Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 35 Ayumi Confession

Chapter 35 Ayumi Confession

When everyone was eating bento on the grass, Ayumi suddenly pulled Seiji aside. Seiji thought that Ayumi had made up her mind and asked to tell him, so she followed her.

When the two of them walked to a place where there were few people, Ayumi suddenly blushed, and said coyly, "Er Brother Shengsi, although my mother said that children should not fall in love, but you were like that with me this morning." I said it, and I also like you very much. I like you, so I promise you!" After finishing speaking, Ayumi covered her face with her hands, very shy.

Shengsi was confused, what's going on?Could it be that Ayumi's request is to be my girlfriend?This happiness really came too suddenly.

"Really?!" Seiji asked Ayumi, he wanted to confirm whether it was a dream or not.

Ayumi didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Seeing Ayumi nodding slightly, Seiji was very excited, it seems that Ayumi's little loli has been captured by the handsome Seiji!
Ah ha ha ha ha.
Shengsi couldn't help laughing, Ayumi looked at the laughing Shengsi even more shyly, brother Shengsi really, he got carried away so quickly.

Although I don't know why Ayumi would make such a wish, but it's really great!
"Go! Ayumi, brother Seiji is happy today, treat you to a big meal!" Seiji took Ayumi's little hand and walked out of the school.

Ayumi let Seiji lead her away, but her face was flushed, she was very cute.

Shengsi walked halfway, then suddenly turned around and walked back, "I'm going to call Conan, Mitsuhiko, and Genta! I have to tell them this good thing!"

Upon hearing this, Ayumi pulled La Shengsi's hand and whispered, "Don't tell them that I'm afraid."

Shengsi was stunned for a moment, well, let's not talk about it, "Okay, brother Shengsi will not talk about it now!"

When the two of them walked to Yuantai and the others, Shengsi found that they had almost finished their bento...

Seeing this, Shengsi could only say in his heart: Then you guys are great!
Now Shengsi's idea of ​​inviting them to have a big lunch at noon has come to nothing, it seems that they can only eat at night.

Shengsi said loudly to everyone: "I am happy today. I will treat you to a big meal at the Mihua Hotel at six o'clock in the evening. You all have to come. Also, you can go after school. It is a little bit awkward for me to go out with Ayumi." Something." After finishing speaking, everyone turned into peas-eyed, confused, what's going on?Because I was happy, I invited us to a big restaurant for dinner, it felt great!
Seeing that no one responded to him, Shengsi felt a little embarrassed, he twitched the corner of his mouth and continued: "That's it, at six o'clock in the evening, Mi Hua Hotel, see you there or be square!"

After finishing speaking, Seiji led Ayumi and walked back.

Only the stupefied crowd remained, Shengsi had just walked a few steps when suddenly there was a huge cheer.

"Yeah! You can eat delicious food!"

"Sage is awesome!"

Shengsi who was not far away couldn't help thinking when he heard it: the reflection arc is really long
Seiji and Ayumi went back to the classroom to get their schoolbags, and then walked to the school gate.

Both of them haven't eaten yet, and Shengsi doesn't want to eat bento at all now, just kidding, today is a big day, no, how can I eat such low-grade bento on a happy day, at least I have to go to a restaurant for a meal OK

Therefore, Shengsi plans to take Ayumi to have a Chinese feast at noon!
When the two were about to reach the gate, a person just walked in. Shengsi was stunned when he saw that person, and then greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Miyai-sensei."

When Seiji spoke, Ayumi followed suit.

"Shengji, why are you here? I was just going to look for you." Teacher Miyai was a little surprised seeing the two greeting each other. How could Shengsi be at the gate? Could it be that he knew he was coming, so he was waiting for her?
"Ayumi and I were planning to go out for dinner. I didn't expect to meet you when we came here. Oh, by the way, teacher, are you here to tell me the game time?" Seiji explained why he was here, and then asked .

Since Seiji promised Mr. Miyai to participate in the competition last time, Mr. Miyai told him that the competition time is still under discussion, and she will come to Didan Elementary School to inform him when the competition time comes out.That's why Seiji asked this question when he saw Miyai-sensei.

It turned out that I didn't wait for her specially. Mr. Miyai was a little disappointed, but seeing Shengsi like this, he probably didn't know that he was coming. Also, I just called Mrs. Kobayashi just now. She probably hasn't had time to inform Shengsi. Thinking of this Teacher Miyai couldn't help but feel better.

"That's right, the time and place of the competition have been announced. I originally planned to tell Teacher Kobayashi and let her tell you. Now that I have met you, I will tell you directly." Teacher Miyai nodded.

"Tell me, Miyai-sensei, I will remember."

"Okay, Shengsi, remember it. The competition time is [-]:[-] am on April [-]rd, and the venue is at the Mihua Grand Theater. Of course, this is just the preliminary round. After you have qualified for promotion, you can go to participate in the competition on April [-]th." For the final at the Tokyo Grand Theater, elementary schools in the entire Tokyo city will send representatives to watch the match." Teacher Miyai asked again after finishing speaking, "Do you remember, Seiji?"

"I remember Mr. Miyai. The preliminary round will be held at Mihua Grand Theater on April [-]rd at [-]:[-] am, and the final round will be held at Tokyo Grand Theater on April [-]th. I will go to the appointment on time." Shengsi said again Time said it again to show that I really remembered it.

Seeing this, Mr. Miyai nodded, "Okay, I've finished talking, I should go back to Didan High School to prepare lessons, and I'm looking forward to your performance~ Bye~" After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the parking lot. A black car at the door walked.

"Goodbye." Seiji waved his hand from behind, then his eyes narrowed, he hadn't noticed it just now, he didn't expect Mr. Miyai to come by car, and he drove a Bentley!It seems that Mr. Miyai is not simple. Anyone who can drive a Bentley in this era is definitely not an ordinary vocal teacher!

Watching the Bentley drive away slowly, Seiji withdrew his gaze and looked back at Ayumi, only to see Ayumi pouted, looking very angry.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly asked: "My little Ayumi, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry? See if I don't hit him, he will be in trouble!"

"I'm not brother Seiji, I only know how to talk to Miyai-sensei and ignore me!" Ayumi stomped her feet, looking like she was about to cry.

Shengsi was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. It seemed that he really ignored Ayumi just now, but what does this have to do with me?It's all the fault of Fengyun Thirteen Changes, he didn't write Ayumi's lines, Ayumi blamed me in the end!

Thinking of this, Shengsi felt that this person was hateful!Therefore, Shengsi cursed loudly in his heart: "Fengyun Thirteen Changes You!"Nothing but handsome!
Of course, this is just Shengsi's imagination. Who is the Thirteen Changes?It seems that I have no impression
PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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