Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 28 The Police Uncle's Praise

Chapter 28 The Police Uncle's Praise

While Seiji and Ayumi were talking, the three of Conan had finished checking and walked over.

After Conan and his group approached, Seiji found that Conan was holding a bunch of bullets and two military daggers. personal weapon.

"Let's go to the police. These three people are the fugitive accomplices of the Italian bandit group reported in the news. These gold coins are also dirty and should be handed over to the police!" Conan walked over and said to Shengsi, he wanted to ask Shengsi It depends on what Shengsi wants to do with them, and he found out that the three men in black are not members of the organization at all.

"So it's not a treasure, so my wish to travel around the world will come to naught." Ayumi looked disappointed in Seiji's arms.

"Then my wish is in vain"

"Ah! My eel rice!"

Seeing these three live treasures, Conan rolled his eyes, "Really, you three, look at Shengsi, how happy you are after doing something good." Looking at Shengsi's smiling face, Conan thought that Shengsi agreed with him And laughing, it seems that Shengsi is a good boy!have a future!
In fact, Seiji smiled because he was very happy with Ayumi. He didn't expect to be misunderstood by Conan, but after thinking about it, these gold coins are dispensable to him, because Seiji planned to take them at the beginning. These gold coins were exchanged for money, but now that money is just a number to him, he can deal with it as Conan does.

"It's okay, I'll take you on a round-the-world trip during the holidays!" Shengsi said with a smile looking at the disappointed crowd.

"Brother Shengsi, is it true? Can I really travel around the world?" Ayumi still had a look of disbelief on her face.

Seiji patted Ayumi's head lovingly, "Of course it's true, I will take you with me, brother Seiji never breaks his promise~"

"Oh yeah ~ travel around the world, it's exciting to think about it!" Mitsuhiko and Yuanta hugged each other excitedly, cheering endlessly.

And Conan suddenly asked as if remembering something: "By the way, Shengsi, how did you pull the rope just now?"

"That's right! That's right! Shengsi, you are just amazing! How did you do it?" Yuantai also asked in confusion, and then seemed to think of something, "Oh ~ because you are a demon, Shengsi"

"Yuantai, you have unfinished food this afternoon!" Seeing that Yuantai's big mouth was about to reveal his secret, Shengsi hurriedly found an excuse to cover his mouth. Ayumi, now telling Yuantai this secret, he still can't control his mouth, he is really tired.

Although Genta didn't finish speaking, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked suddenly enlightened, "I see!"

Conan looked at a few people as if they knew it, which made him confused, "What? Why do you all know it?"

Shengsi whispered something in Yuantai's ear, then turned around and said to Conan with a smile: "It's actually very simple! Because a piece of the rope was about to break, so I just pulled the rope and it broke! Look over there!" He said and pointed to the rope.

Conan looked over there, found the broken rope, and went over to check it.

When Conan walked over to check, Seiji quickly blinked at Ayumi and Mitsuhiko, indicating to follow his words, they nodded to show that they understood, after all, they have been classmates for a few weeks, and they are tired of being together every day , this tacit understanding is still there.

And Conan, who went over to check the rope, found that a section of the rope was about to break as he told Shengsi, because there were obvious marks on it, most of which were marks that had been torn off a long time ago, and they were all old. A small half is the trace of just torn off, it is still white, very fresh.

This rope is not the hands and feet of Shengsi, this rope has always been like this, no wonder the four children in the original book can break such a thick hemp rope, presumably because of this reason!

After checking the rope, Conan still turned to Shengsi with a puzzled look on his face and said, "The four of us pulled this rope together and it didn't break. Why did you break it by yourself?" , why Seiji seems to pull it off easily, which makes Conan very puzzled.

"It should be because you have already torn it off a little bit, but I happen to be very strong, so I tore it off all at once!" In order to show his strength, Shengsi hugged Yuantai by the waist with one hand.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. Although Seiji helped Ayumi take a lot of things in the afternoon, it gave people a feeling of strength, but now he can hold Genta, a heavyweight with only one hand, to let them know that Seiji How much strength is there!
Conan nodded secretly, Shengsi's strength is enough to break the rope that is about to break, it seems that Shengsi should not have lied, but just now when Yuan Taiyi said something about the devil, everyone seemed to be suddenly enlightened, why is that? ?

"Yuantai, what did you say it was because of the devil?" Conan asked Yuantai, he wanted to know the answer.

Yuan Tai, who had been vaccinated by Shengsi a long time ago, said naively: "Because the three men in black are monsters, and Shengsi is possessed by Masked Superman, so we can defeat them! "

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko nodded again and again, "Yes! Yes! That's how it is."

Shengsi also nodded, and said seriously: "Because of Masked Superman's possession, I am very powerful!"

Conan's mouth twitched when he heard everyone's answer: "Okay, let's go to the police quickly, it won't be good when the three men in black wake up, although I took their weapons, we should hurry up It’s better to call the police.” It seems that they are really a group of children, how naive!Did Shengsi tell Xiaolan about his identity?At this moment, Conan already doubted whether Shengsi told Xiaolan about his identity, but if it wasn't Shengsi, who would it be?
"Okay! Let's go to the police!" Everyone replied loudly.

Conan came back to his senses, he didn't think about it for now, he should call the police first, "Well, let's go."

Now things are easy, because the place is very desolate and there is no police station nearby, so Conan first called the police, the police thought it was a child's prank when they heard the voice of a child, and ignored him at all.

Reluctantly, after running for more than ten minutes, they came to the nearby police station. Conan handed the weapon to the police uncle. When the police uncle saw the real gun and the military dagger, he knew that this was not a child's prank at all, and immediately dispatched the police force to follow them. Go to the top of the building, capture the three men in black in one fell swoop, and confiscate the gold coins by the way.

In the end, the police uncle gave verbal praise to everyone and awarded everyone a big red flower!And personally sent everyone to Xiaolan's house.

Amidst the surprised expressions of Uncle Maori and Sister Xiaolan, the police uncle happily told how Shengsi and the others defeated the evil gangsters.

Shengsi and Conan rolled their eyes, how could it be that exaggerated?But Ayumi and the others listened with gusto and applauded when they heard the highlights. It seems that they listened to it as a story.

After praising Shengsi and the others again, the police uncles left Xiaolan's house amidst Uncle Maori's smile.

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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