Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 285 Meet the Old Woman!

Chapter 285 Meet the Old Woman!

However, Shengsi's magic power has also been consumed at this time, and judging from his recovery speed, it is estimated that the eagle can only maintain this rapidity for half an hour, and half an hour can only fly half of the distance at most.

Half an hour later, Shengsi will temporarily lose his magic power due to the exhaustion of his magic power, and the eagle will also be unable to fly due to overwork.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario, and the holy priest will not let it happen. Therefore, the holy priest will regularly spend magic power in the big eagle. In this case, the big eagle flies rapidly for a while, and then Usually fly for a while to rest.

As for Shengsi, he quickly meditated to recover his magic power while he was not giving Da Diao his magic power. In this way, Shengsi and the others could keep flying, but the speed may be much slower, but it will be safe a little.

"Then is this monster very powerful? Can Brother Shengsi beat it?" Ayumi asked innocently after hearing Shengsi's words.

In Ayumi's heart, Seiji is invincible, and any monster is nothing to Seiji!

Hearing this, Shengsi touched Ayumi's head and smiled: "Yes, this time the monster is too strong, Brother Shengsi can't beat it now, but I will come back to take revenge when we return to the earth world !"

Looking at Ayumi and the others in front of him, Seiji remembered the scene where they were swallowed by that monster. At that moment, Seiji was so regretful and heartbroken!

And now, Shengsi still has a chance!So, Shengsi will never let things happen again!

"Brother Seiji, will you be able to defeat that monster when you come back?" If Ayumi guessed correctly, Seiji meant that he would be able to defeat this monster when he came back again.

When Ayumi asked this question, Xiao Ai and Asuna also looked at Shengsi attentively, looking forward to his answer.

Seeing this, Shengsi originally planned to say 'I don't know', but seeing the expectant faces of the three people, Shengsi suddenly felt moved, "Yes! I will definitely!"

When he said this, Shengsi looked at the endless aurora in the night sky behind him, with a firm expression on his face!

At this moment, Shengsi firmly believed in it!He will definitely succeed in revenge, because whenever Shengsi thinks of everything he had in that dark space before, the heartache feeling of losing everything will make Shengsi full of motivation.

In order not to lose what he wants to protect, Seiji must become stronger!Only in this way can he live the life he wants!
"Hmm! I believe in you!" Maybe he was infected by Shengsi, Ming Mingmen clenched his fists, cheering Shengsi up.

The same is true for Xiao Ai and Ayumi, who expressed their encouragement to Seiji.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi looked at the three of them with a smile on his face, "Thank you!"

Shengsi is very happy now. Although Ayumi and the others only said a few words of encouragement, it is very precious to the current Shengsi!
But in the next second, Shengsi's expression changed, and he slapped Diao'er on the back and shouted loudly: "Diao'er, speed up!"

While speaking, Seiji gave all the magic power he had recovered when he talked to Ayumi and the others to Da Diao.

Why did Shengsi do this suddenly, because he saw a small black dot at the end of the night sky just now, although he didn't know what that black dot was, but Shengsi knew that no matter what it was, as long as they walked quickly correct!

Seeing this, Xiao Ai quickly asked: "Sage, is that monster chasing you?!"

"I don't know, but I saw something chasing us just now. Although I don't know what it is, it's always right for us to hurry up!" Shengsi said in a slightly relaxed tone as he watched the black spots disappearing in the distance. .

It seems that the speed of that thing should not be able to keep up with his big eagle. Thinking of this, Shengsi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, can you still see that thing now?" Hearing this, Xiao Ai continued to ask.

"I can't see it now, I guess its speed is not as fast as ours!" Shengsi spread his hands,
"That's great. In this way, we can go home safely!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi and Asuna laughed happily.

"Don't be too happy, maybe what I saw just now was just a bird, and the real monster hasn't caught up yet!" Seeing the optimistic two, Shengsi couldn't help but say.

In fact, this guess is somewhat possible, because the thing just now was just a black spot, and Shengsi didn't see what it was, so it is really possible that the black spot is a bird or something!
However, when Shengsi was preaching to Ayumi and Asuka, Xiao Ai suddenly pointed at the back of Shengsi and said, "Look, Shengsi! What is that?!"

Hearing this, Shengsi immediately turned around and looked behind him, and then he discovered a scene that shocked him.

I saw a person standing in the sky not far ahead at this time, and this person would be recognized even if Shengsi turned into ashes!Because this person is the old woman with big eyes on her forehead!

Seeing this scene, Shengsi immediately slapped the big eagle without thinking, and shouted: "Diao'er! Go around from the left!"

While speaking, Shengsi took out dozens of beads from the dimensional space, crushed them and threw them at the old woman!All of a sudden, fire dragons, ice spikes, fire bombs and various magics blasted at the old woman's face.

However, the old woman didn't have a trace of fear on the face of Shengsi's magic, and not only that, when these magics of Shengsi were about to touch the old woman, the old woman's face suddenly appeared A wicked smile.

In the next second, all of Shengsi's magic hit the old woman.

When the smoke cleared away, everyone looked intently and found that the place where the old woman was was was empty.

Seeing this, both Ayumi and Asuka cheered, "It's amazing! That monster was defeated by Shengsi (brother Shengsi) in no time!"

And Xiao Ai also smiled, obviously thinking that the old woman was wiped out by Shengsi, but Shengsi was not happy at this time.

Has it been wiped out?Shengsi didn't think that the monster would be destroyed so easily.

Just now, the strange smile of the old woman has been in Shengsi's mind for a long time, and he can't let it go. Has it been eliminated?No way!It is so strong, how could it be eliminated by Shengsi so easily? !

Especially that weird smile made the current Shengsi feel a little uneasy.

"Brother Shengsi? Why are you unhappy?" Maybe she noticed Shengsi's strangeness, Ayumi stopped laughing, then ran to Shengsi and asked softly.

Hearing this, Shengsi waved his hand, then smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm very happy, how can I be unhappy after eliminating this monster?!"

(End of this chapter)

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