Chapter 33 Master Diwen
When Seiji took Ayumi and the others away from Xiaolan's house, the way Conan looked at Seiji completely changed. If it used to look at a genius opponent, it is completely different now. Now, Seiji is in Conan's eyes. It's a big golden ball, commonly known as a local tyrant, and it's the kind of local tyrant who can kill people with money!
Shengsi asked Xiaolan not to give it away, but Xiaolan didn't force it. Now that she knew that Shengsi was not an ordinary person, and he was a very unusual person, she was not worried at all.

After Shengsi sent Ayumi and the others home, it was already past five o'clock. After returning home, he ate a hasty meal and rested for a while. At around seven o'clock in the evening, Shengsi arrived at the base. He was going to start today's training up.

What happened today let Shengsi know that he can no longer be content with the status quo, and he still needs to become stronger.

In addition to physical training, his mind power also needs to be practiced more. Only by constantly using mind power can his soul be strengthened, and when the soul is strengthened, his mind power will naturally be strengthened.

It has been a long time since Shengsi has seriously practiced mind power. In terms of mind power, Sheng Si has been eating from his previous life.

With the help of the Killer Organization in the previous life, Shengsi summed up many ways to use thought power. For example, use thought power to form a kind of protective cover for the whole body, which can not only resist bullets, but also avoid water; Air and evacuate the air, so that if the thought force is suddenly withdrawn, the vacuum will burst out with a huge suction force; there are also uses for thought power warnings and so on.

Now Shengsi has not seriously considered how to improve his mind power for a long time. The surrounding environment of Sheng Si is very safe now, and there is no danger for him. This is one reason why he does not train his mind power, but there are more reasons It was Shengsi himself, he thought in his heart that he no longer needed to improve, he was already very strong!No one could beat him, and he developed a sense of pride that he had nothing in this world to surpass.

But now, Shengsi knows that he is not the most powerful, and there are people who can use the power of the soul like him, and can even kill him easily. Now that he has a goal that needs to be surpassed by himself, Shengsi decided to get to know Master Diwen and those ninjas with numbers.

Shengsi opened the gate of the base, looking at the training equipment, he was stunned for a moment, then the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, and he found that things became more and more interesting.

Closing the door, turning around, and walking forward, this series of actions was done in one go by Shengsi.

After walking a few steps, there was a very slight "squeak" sound, and Shengsi knew that all the things related to him in the entire warehouse had disappeared under the action of his thoughts, and they were all used by Shengsi. Nianli was torn into fine dust, which was washed into the river along the pipe.

This base has already been discovered, and there are traces of others moving in the base. Although the traces are very light, Shengsi still discovered it. Shengsi guessed that the group of ninjas should have been here, so there is no need for this base to exist. No, the exposed base is no longer the base.

It seems that tonight's training needs to go to the base on Moon Shadow Island. Seiji has built more than ten bases in Japan, and this is the one closest to his home, so he often comes here.As for whether there will be any information about him in the base, Shengsi will not worry at all. As a killer, Shengsi never leaves any information anywhere except his old lair.

Seiji's old den is of course his home, other than that, there is no other place where he can find information about Seiji, if they go to the school to check, they will find that there is no information about Seiji Miyamizu.

After everything in the base disappeared, Shengsi wrapped his mind and flew towards Moon Shadow Island.

At the same time, a castle gate full of quaint atmosphere.

Standing there were two men in black that Shengsi met in an abandoned warehouse near Mihua Park this afternoon. At this moment, the two suddenly bowed respectfully towards the door, "Welcome back, Master Diwen!"

I saw a middle-aged man in a black robe slowly walking in at the gate of the castle. This middle-aged man was what they called Lord Diwen!He saw the two standing behind the door, and nodded slightly towards them, and then Lord Diwen slowly floated to the seat on the high platform in the center of the castle hall. Seeing this, the two quickly followed and walked into the castle together.

Lord Diwen turned around on the high platform, and then sat down, "Ying Thirteen, tell me, what's the matter?" His voice was very cold, and there was a feeling of superiority in his tone, but he should also have This feeling!

The one called Shadow Thirteen was the old man in black. From the conversation between the two of them, we knew that the young man in black was Ying Fourteen.

Ying Thirteen was answered by Master Diwen by name, and quickly said: "Master Diwen is like this. When Fourteen and I went to an abandoned warehouse near Mihua Park to exchange information, we found someone peeping at us, and then I and Ten Si wanted to kill the peeking person, but he didn't expect that person to find us beforehand and easily dodged our attack when we passed by, and I was going to kill him when I felt where he was again He threw a box at us and ran away."

"His speed is too fast, we didn't even see his face, but I think he should be the person you are looking for, my lord!"

After Tingying Fourteen said this, Lord Diwen, who was sitting on the chair, looked contemplative, so fast?Haven't even met?Although Ying Thirteen is not the strongest among the 14 Shadow Guards under him, there are some in the top five, and together with Ying [-], they can even besiege and kill intermediate magicians!And this person's speed was so fast that even Ying Shisan couldn't see it!It seems that this person is at least the strength of a high-level magician!Even stronger!

Thinking of this, Master Di Wen thought about it, and said to Ying Shisan: "Call the others back and stop the search! After calling them back, you and 14 will go to protect Miss Hongzi, and the [-]th In exchange for twenty, this time I will give you a vacation."

Ying Shisan was a bit surprised when he heard the words, but still respectfully said: "Yes!" This is not like Master Di Wen, but it is a good job to protect Miss Hongzi. Twenty The two of them have been together for a long time, and this time it is finally their turn.

Then he beckoned to Ying Shishi who was stunned by the side, "Let's go~"

Then the two left the castle.

After the two left, Lord Diwen, who was sitting on the high platform, frowned and murmured: "Now the Magician Conference is about to be held, it's better not to provoke such masters!"

Lord Diwen sat on the high platform again and thought for a while, then he suddenly said: "Shadow [-]! Shadow [-]! Come with me to the study." After speaking, he flew to the side.



A voice came from nowhere in the empty hall.

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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