Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 282 The Hope of the Mage

Chapter 282 The Hope of the Mage
Regarding Mana's question, Shengsi squeezed her small face and said with a smile: "Because Brother Shengsi has something to do at home, so I have to go back, but! Brother Shengsi will definitely come back to see you in the future! After Brother Shengsi leaves During this period of time, Mana must listen to Grandpa and try to talk more!"

Saying that, Seiji handed Mana a lollipop.

"En! I will study hard!" Hearing this, Mana took the lollipop and nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Seiji patted her on the head and looked at Ayumi: "I'll talk about this reason later, you go and ask them to get ready, we'll leave right away!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi walked into the house, because Shengsi did not know how many magic beads were lost in that time and space before, but he did not lose them in this time and space, so at this time he needs to count and count the magic beads in the dimension space. s things.

Seeing this, Ayumi didn't ask any more questions, but took Mana to call Xiao Ai and Asuka, she knew that once Seiji got serious, something must happen.

After more than a minute, the old man and Mana stood in the living room, while Shengsi and the others stood at the door together, looking like they were about to leave.

"Shengsi, do you have to leave now?" Seeing that Shengsi and the others were about to leave, the old man hugged Mana and said regretfully.

He was puzzled, he had clearly promised to leave tomorrow, why did he suddenly have to leave tonight, and the reason was something at home.

This reason is too far-fetched, how did Shengsi know that something happened to his family?Is he clairvoyant?Or is it downwind?Otherwise, how did Shengsi know that something happened to his family?
But these two points are a bit far-fetched, so the grandfather guessed that Shengsi must have something urgent, but it is inconvenient to tell them, so he just found an excuse to talk about it.

"En! We have to go now. I'm really sorry that we didn't fulfill the agreement, but! We will come back again! And it won't be too long!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded and said.

When he said this, Shengsi's eyes were shining with coldness, and his face was calm.

Just now, the ball of light in his head told him that what he saw before was true!So, both he and Ayumi have already died once, that is to say!Now Shengsi has a revenge target!
That's that old woman and the power behind her!

Although the ball of light told him that the old woman was very powerful, Shengsi was not worried at all, because he had already touched the power of a mage!

When he fell in that dark space just now, Shengsi lost his five senses and was in a state of nothingness. At that time, he couldn't sense his own existence. It was precisely because of this that he felt a lot of things that he feels now. less than something.

Looking back now, Shengsi realized that this is the power of a mage!
According to the book, a magician is one who fuses with the ubiquitous magic elements to achieve the state where I am in you and you are in me.

The biggest difference between a great magician and a wizard is that one uses magic, while the other directly controls magic!
Using magic is to use one's own elemental magic power to resonate with the magic elements in nature and then release magic, while controlling magic is to directly call the magic in nature, the two are completely different!

This is the sign of the wizard!For example, William Yax, who was killed by the saint at the Magician Conference last time, is a water magician who can directly turn into a water element!
However, unlike these mages, Saint Star has not only one element, but all the elements!

The average magician is proficient in only one magic system, and even a powerful one like William Smith is proficient in more than two elements!
But Shengsi is different, he is a freak!He can master all elements!Remember the magic element cyclone caused by the senior magician at home last time when Shengsi broke through?

At that time, the saint could directly absorb all the magic elements in nature!right!That's all!
Ordinary magicians can only absorb magic elements that are compatible with themselves. For example, Xiao Xi, she is a fire magician. When she usually meditates, what she absorbs is only the fire elements floating in the air. Unlike Shengsi, he is Comers are not rejected, all elements are sucked into the body.

It is also for this reason that when Shengsi was meditating at home at the beginning, Xiao Xi would come over and tell him that she could not absorb magic elements. There are many magic books, so I know the reason.

Since then, Seiji has rarely meditated at home.

Of course, these are digressions. What I want to say now is that because Shengsi is proficient in all elements, he has never been able to find the feeling of affinity and harmony between the elements mentioned in the book.

The book says that if you want to become a magician, you need to be very close to the element you are familiar with, and you must also have a strong sense of resonance. In this way, when you reach a certain stage, when you use the element, you will find , They are very obedient, unusually obedient, making you feel comfortable to use.

At this time, your elemental affinity has almost reached above 50.00%.

Now, you just need to continue to communicate closely with the elements. After a period of running-in, the affinity between you and the elements will reach the limit of a great magician-90.00% nine!
And at this time, the most important stage has come - Heart Blending.

This is a checkpoint, if you touch it, then you are a powerful wizard!And if you still can't find the feeling of heart fusion, then congratulations, you will always be wasted in the realm of the great magician, and eventually die of old age!

In the magic world, there are at least a thousand great magicians, but there are only five wizards, and one of them was killed by a holy priest. From this, we can see how difficult the heart fusion stage is. !
However, no matter how difficult this stage is, it has nothing to do with Shengsi!
Because, Shengsi found that the relationship between him and the elements is a bit weird. According to the book, the great magician should only be able to use magic, not control magic, but Shengsi found out!But he can control magic, and he is still the kind who can use his fingers!

However, the book says that if you can control magic, then you are a wizard, but!Shengsi found that he could not be elemental at all, and his magic was not as powerful as a mage.

In general, Shengsi is like a weakened version of a mage!Although he has the ability to control magic like a wizard, except for this, he is at the level of a great magician.

Therefore, Shengsi has been wondering how he can become a real magician.

(End of this chapter)

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