Chapter 32
Watching the two leave the warehouse, Shengsi decided to follow up to have a look. The Lord Diwen said that he had something to do with them. Could it be that the Lord found something?

Shengsi closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He wanted to feel the trajectory of the soul fluctuations of the two people, so that he could know where they were going.

But Shengsi felt it and found that the fluctuation didn't move forward, but, huh? !How did the wave get behind me?
No, it was discovered!A thought flashed through Seiji's mind.

Shengsi quickly covered his face with his hands and at the same time wrapped his whole body with thought power and ran towards the box beside him.

In the next instant, two saber lights flashed across the place where Shengsi was standing, and they were afterimages that stayed after the saber reached a certain speed. It seems that the two men in black are quite skilled.

After the light of the knife flashed, two men in black floated out from the ground of the Shengsi Station surrounded by front and back.

Shengsi sneaked behind the box next to him so dangerously that he was discovered by them, but they probably didn't realize what he looked like, and they didn't even know whether he was an adult or a child, because Shengsi moved too fast, and suddenly Moved behind another box.

The two ninjas felt very confused. When they were talking just now, they felt that someone was spying on them here, so they tried to detour here to kill them, but when they arrived here, they found that there was no one here.

However, the ninja's intuition told him that there must be someone here just now.

The old ninja looked around, and found that the feeling of being watched appeared again, it was behind him!
over there!He gestured towards the young ninja, motioning for the two to surround and attack.

Shengsi has been observing these two people since he moved to the box next to him, and was spotted by one of them just after he took a look, what a keen sense!

I can't meet them now, it seems that I have to leave here, and I will follow them next time I have a chance.Seiji thought.

Now that I don't know anything about the enemy, it seems that I need to collect intelligence.

Thinking of this, Shengsi violently threw a box in front of him at the two people who were walking towards this side with his thoughts. After throwing the box, Shengsi turned around and ran away without looking at the result.

The two men in black were just about to encircle, when the old man in black saw a box flying in front of him, he picked up the samurai sword in his hand and slashed at the box, the light of the knife flashed, and the box broke in two , and when the two looked towards the place where Shengsi was hiding again, there was no one there.

They knew that the man was gone!
It seems that this is the person Lord Diwen is looking for, and he has to go back and report quickly.

"Fourteen, let's go!" the old man in black shouted.

After speaking, the two of them turned into a black shadow and escaped into the ground.

Looking at Shengsi again, Shengsi has almost arrived at Xiaolan's house at this time, just now Shengsi ran towards Mihua Park as soon as he left the warehouse, and found that Ayumi and the others were no longer flying kites. After calculating the time, the distance from Shengsi It had been more than half an hour since they left, they probably didn't want to play anymore and went to Xiaolan's house, so Seiji ran towards the Mori Detective Agency.

When Shengsi was about to arrive at Xiaolan's house, he found that the blueberry sushi he promised Ayumi hadn't been bought yet, so he went to the sushi restaurant to buy a lot of sushi and some cakes at the cake shop. The previous few times he went to Xiaolan's house empty-handed , I always feel sorry for this, and when Genta and Mitsuhiko saw that I only bought things for Ayumi, they would definitely yell why I didn’t buy them for them, so this time Shengsi planned to buy a lot of food to gamble on their mouths.

When he came to Xiaolan's house again, Shengsi had two big bags in his hands.

Knocked on the door, after a while, the door opened, Seiji found that it was Ayumi who opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the little girl Ayumi hugged the big bag of sushi, "Wow! A lot of sushi, thank you brother Seiji."

"You little greedy cat." Seiji scratched Ayumi's nose lovingly, and walked into the door with a smile.

"Wow! Seiji, you brought a lot of food, did you bring it to us?" Yuantai and Mitsuhiko snatched another bag.

Shengsi nodded helplessly, and asked me after he snatched it all away?You two want that?

"Eh?! Uncle Mori isn't here?" Seiji sat on the sofa and found that Uncle Mori wasn't watching Miss Yoko's TV at home!It's incredible.

"You said Dad, he seems to be hanging out with an old classmate of his. I heard from Dad that his classmate seems to be getting married the day after tomorrow. Today, it seems that he is here to invite him to a class reunion." Xiaolan explained.Then she seemed to remember something and suddenly said: "Shengsi, Conan, come with me." Then she walked to the bedroom.

"Eat these things well, we'll be back in a while." Seiji said something to Ayumi and the others followed, and Conan also walked towards the bedroom.

"Okay!" Everyone responded to Shengsi, joking, there are so many delicious food waiting for us, who cares where you go.

After the three entered the bedroom, Xiao Lan immediately closed the door, then took out a card from her body and handed it to Shengsi.

Shengsi was taken aback when he saw the card. Isn't this the bank card with 1000 million US dollars that he gave to Xiaolan last time? It looks like he has to return it to him, so he has to find a way to let Xiaolan keep it.

"Shengsi, this card is too precious, you should take it back." Xiaolan handed the card to Shengsi.

Shengsi smiled slightly, "I will not take back the things I gave away. Besides, this is just a small amount of money for me, and this is for you to get married in the future!" Said the last, Shengsi's small eyes Shuttle back and forth between Conan and Xiaolan, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

When Xiaolan and Conan heard that Shengsi said it was a small amount of money, they looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes. Conan knew that Shengsi was very rich, but 1000 million dollars was a small amount of money to him. It's super scary!Where did he get the money from?The two only thought for a while, and then they heard Shengsi say that it was for their wedding. They blushed and turned their heads at the same time, too ashamed to look at each other.

"What? Marriage? Seiji, don't talk nonsense, Shinichi and I are just..." Xiaolan was almost dying of embarrassment, Seiji really, he even said about marrying Shinichi.

"Xiaolan and I are just boyfriend and girlfriend now. It's too early to say we're getting married now." Conan stammered. What Shengsi said had too much impact on them. Although Conan agreed with Shengsi's words, but He's still a little shy now.

Seeing the two of them like this, Shengsi hurriedly said while the iron was hot: "Okay, this matter is settled, this card is the gift money I will give you for your future marriage, you can use it at ease!"

Seeing this, Xiaolan wanted to say something else, but Shengsi said first: "Is it not enough? I can give you one more."

Xiaolan and Conan shook their heads quickly.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled, opened the door and walked out.

Xiaolan and Conan were left alone, staring at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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