Chapter 31

In order to prevent Yuantai and the others from falling their kites, Shengsi also used his thoughts to support their kites from time to time.

Seeing the cheerful appearance of the two, Shengsi let out a sigh of relief. It seems that the two of them will not come over for a while, and now they can have fun with Bu Meili.

Just when Seiji was about to continue whispering to Ayumi, Ayumi said: "Brother Seiji, Mitsuhiko has already flown the kite into the sky, let's fly the kite quickly too."

Seeing this, Shengsi sighed, it seems that there is no chance now, and he plans to take this opportunity to get close to Bu Meimei, alas
Shengsi silently put away Ayumi's original hairpin, which should be treasured carefully, then picked up the kite, threw it vigorously, and the kite flew into the sky under the influence of Shengsi's thought power, and immediately went to the sky Side by side with the sun.

At the same time, Shengsi saw that Yuantai and his kite were about to fall, and supported them with his thoughts.

"Brother Shengsi is so amazing! He flew the kite in no time." Ayumi clapped her hands and cheered, her cheerful appearance caused Shengsi to look sideways, what a top-notch little lolita!

"That's not true! Who is your elder brother Shengsi? That's true." Just halfway through speaking, Shengsi's pupils shrank suddenly. What is this feeling? !It's the throbbing feeling of the soul!
This feeling is very familiar to Shengsi, every time he uses superpowers, he feels this way, a kind of power from the soul!

But he knew that the soul fluctuation he felt now was not from him, because the frequency of that soul vibration was completely different from his!
When Shengsi was an assassin in his previous life, his killer organization initially wanted to find out the reason why he had superpowers. He was studied by the scientists of the organization for a period of time. Later, the organization discovered that Shengsi's ability cannot be copied. His abilities come from a special vibration frequency of his soul.

Under this special vibration, Shengsi can send out the power of thought. The stronger the soul, the stronger the power of thought. In the previous life, Shengsi traveled to many places in the world and found no one else who had this special soul vibration like him. , Of course, it is also possible that it has not been found, but the probability is very small.

But at this moment, Shengsi felt the familiar soul vibration. Although it was very weak, it was indeed a soul wave!
Shengsi hurriedly handed the kite string to Ayumi and said: "Ayumi, you go to fly the kite with Mitsuhiko and the others first, and if you don't want to play, go with them to Sister Xiaolan's place. My brother has important things to do now. Things to do! So I can’t accompany you.” Shengsi decided to go over and have a look, what exactly caused this soul vibration, this world seems to be different from the previous life, and I feel that the mysterious veil of this world is about to be unveiled , I'm a little excited when I think about it this way.

"Ah! Brother Shengsi, what are you going to do? Can Ayumi follow?" Ayumi was surprised at first, and then asked expectantly, she also wanted to go with Shengsi.

"Good boy Ayumi, brother Seiji can't take you with me this time~" Seiji could only refuse this time, he wasn't sure if it would be dangerous for him to go this time, so he couldn't take Ayumi on the adventure, if Ayumi If he gets hurt, Shengsi will be so heartbroken to death.

"Oh." Ayumi was a little disappointed.

"As long as you are obedient, Brother Shengsi will bring you your favorite blueberry sushi." Shengsi threw out his trump card. The last time he took Ayumi out to eat, she said that blueberry sushi was her favorite.

Sure enough, when Ayumi heard that there will be blueberry sushi to eat later, she immediately put on a smiling face, "Brother Seiji, go quickly, Ayumi will be good, remember to bring me blueberry sushi~"

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard this, "Okay, then I'll go."


This is an abandoned warehouse not far from Mihua Park. There are some boxes and other things piled up in the warehouse, which looks relatively empty.

The soul fluctuation that Shengsi felt just now came from here, so Shengsi flew here after saying goodbye to Ayumi, but now there is nothing here except for a little residual soul fluctuation.

After searching around again for a while, Shengsi didn't find anything, and the remaining soul wave has disappeared, it seems that the person or thing that emitted the soul wave has left here.

Just when Shengsi was about to search again and leave, suddenly, that familiar soul wave came again, and the source of that wave was not far in front of him!
Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly hid aside, and wrapped himself in thought power so as not to make a sound. Unless he saw it directly, he would never know that there was a person there.

The moment Shengsi hid, in the darkness at the corner of the warehouse, two people in black clothes slowly floated up from the ground. Shengsi was shocked when he saw the way these two appeared. Legendary ninja?Are they superhumans too?And what are they doing here?
The moment he saw this scene, a hundred thousand reasons appeared in Shengsi's mind.

Just when Shengsi was puzzled, one of the men in black spoke, it was a young man's voice, "Did you find it?" The voice was very soft, but it was still heard by Shengsi's perverted hearing.

The other man in black shook his head.

Seeing this companion, the man in black shook his head and continued, "I haven't found it after searching for a few days. Do you think Master Diwen made a mistake?" His tone was a little impatient.

"Master Diwen can't make a mistake. That night, Fifteen and Sixteen and I accompanied Master Diwen to Mount Fuji to do business. When we reached the mountainside, Master Diwen stopped suddenly. He said he found something interesting. Then he squatted on the ground and looked at it for a while, then pointed in this direction and said that there was someone he was looking for, but we searched from the foot of Mount Fuji all the way to this place but didn’t find it, which means that the person Mr. Diwen is looking for has to go further Look for it, but he will never make a mistake!" Another man in black explained, his voice was old and hoarse, it seemed that he should be an old man.

Could it be that they are looking for me? Hearing this, Shengsi couldn't help guessing, and Shengsi thinks this guess is very likely. The mountainside of Mount Fuji, a few days ago, or this direction. If these three clues add up, it seems that they are looking for It's me!

But what are they looking for?Is it looking for similar or something?Or did he arrest himself and plan to dissect himself like that crazy man in a suit in his previous life?
Shengsi planned to arrest these two people and torture them first, but after thinking about it, that Lord Diwen didn't know where he was, and he didn't know anything about them. Master Wen is on guard and hides, it will be difficult for him to get in touch with the mysterious side of this world, so let's not startle the snake.

Shengsi intends to listen first and listen to their conversation. It seems that they have been looking here for a long time, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Just when Shengsi was about to continue listening to them, the old man in black suddenly said: "Master Diwen asked us to go over, let's go."

The young man in black nodded, and then the two of them turned into a black shadow and sank to the ground.

PS: I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival again, and I also have new books to recommend!Ask for collection!Thank you Fengyun.

(End of this chapter)

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