Chapter 34 Training
Shengsi on the way to Moon Shadow Island didn't know that those ninjas were no longer looking for him, and he didn't need to know, because it didn't affect him much.

After a while, Shengsi arrived at the gate of Moon Shadow Island Base.

This base was built in a warehouse along the coast of Moon Shadow Island. Except for the few times when the base was first built, Shengsi came here to deliver supplies, but he missed the beautiful scenery here very much.

This base is smaller than the one in Tokyo, but the scenery here is very beautiful, with flowers blooming everywhere, Changchun in all seasons, and the coolness from the sea breeze, which is refreshing.So Shengsi planned to sleep here tonight. When he went out, Shengsi didn't know how late he would be, so he directly told his parents that the mountain god had something to do with him, so he might not go back tonight.

The night scene here on Yueying Island is also very beautiful. The sky here is not polluted by industrial waste gas. Shengsi can clearly see the bright moon in the night sky, as well as those twinkling stars. Think about it, sitting Isn't it beautiful to be on the beach, blowing the evening breeze, soaking in medicinal baths, and watching the night scene!
Opening the gate of the base, Shengsi adjusted the training equipment a little, and then started his training today. Although Shengsi trained very hard in the past, he always had a kind of inertia in him at that time, but now when Shengsi trains But without that trace of inertia, apart from hard work, Shengsi also became more serious, and his eyes shone with a captivating light!
Shengsi already has the goal of defeating Master Diwen at this time, so what he has to do is to surpass this goal!
Two hours later, Shengsi finished his physical training.After completing these trainings, Shengsi would go to take a medicinal bath to recover himself, but he didn't do that at this time, he started the mind training.

Psychic training is very easy. The fastest way to increase the strength and control of Psychic Power summarized by Shengsi in his previous life is to continuously pump air, then use Psychic Power to wrap the vacuum ball and use Psychic Power to resist the strong suction of the Vacuum Ball until one is big enough The vacuum ball, which was contending with my thoughts, stopped.

Then Shengsi kept using his mind power to compete with the vacuum ball until his mind power weakened or he couldn't resist the suction, and finally he slowly dissipated his mind power. When the air filled the vacuum ball, a complete mind power training was completed.

Shengsi is planning to do this kind of training now. In his previous life, Shengsi lasted for an hour and 22 minutes at most. I wonder how long he can last this time?

After a while, Shengsi found the largest vacuum ball he could bear, and he started timing.

After 32 minutes passed, Shengsi stopped the timer profusely in sweat.

It is 32 minutes to 15 seconds!This has almost reached two-fifths of the peak of the previous life, well, it is already very good, let's make persistent efforts.Seiji said to himself.

After resting on the spot for a while, Shengsi jumped into the medicine bath with his tired body. Now Shengsi just wants to have a good sleep and go to enjoy the night view or something!

Lying in the warm medicated bath, Shengsi fell asleep in a short while. This sleep was not short. The next morning, Shengsi woke up from the medicated bath at around seven or eight o'clock. .

Fortunately, the medicated bath is at a constant temperature, otherwise Shengsi would have caught a cold after soaking in cold water overnight.

After Shengsi woke up, he quickly dressed and ran home. Moon Shadow Island was a long way from his home, and it seemed that he was going to miss the appointment.

It was already dawn at this time, and because he was afraid of being seen by others, Shengsi ran over.

Along the way, Shengsi used his thoughts to fly close to the ground when no one was around, and ran at his fastest speed when there were people.

Even though Shengsi has always walked in an alley with few people, it was already [-]:[-] when Shengsi arrived home, he took his schoolbag at home, and said hello to his mother, saying that the mountain god asked him to say hello to you on his behalf. Mom was overjoyed.

After leaving the house, Seiji ran towards the place agreed with Ayumi.

Every day, Seiji and Ayumi agreed to meet at a corner not far from Ayumi's house at ten past eight o'clock, so it was exactly eight twenty-five in the classroom, and the class time was eight thirty, neither early nor late Just right.

Shengsi knew that Ayumi must have left first when he passed so late, but when Shengsi passed, he found that Ayumi was still waiting for him.

Seiji quietly came behind Ayumi to surprise her.

I didn't expect to find that Ayumi was kicking the stones on the side of the road with her head down, but she kept chanting: "Stinky saint, bad saint, you want cute Ayumi to wait for him, smelly saint."

"Ayumi, why are you still here? Brother Shengsi has something to do today, so he is late." Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help being a little funny, he said out of breath.Coming all the way from Moon Shadow Island, Shengsi also ran for a certain distance, and he was a little panting due to his physical strength.

Ayumi heard Shengsi calling him and raised her head happily, "Brother Shengsi, you are here, because brother Shengsi said that Ayumi will wait for you, so Ayumi will not go to school together until you come. ~"

Seeing Ayumi's innocent face, Seiji was a little moved, maybe he just casually said that going to class with her here at this time every day, he had the idea that it was dispensable, but she took it as a very important thing. Big promise!
Perhaps sometimes, children's innocent thoughts are a bit silly and ridiculous to adults, but Shengsi knows at this time that children just listen to some words of adults, but they will take them seriously!And with a seriousness you can't ignore!
Shengsi admitted that he was a little moved at this moment. Shengsi hugged Ayumi and whispered in her ear: "Ayumi is so good! Brother Shengsi likes you very much! What does Ayumi want today? Brother Shengsi will make it happen for you!"

Ayumi was hugged by Shengsi, her whole body trembled, her little face flushed suddenly, and her little hands were so nervous that she didn't know where to put them.When she heard Shengsi say that she likes her, Ayumi's face turned red to the base of her ears, and her whole face turned into a big apple!

Ayumi didn't listen to what Seiji said later, it's so embarrassing, brother Seiji actually said he likes me, what should I say?How should I answer?My mother said that children can't fall in love and will conceive a baby, but I really like Brother Shengsi so much!So tangled.
If Shengsi knew that Ayumi was thinking this way at this time, he would be dumbfounded, this little girl is really a big kid.

Seeing that Ayumi didn't speak, Shengsi thought that he had not thought about it, so he continued: "Go, brother Shengsi will take you to class first, and you will tell me after you think it over at noon."

Ayumi thought Seiji meant to make her think about how to answer his confession
In this way, under the influence of Shengsi's thought power, Shengsi and Ayumi stepped on the bell and entered the classroom.

Throughout the morning, Shengsi found that Ayumi never took the initiative to talk to him, and as long as Shengsi talked to Ayumi, she would blush like a big apple. I really don't understand her, and I can blush whenever I think of it .
PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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