Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 30 Flying a Kite in the Park

Chapter 30 Flying a Kite in the Park

The next morning, the sun was shining and the weather was just right.

Shengsi and Ayumi walked into the classroom holding hands. As soon as they entered the classroom, Shengsi saw Conan who was giggling on the table. Shengsi knew that something must have happened to Conan and Xiaolan last night.

"Conan, you look so silly when you smile!" After approaching, before Seiji could speak, Ayumi spoke first.

Conan first took a deep look at Seiji, then smiled and said to Ayumi: "I just thought of something interesting." Conan looked at the door after saying this, "You guys are too late, the teacher Come in, it's time for class!"

Shengsi heard the words and looked back, and sure enough, the teacher came in, and it seemed that class was about to start, Shengsi couldn't help giving Ayumi a blank look when he saw this: "It's not Ayumi, she insists on me to buy maltose for her, I said wait Go shopping again at noon, she still doesn't agree!"

"Obviously Brother Sheng Si promised that Ayumi would buy it for me today, but I have been waiting all night! I bought it at noon, it was too late!" Ayumi put the schoolbags of the two on the seat, and then said with an unhappy face .

Seeing this, Shengsi wanted to say something, when the class bell rang, Shengsi had to sit down and prepare for class.

Not long after Shengsi sat down, Conan's voice came from next to his ear: "Shengsi, thank you!"

When Shengsi heard Conan thanking him, he was stunned. When he turned around to say something to Conan, he found that Conan had fallen asleep. It seems that he and Xiaolan whispered a lot last night.

At the same time, Class B of the second year of Didan High School.

"Xiaolan, why do you want to sleep in the first class? You have never been like this before!" Yuanzi whispered to Xiaolan who was sleepy, really, it seems that Xiaolan must have stayed up late yesterday, And it's not too early, it seems that she will take a leave of absence for her karate training this afternoon.

After hearing Yuanzi's call, Xiaolan, who was lying on the table, waved her hands, expressing that she didn't want to talk, and then fell asleep.

Seeing the faint smile on Xiaolan's face after falling asleep, Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan and shook his head.

in the afternoon.

Time after school is always enjoyable, and Seiji is no exception.

A group of people were walking on the way home, discussing where to go this afternoon.

After a good morning's sleep, Conan looks much better now.

"Let's go to Mihua Park to fly a kite this afternoon!" Seeing the fine weather today, Shengsi suggested.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"Well, I won't go, sister Xiaolan has something to do with me!" Conan saw that everyone agreed, he quickly waved his hands and explained, just kidding, it would be better to whisper to Xiaolan than go flying a kite with these little devils.

"Ah, that's it~" Mitsuhiko looked regretful.

Seeing Conan's refusal, Shengsi knew that he was going to accompany Xiaolan. That's right, Xiaolan hasn't seen Shinichi for half a month. Xiaobiesheng is newly married, and Shengsi can understand, "It's okay, sister Xiaolan has something to do with Conan." , let him go."

"Then I'll take a step first, goodbye!" Conan nodded towards Shengsi, then waved to everyone and walked into the distance.


After watching Conan walk away, Shengsi turned around and said, "Okay, everyone go home and put away your schoolbags first, then gather at Mihua Park at 02:30, and I will take two kites there!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

Originally, Seiji was going to train this afternoon, but today the weather is fine, so he planned to go to the park to accompany Ayumi and the others to fly a kite.

Under a big tree in the park, Seiji, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko were sitting around and assembling the kite in their hands.

This is the kite that Shengsi just bought. It is the kind of kite that needs to be assembled by itself. One is in the shape of an owl and the other is in the shape of a football.

After a while, several people assembled the kite.

"Okay, Genta, you and Mitsuhiko go fly that football kite, I'll fly this with Ayumi." After Seiji finished speaking, regardless of Genta and Mitsuhiko's different eyes, he took Ayumi's small hand with his left hand and held it in his right. The owl kite walked aside.

Flying a kite with little kids is so boring, but playing with Ayumi is more interesting. Seiji even bought a very special gift for his family Ayumi.

"Look at Ayumi! What is this?" After Seiji took Ayumi aside, he suddenly took out a pink hairpin from behind. The hairpin was engraved with many butterfly patterns, which was very unique.

Ayumi was attracted at first glance, and said expectantly: "Wow! What a beautiful hairpin! Is it for me?"

"Do you like it? It's for Ayumi~" Seiji handed over the card, and patted Ayumi's head lovingly. He had wanted to give it to Ayumi, the card issuer, but he couldn't find a chance.This hairpin is custom-made by Santo people. The material is mostly Terra stone plus a small part of opal. It is purely handmade, and the four small characters of Shengsi · Ayumi are engraved in Chinese on it.

"I like it very much, thank you, Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi took the card and touched it happily, then suddenly kissed Shengsi on the face.

Shengsi was stunned by Ayumi's sudden kiss, somehow, he was so happy all of a sudden!

Looking at the stunned Shengsi Ayumi, she smiled, "Brother Shengsi, can you put it on for me?"

"Well, Ayumi, what did you just say?" Seiji was stunned just now and didn't hear what Ayumi said.

"I said, Brother Shengsi, please put it on for me, okay?" Ayumi was a little angry that Shengsi didn't hear her, really, Brother Shengsi didn't listen to me.

If Shengsi knew that Ayumi thought this way, he would definitely yell that he was wronged. Who told you to kiss me suddenly, I was stunned by your kiss.

Seeing Ayumi's angry look, Shengsi hurriedly said, "Okay, brother will bring it for you."

Saying that, Seiji took the hairpin from Ayumi's hand, then took off her original hairpin, tied her hair with one hand, and then Seiji stood on tiptoe and gently put on a new hairpin for her .

Ayumi looked up at Seiji who was on tiptoe with a shy face.

"So cute!"

Seiji couldn't help sighing while looking at the blushing Ayumi after wearing the card.

"Really, Brother Seiji knows about Ayumi." Ayumi became more and more embarrassed.

Just when Shengsi was about to continue to say something, Yuantai's loud voice came from the side: "What are you doing? Is the kite flying?"

Shengsi rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Not yet!" Shengsi was very helpless when Yuantai came to disturb him and whisper to Ayumi. He couldn't beat him or scold him.

At this time, Mitsuhiko ran over with a kite, "Shengsi, we can't fly this kite"

"That's right! That's right! This kite is so difficult to fly. Mitsuhiko and I have tried several times, but none of them succeeded." Yuan Tai followed up.

At this time, Shengsi just wanted to send them away quickly, so he said impatiently: "Play it again, this time it will definitely succeed!"

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko said without any realization: "Really? Then let's try."

"Yes, yes, try it quickly."

So Yuantai and Guangyan tried it out. When they were flying, Shengsi used his thoughts to hold the kite and floated into the sky.

"Wow~ It's really flying!"


As they talked, the two ran away into the distance.
PS: Fengyun is here to wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival, good health and good luck!At the same time, please recommend!Ask for collection!Ask for a reward!smiling face.

(End of this chapter)

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