Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 281 Go to the past!

Chapter 281 Return to the past!

even!St. Stephen had an idea that he had been dreaming all the time. Everything in Conan's world was just a dream, and when he passed through this light spot, he would return to the earth and return to that building. In a villa full of PM2.5-X3!

Holding this strange idea, Shengsi has already come to the side of this light spot, but at this time, the light spot can no longer be called a light spot, but should be called a light ball, because it looks like a light from a distance. point, but at a close look, it is a ball of light twice as big as Shengsi!

At this time, Shengsi could touch this ball of light as long as he stretched out his hand, and he could even jump into this ball of light as long as he exerted a little force.

However, he dared not, nor did he want to!

The last time Shengsi entered the ball of light was because he didn't know what it was, and he didn't know how long he had been wandering in the dark environment. The moment he saw this light spot, he instinctively went in, but now, Shengsi clearly knows what this is, this is a road leading to another world, so Shengsi has a lot of worries.

Shengsi didn't dare to go in because he didn't know what was going on behind the ball of light, so he didn't dare.

And the reason why he didn't want to go in was because in Conan's world, there were too many things that Seiji was nostalgic for and couldn't let go of, such as father, mother, Xiaoxi, Conan and well as Ayumi and Xiao who had already been eaten. Alas, these and all of these are the reasons why Shengsi dare not take a step.

However, when Shengsi recalled the past, something unexpected happened to Shengsi.

I saw that spot of light seemed to be watching Shengsi for a long time and refused to take a step, so it emitted a radiant light, and then this light instantly enveloped Shengsi.

So Shengsi 'actively' entered this ball of light.

The next second, with a flash of white light, Shengsi appeared in an exotic house, and this house, even if Shengsi was killed, he would never forget it!This is grandpa's house!

And Shengsi is holding a bucket of water in his hand at this time, he is going to pour the water into the kitchen water pot, and then boil hot water to prepare himself to take a bath, because Ayumi and the others have finished washing the hot water before, so Shengsi To take a shower, you have to boil water yourself.

And all of this happened before Shengsi took a bath?

Does this mean that Seiji returned to before he took a bath, and at this time, Ayumi and the others were not captured, let alone eaten by that monster!Could it be that everything just now was fake?
"Brother Shengsi? Why are you still here in a daze? Hurry up and boil water for a bath, we have to leave early tomorrow!" Just when Shengsi was puzzled, there was a crisp voice behind him.

At this time, Ayumi was about to take Mana to play with Xiao Ai, but she just walked into the corridor and found Shengsi standing there with a bucket, so she asked a question with a puzzled face.

After hearing this sentence, a message appeared in Seiji's heart: This is Ayumi's voice!That's right!Absolutely!
This sentence used to sound very ordinary, but now it sounds like a fairy to Shengsi's ears!This... this is incredible!
Shengsi regretted it before, but he didn't expect to give him such a surprise now!

Hearing this, Seiji immediately dropped the bucket and turned around, and saw Ayumi and Mana.

"Ayumi!" Shouted excitedly, Seiji ran straight to Ayumi, and hugged her!
At this time, Shengsi was really excited. He still clearly remembers the desperate eyes of Ayumi and the others. At this time, although Shengsi guessed in his heart that he went back to the past, these things did not happen, but until Shengsi saw After seeing the real Ayumi, he was relieved.

Just when Shengsi was excited, a weak voice came from his mind: Shengsi!Get out of here, out of Yagotai!The things you experienced just now are not fake, they are all real, and you!In fact, you have already died once, but because we noticed it early, we have been using the power of time and space to influence this city when you just came out of the bathroom, until you died, we used a lot of power of time and space to kill you Rescue back to the present.

And that old woman you met is very cunning, she doesn't have much power, she just used Ayumi and the others to lead you into that palace, and that palace is full of magic circles, so you don't have any power there. It can't exert its strength, but it can exert super strength!

Even though its strength outside is not strong, you must not underestimate it. Although it can't exert much power outside, I haven't figured out its origin until now, but I know one thing, in Yagotai, It is very strong, still the kind of strength beyond imagination, but it should be avoiding or fearing something, so it dare not display its true strength.

It is also because of this that I was able to save you from it, and now I have lost a lot of energy because of saving you. If I don't recover quickly, something will happen to the incident in half a month!

So, Seiji, take Ayumi and the others to leave Yagotai now, and after you leave Yagotai, you have to hurry to Shishou and let me absorb the power of that barrier!Well, I'm done talking, and I'm about to fall into a deep sleep!You take care!
Listening to the words in his head, Shengsi couldn't calm down for a long time, it turned out that everything was true!And have you and Ayumi died once?
Shengsi, who was concerned about these issues, didn't pay attention to the words 'what happened in half a month'.

Just when Shengsi was thinking about this, the voice in his head sounded again: That's right!I put a white bead in your dimension, you must crush it when you get out of that well!
After speaking, the voice in his head was completely silent.

The bead. I will definitely crush it. After hearing this sentence, Shengsi immediately saw the white bead in his dimensional space.

"Brother Shengsi? You hug me." Just when Shengsi was thinking about something, Ayumi said painfully.

Just now, because of the words in his head, his hands tightened unconsciously, and he was holding Ayumi in his hands, so Seiji hugged Ayumi in pain.

"Oh! I'm sorry Ayumi! Hurry up! Go tell Xiao Ai and Asuka, we're leaving now!" Hearing this, Seiji apologized first, and then said with a serious face.

"Eh? Brother Shengsi, are we leaving tonight? Why?" After hearing what Shengsi said, Ayumi asked with a puzzled expression.

She always felt that the current Shengsi was a little weird, which made her feel a little flustered.

"Why? Brother Seiji?" After hearing Shengsi's words, Mana raised a small face and asked in doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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