When she was about to touch Ayumi and the others, her mouth turned into a huge hole strangely. It's big, big enough to swallow Ayumi and the others in one gulp.

And because of the headache at this time, Shengsi had no strength or ability to stop anything, so Shengsi watched Ayumi and the others being swallowed up by this bloody mouth.

"Ah!~" With Shengsi's desperate cry, the old woman had already swallowed Ayumi and the others.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi really regretted it!What Yagota is coming!Even Ayumi and the others can't protect you, Seiji, you are such a waste!
(End of this chapter)

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