Chapter 280 Dark Space
At this time, the weird old woman had already swallowed Ayumi and the others, and after swallowing Ayumi and the others, the old woman's laughter became louder and more insane.

This terrifying laughter raged wildly in Shengsi's mind, like hundreds of worms shuttled through Shengsi's mind. This kind of extreme pain made Shengsi so headache that he couldn't even open the dimension space, let alone Use the magic.

At this time, Shengsi was almost desperate, he had lost the power to fight back, and had to be slaughtered. At this last moment, Shengsi was extremely puzzled.

That is, why did the two beads in his brain not respond? They have reached this point. Aren't they afraid that after they die, they will also die because they lose their host? !
When those two beads entered Shengsi's mind, Shengsi knew that their lives depended on each other from now on, but now, what's going on? !No matter how Shengsi yelled, there was no response at all.

However, there was no time for Shengsi to think about it.

Slowly, under the influence of the old woman's laughter, Shengsi gradually became blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears.

After a few seconds, Shengsi's eyes blurred for a while, and finally turned into boundless darkness, and all the sounds heard in his ears gradually faded away, and finally nothing was heard.

Moreover, Shengsi also felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, as if he would sink into the ground at any time. Also, the boundless pain in his head just now disappeared suddenly. At this moment, Shengsi seemed to have shut down all five senses .

At this time, Shengsi is invisible, soundless, smellless, tasteless and touchless, just like a living dead!

Sudden!Shengsi 'heard' the sound of glass breaking, and in the next second, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness!
The weightlessness came very suddenly and violently, causing Shengsi to start falling!And it's still that kind of rapid fall!

This is a boundless dark world, and Shengsi is falling in this boundless darkness!

At this time, in this boundless darkness, time has no concept, space has no meaning of existence, and even Shengsi can't sense his own existence.

At first, Seiji was still wondering why he appeared here, and at the same time, he was still thinking about Ayumi and the others, but after a while, no!Maybe it's the next second, or the next moment, anyway, in this place where there is no concept of time, Shengsi, who was still thinking about things just now, has disappeared in the next moment.

The Shengsi who reappeared was an incorporeal body that didn't even know what thinking was, and there was no definition in his mind. He lost his memory, emotion, purpose... and even his thoughts.

Shengsi is like a piece of white paper, with his pair of 'eyes', looking at the boundless darkness, watching himself falling endlessly in this darkness!

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, Shengsi has been falling, suddenly!During that thought, Shengsi had a strange 'feeling', yes!That's right, it's the feeling!
It feels like this word suddenly appeared in Shengsi's mind for some reason. Wait! What does the word 'in the mind' mean and what does the word 'mean' mean.? ?
There are also Japan's Miyamizu Yexianghua National Rice Flower Town. Conan Rice Flower Elementary School Ayumie Furuta. Base and so on!

In this moment, like dominoes, because the word feels!So many words appeared in Shengsi's mind in an instant, and with the appearance of these words, the memory fragments corresponding to those words also emerged one by one, this moment!Seiji's memories all returned.

Everyone came to Xiaobuchi Village with Dr. Ye Zi, and then entered Yagotai together. A few days later, they met the grandfather, and then Ayumi and the others were arrested. Finally, Ayumi, Xiaoai and Asuka were arrested in front of Shengsi. A monster was eaten!
finally!I fell into a hole, this hole is very deep, I have been falling, and I haven't stopped until now!

All of this, at this moment, Shengsi remembered everything!
but!For these memories, Shengsi would rather not remember them!Then I drifted forever in this endless darkness alone.

Because, as long as Shengsi thinks of Ayumi and the others being eaten by that old woman, Shengsi will regret it very much, how come? !How can this happen? !
Mingming and Ayumi have agreed to leave tomorrow!Their happy look at that time is still lingering in Shengsi's mind, and the next second, the despairing eyes when they were eaten appeared in Shengsi's mind!

How helpless, how much Shengsi regretted it!
Ayumi and the others were eaten, and he, heh, probably was also eaten, and now, it must be his own soul.

Alas. Huh? !etc!
After sighing silently, Shengsi suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked one thing. Didn't he lose his mind when he was wandering in the darkness?However, Shengsi was awakened by a feeling.

And that feeling is a 'familiar' feeling.

This familiarity did not refer to anything else, but to this dark space. This boundless dark space made Shengsi feel familiar.

But isn't this the place where people stay after death?How could it make Shengsi feel familiar?
But hey!Wait a moment!If this dark space is the place where people stay after death, then Shengsi should really have a familiar feeling!

Because when Shengsi died in the previous life, his soul entered a boundless dark space. In that space, Shengsi drifted aimlessly, and finally came out of a white light spot, and then was born into this world .

And now, it's this dark space again, but I'm not floating, but down? !Eh? ? ! !Eh? ? ? ! ! !

When Shengsi just thought that he was falling, he miraculously discovered that the sense of weightlessness that had already made Shengsi numb had faded away at some time, and now Shengsi's feeling is just floating.

This is exactly the same as the rebirth experience in his previous life. Could it be that he is going to time travel again? !

Just when this idea appeared in Shengsi's mind, a small white spot of light appeared not far from his eyes. This spot of light appeared very suddenly, as if it appeared there out of thin air, without any warning at all.

And this spot of light is the same as Shengsi's impression, it's so small and so bright!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi immediately floated over there without thinking.

At this time, Shengsi's mood was extremely complicated, did he really want to time travel?Will he go to a strange world again?Or go back to the world of Conan?Or even return to the earth in his previous life?
(End of this chapter)

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