Chapter 29 Confession
After the police uncles left, Xiao Lan looked at the crowd angrily and said, "Conan, what's going on?!"

Seeing Xiaolan like this, Shengsi immediately covered his forehead with one hand, it was really troublesome, no wonder Conan knew it right away, it turns out that Xiaolan treats Conan just like Shinichi now.

Conan also rolled his eyes, it seems that he will have a good talk with Xiaolan tonight, but now he has to put on a show in front of Uncle Mao Li, "Sister Xiaolan, it's like this, after we parted from you, we went to hunt for treasure, and then... The latter is almost the same as what the police uncles said."

A few minutes later, Conan explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly. While talking, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko would add some irrelevant things from time to time, such as 'I ate two big bowls of eel rice', ' I bought three teddy bears' and so on.

Xiaolan listened to these words at first, but chose to ignore the rest.

After hearing this, Xiaolan immediately hugged Shengsi, "Wow, Shengsi is really amazing! He defeated the bad guys in one fell swoop and saved everyone."

"I also pulled the rope with all my strength!" Yuan Tai shouted quickly, and made movements of pulling the rope.

"Me too!" Mitsuhiko also interjected.

"Brother Shengsi is the best, right! Brother Shengsi, buy me maltose!" Ayumi first praised Shengsi, and then remembered something and said excitedly.

Uncle Mao Li was stunned when he heard everyone's "legendary experience" just now, because they kept talking, so he couldn't get in a word. Now he heard Ayumi said that he would eat candy at night and quickly educated him, "Kids eat candy at night It will cause tooth decay!"

"Ah?! Then I won't eat." Ayumi looked terrified.

Uncle Mori laughed shamelessly at Ayumi's frightened look.

"Really, Dad, I know how to scare children." Xiaolan said dissatisfied.

"That's right! That's right! Uncle Mori is a bad guy!" Seiji also helped and said, bullying my Ayumi is not as good as beating you.

After everyone continued talking for a while, Xiaolan proposed to send them home, because it was already late, it was past eight o'clock, and she had to go back to school tomorrow.

Conan offered to take them home with him, but Xiaolan agreed after thinking about it for a while.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched again when he saw Xiaolan like this, it was so obvious, if it was Xiaolan before, he would have refused Conan because it was too late for the child to go to bed, now alas.

on the way home.

Seiji was very unhappy because Ayumi didn't kiss him, sure enough, all fairy tales are deceptive
At Shengsi's own request, he was the last one to be sent home, just kidding, how can I feel at ease if I don't personally watch Ayumi go home.

After sending off the Queen Mother, only Shengsi was not sent home. Conan, Xiaolan, and Shengsi walked towards Shengsi's home.

Walking on this deserted street, the three of them did not speak at the same time. The evening wind blew from time to time, making them very comfortable and quiet.

Suddenly, Conan stopped and said, "Lan, Shengsi told you, right?!" Although it was a question, his tone was full of affirmation.

Xiaolan was holding Conan with her left hand and Seiji with her right hand. She didn't know what was going on in her mind. She was taken aback by Conan's sudden question. It seemed that she had been discovered.

That's right, I deliberately treated Conan like Shinichi, didn't I just want him to know that I had discovered that he was Shinichi?I told Shengsi not to let Conan know, but I couldn't help it in my heart.

From this point of view, Shengsi should have found out, Xiaolan didn't answer Conan's words, first glanced at Shengsi to the right, and after seeing Shengsi nodding slightly, she was immediately relieved. "Yes, Shengsi told me."

Just as Conan was about to say something, Shengsi spoke up first: "Talk slowly, I'll go first, don't worry about me!" As he spoke, he was already running towards the distance, the speed was incredible!He disappeared in an instant.

Xiaolan ran two steps forward, wanting to say something to Shengsi, but Shengsi had disappeared, just kidding, Shengsi used his thoughts to push herself to run, how could they let them catch up?
"Lan, stop chasing, Shengsi will be fine." Conan grabbed Xiaolan's hand from behind and said.

The moment Xiaolan was caught by Conan, her heart trembled. Although I don't know how many times I have held hands with Conan, but this time it feels completely different!
For a few days after Xiaolan knew that Conan was Shinichi, she had been thinking about what to say after meeting Conan, but now she couldn't say anything when Conan grabbed her hand, she just felt her nose sore, Tears fell down immediately.

As the evening wind blew, the broken teardrops gently fell on Conan's face.

After Conan grabbed Xiaolan, he was thinking about what to say to Xiaolan, when he suddenly found that something had spilled on his face, it was cool, he touched it and found it was water, and when he looked up, he found that it was Xiaolan tears.

"Lan!" Conan shouted in a low voice, he didn't understand why Xiaolan was crying all of a sudden when she was fine just now?

Xiaolan turned around slowly after hearing the words, and seeing Conan's puzzled face, Xiaolan suddenly squatted down and embraced him, murmuring Shinichi's name.

Conan was taken aback for a moment, then hugged him back, looking at Xiaolan who was sobbing in his arms, Conan remembered what Xiaolan told him about Shinichi that night, and he seemed to understand something at this moment.

Xiaolan needs to vent, and now she can't vent violently, so she can only cry.

The two hugged like this for a while, and Xiaolan's crying gradually subsided. At this moment, Conan suddenly said softly: "Lan, I, I love you!" Maybe he should have said this long ago. Holding my hand and saying what I like about Shinichi, I should have said this from that moment on, although it's a bit late now, but it's not too late.

When Xiaolan heard this, the sound of sobbing disappeared immediately. She was stunned for a while, and then she let go suddenly. Conan looked at him with a flushed face and said, "Xin Xinyi, why did you say this suddenly?"

When Conan saw Xiaolan, his face immediately turned red, and his heart was a little flustered. How could he say it a second time, who is already thin-skinned?
With a blushing face, Conan held the back of his head with his hands and hesitantly said, "That, that, Lan, it's nothing."

Seeing Conan's bewildered and cute look, Xiaolan burst out laughing with a 'puchi', "Don't make excuses, I've heard it!" It doesn't look like a spectrum, but I'm so happy.

"What? It's all right." Before Conan finished speaking, he was kissed by Xiaolan.

Xiaolan had only one thought at this time: Fortunately, he looks like a child now, if he was an adult, would I still dare to kiss him?What a shame to kiss Shinichi
All of a sudden, Xiaolan let go of Conan. Although she was ashamed to death, she still pretended to be natural, "Okay, let's talk about it when we go home!"

Seeing that Conan was still in a daze, Xiaolan picked him up and walked towards home.

Not long after the two left, Shengsi slowly floated down from the sky, "I thought there would be a quarrel and planned to persuade it, but I didn't expect it to be like this? Oh?! It's so late, I should go home too!" Shengsi looked After checking the time, I found that it was past nine o'clock, and it was time to go back.

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(End of this chapter)

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