Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 286 Reaching the Exit

Chapter 286 Reaching the Exit
Although Shengsi is very worried about the monster in his heart now, he will not show it in front of Ayumi and the others.

Because in this environment, Seiji is the backbone of everyone, if Seiji gets confused first, Ayumi and the others will also panic, so at this time, Seiji had to suppress the worries in his heart and show a relaxed look , but his heart is always on guard!

"It would be great if Brother Seiji is also happy." After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi narrowed her small eyes, looking very happy.

Seeing the happy faces of the three, Shengsi said with a smile on his face: "Okay, it will take at least an hour to fly from here to the exit of Yagotai, so you should sleep here and wait until I'll call you when you leave."

Shengsi's idea is to let Bumei and the others sleep on the back of the eagle. In this way, if the monster reappears later, Shengsi will let the eagle run first, and he can come out to meet it alone!

The back of this big eagle is wide enough for Ayumi and the others to lie on it, so there is no need to worry that there will be no place to sleep, and the fur on the back of the eagle is very soft, Ayumi and the others will definitely sleep very comfortable.

Regarding Shengsi's proposal, all three nodded, "Okay."

Because they have been running around in the city this afternoon, they are also very tired at this time. They didn't feel excited just now, but now they are yawning again and again after being told by Shengsi, and then they pretend to be here. Lie on your back.

However, at this moment, Tomorrow Cai suddenly grabbed the schoolbag and shouted, "Mimi?! Mimi is gone! It was still in the backpack when I left, why is it gone now? Could it be that it just now It fell?!"

Thinking of this, Asuka immediately lay down on the eagle's back and looked down.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi was also taken aback, Mimi disappeared?
Having said that, Shengsi has not seen it for a long time. I remember that the last time Shengsi saw Mimi was when everyone was eating. The dishes have been trained!

Eh!Wait, now that I think about it, the direction Mimi was facing at that time seemed to be the Witch Temple. Did it discover something then? !
If so, then Mimi is much stronger than I thought!

However, it’s useless to say these things now, since that meal, Shengsi has never seen Mimi again, not even in another time and space, as if it disappeared under Shengsi’s nose .

During this period of time, Shengsi's attention was always on the old woman, so he didn't pay attention to Mimi at all. Until now, after hearing Asuka's words, Shengsi realized that Mimi was gone!

However, Asuka said that Mimi fell off the eagle's back, Shengsi didn't believe it at all, because with his skill, the chance of falling off the eagle's back was even lower than Shengsi himself !So, Mimi will fall, Shengsi doesn't believe it at all!

Thinking of this, Shengsi asked Tomorrow Cai, "Tomorrow Cai, when was the last time you saw Mimi?"

Hearing this, Asuka turned around and said, "It was when Ayumi came and told us to leave. At that time, I heard that I was leaving tonight, so I put the sleeping Mimi in my schoolbag, but now, it is gone. Already!"

At the end, Asuka looked anxious, obviously Mimi was very important to her!
Seeing this, Shengsi immediately said: "Don't worry, Mimi won't fall, it is very powerful, I guess, it should have run out when you didn't notice, and it is probably playing with Mana now! "

What Shengsi said is not to comfort Asuka, but it has a basis. If Mimi runs after Shengsi and the others take off, it is impossible not to be discovered by Shengsi, because Shengsi's attention is at this time. Highly concentrated, a creature as big as Mimi ran out of tomorrow's schoolbag, Shengsi would definitely find it.

In this way, Mimi should have run away shortly after Asuka put it in the schoolbag, and Mimi will not run far, so it is very likely that it is with Mana now.

"Really?!" Hearing what Shengsi said, Asuka's eyes lit up.

Just now she thought that Mimi fell from the sky and died, and she was sad, but now she heard Shengsi's words, she instantly became happy.

"Of course it's true. When we go out for a few days and then come back in, you may see Mimi again! So for now, you can sleep peacefully, and I will call you when we get out." Shengsi said to Tomorrow When Cai was talking, his attention kept looking around, preventing the old woman from appearing again.

"Hmm! Okay." Hearing Shengsi's words, Tomorrow's heart immediately settled down.

Ayumi and Xiao Ai also nodded, and then lay down on the eagle's back with Asuka. They were also very tired at this time, so they fell asleep all at once.

Just like that, Ayumi and the others fell asleep on the eagle's back, and Shengsi, he stood at the top, alert to the old women who would appear around at any time!

However, more than half an hour passed, and at this time the big eagle had already flown to the abandoned village where Shengsi and the others spent the night for the first time. Not even a single thing happened, it was so peaceful!
Up to now, Shengsi has an illusion that the old woman will not be wiped out by himself, otherwise why hasn't she caught up for so long.

Although Shengsi thought so, he still didn't dare to slack off before leaving Yagotai. After all, he was facing a formidable opponent, so Shengsi couldn't help but relax!

In this way, Shengsi continued to guard the surrounding area. Ten minutes later, the big eagle carried Shengsi and the others to the hillside where they had just entered Yagotai.


After flapping its wings a few times, the big eagle landed in front of the arched passage.

"Ayumi! Ai! Tomorrow! Get up! We've reached the exit!" As soon as he landed, Seiji jumped off the big eagle and shouted back.

In fact, Shengsi's idea was to let the big eagle carry Ayumi and the others all the way to the mouth of the well, but the arched passage was too short, and the big eagle couldn't get in at all.Therefore, Shengsi directly woke up everyone.

"Sage? Have we arrived yet?" Xiao Ai was the first to wake up. In fact, she wasn't very sound asleep, just a light sleep, the kind that would wake up whenever there was a disturbance.

After all, now is an extraordinary period, and it is difficult for Xiao Ai to fall asleep soundly. While talking, Xiao Ai slipped off the eagle's wings.

(End of this chapter)

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