Chapter 283 Leave
But now, because Shengsi has been wandering in that dark space for a long time, he has now figured it out. It turns out that Shengsi has actually reached the peak of a great magician, and he is only a short step away from entering the realm of a wizard .

And the reason why Shengsi is friendly to all magic elements is because of the power in his mind.

Because Shengsi's mind power is a kind of non-attribute power, it can be perfectly integrated with all elements, and can be converted in any elemental state, which is the direct reason why Shengsi can cast any elemental magic.

Also, because of this characteristic, Shengsi can directly use the power of thought to release magic, which also creates the illusion that Shengsi's "magic power" is endless, and because Shengsi's control of the power of thought is already like a finger, In this way, it also created the illusion that Shengsi can control all elements.

But now, Shengsi has figured out his situation, and he has also found a way to advance to the mage in the dark space.

That is to directly transform yourself into mind power!
Nianli, it is a kind of non-attribute-element, because of the word "element", so there is the possibility of being elementalized, and for Nianli, Shengsi is not too familiar with it. It can be said that Shengsi has already It has reached a fusion of mind and mind.

And because this source of thought power is in Shengsi's mind, it can generate thought power anytime and anywhere. In this way, Shengsi and thought power have even surpassed Heart Fusion!

In the past, Shengsi didn't know the way, so he didn't advance to the rank of mage, but now, as long as Shengsi can return to the earth world, when his mind power recovers, then he can directly become a mage!

And this mage is the most unique one in the history of the magic world, because no one in the magic world has ever had a non-attribute magic element, and even the most special magician has never had such a situation as a saint.

Shengsi is really unique, so no one knows what will happen to Shengsi after he is promoted to a mage, including Shengsi himself!

However, the fact that the holy priest will become stronger is beyond doubt, and the stronger holy priest will have the confidence to take revenge. In this case, as long as he finds a way to preserve his strength in Yagotai, he can run away. It's time for revenge!

At this time, Shengsi's task is to get out of here as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Shengsi continued: "Grandpa, you don't need to send it off, go to bed quickly, we will leave soon."

"Hey! Okay, then we won't give it away, I wish you all the best!" Hearing this, the old man waved his hands.

He knew that Shengsi must have something to hide from them, but don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked. He still knew this, so the old man cooperated with Shengsi very much and didn't ask too much.

"Goodbye." Mana also waved her hand.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others waved their hands together and said, "Mana, Grandpa, goodbye!"

After speaking, under the leadership of Shengsi, everyone walked towards the door.Because of what Shengsi said before, the grandfather and the others did not send Shengsi away.

Three minutes later, Shengsi and the others walked out from the west gate of the city.

"Brother Shengsi, can you talk now?" Ayumi asked hastily as soon as she left the west gate.

Just now, when he just left the grandfather's house, Shengsi said not to talk before leaving the city, no, just after leaving the city gate, Ayumi couldn't help talking.

Hearing this, Shengsi silently nodded, "Now you can talk."

After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi was about to say something, but before she could say anything, Xiao Ai spoke up: "Shengsi, why wasn't there any light in those houses outside just now?"

Xiao Ai is actually confused until now, she can't figure out why Shengsi left tonight, but she knows that Shengsi will definitely make the right choice, so Xiao Ai just needs to follow Shengsi closely .

However, she just discovered a problem on the way out of the city. Why are there no lights in the houses in the city?It's only about eight o'clock now, the grandfather's house is still bright, but why is it dark in other people's houses, are they all asleep?
Xiao Ai was very puzzled by this.

As for Xiao Ai's problem, Shengsi also discovered it, and not only that, Shengsi also noticed a detail, that is, the palace in the center of the city was not illuminated at this time, and it was pitch black.

That is to say, the old woman hasn't started to act yet. If she hasn't started to act yet, why are there no lights in these houses?
Shengsi always thought that those people in the city should also be arrested, but now it seems that this is not what Shengsi thought. It seems that the people in the city should have disappeared for other reasons.

Thinking of this, Shengsi said to Xiao Ai: "It's nothing, they are probably all asleep, we don't care, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Saying that, Shengsi took out a yellow bead from the dimensional space and crushed it.

This bead is a summoning magic, used to summon alien creatures, and the bead in Shengsi's hand seals a magic that summons a big eagle.

And summoning magic is probably the only magic that can be used normally in Yagotai, because the summoned things don't need magic power to continue to maintain, so they are not afraid that they will disappear.

As for why Shengsi did not use this magic before, it was because he had no need to use it. When he first entered Yagotai, because he did not know the danger here and was attracted by the scenery along the way, Shengsi was useless at all. this magic.

And after that, there is no need for this kind of magic anymore.But now, Shengsi needs to take this big eagle to leave Yagotai!
I saw that after Shengsi crushed the beads, a six-star magic circle appeared directly on the ground in the next second, and after a while, a white light flashed, and a vulture about the size of an elephant appeared on the spot .

As soon as it appeared, the big eagle squatted down, looking cute.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately said to the crowd: "Everyone, hurry up, and we'll talk about it on the way if we have anything to do."

Hearing this, Ayumi and the others didn't say much, but got on the carved back under the leadership of Shengsi.

"Let's go!" Shengsi slapped the back of the carving and shouted when everyone was on the back of the carving.

In the next second, with a loud and clear cry, the big eagle spread its wings and flew towards the way it came from!

The speed of the eagle was extremely fast. After a few seconds, several people rose into the sky. Looking at the gradually shrinking Amale Village, Shengsi felt relieved.

It seems that there should be no danger now, because the ball of light in Shengsi's mind said that the thing was only in the city, and now they have left the city, so it should be no big deal.

Thinking of this, Seiji planned to turn around and tell Ayumi and the others why they had to go back.

However, in the next second, Shengsi saw a different scene in the west of the city
(End of this chapter)

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