Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 287 1 line of life!

Chapter 287 A lifeline!
"Well! We've reached the exit, we can go out soon." While catching Xiao Ai, Shengsi said.

Although Shengsi is very puzzled why the old woman didn't come after him, but this is not the time to think about those things, the way to go out is king!

While the two were talking, Asuna and Ayumi also slid off the eagle's back with the help of Shengsi.

After the three of them came down, Shengsi waved his little hand, "Diao'er, thank you!"

Hearing this, the big eagle responded with a loud cry, as if saying 'You're welcome'!Then with this cry, the big eagle slowly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi paused at the door, and then led everyone towards the passage.

And when everyone entered the passage, on the top of the arch, the big red eye shone with a slight red light, which looked very evil in this dark night, but Shengsi and the others did not see these.

"Eh?! Brother Shengsi, the deer we saw last time is gone! Where do you think it went?" The semi-circular clearing in Walter.

But at this time, the deer-shaped Kecharte was no longer here, so Ayumi raised a question.

Regarding this, Shengsi spread his hands and said: "I don't know either, I guess I went out to play, okay, let's go quickly, we can go out soon."

Saying that, Shengsi took the lead and walked towards the passage in the middle. He only had one thought now, which was to return to the ground immediately, recover his mind power, and then use his mind power to enter the realm of wizards!
As for other things, Saint Stone doesn't care!
Shengsi remembered that they came out of that passage before, so now they can see the well when they go there.

While everyone watched Shengsi walking forward, they hurriedly followed, so, under the leadership of Shengsi, several people gradually walked towards the well along the passage.

Just after Shengsi and the others walked into the passage, what they didn't see was that on the arched passage in the open space, this red eye, like the one outside, flashed a faint red light, which was very evil .

Soon, under the leadership of Shengsi, everyone came to the side of the well.

When he looked at the well, Shengsi breathed a sigh of relief, and he was about to go out soon. As long as they jumped down from the well filled with the water of Weida, they would be able to go out soon.

With this in mind, Shengsi turned his head and said, "Tie this rope around your waist, we're going out soon."

Saying so, Seiji handed the three ropes to Ayumi and the others, which are necessary to prevent them from getting separated from him when they jump.

While handing the rope to the three of them, Shengsi also urged: "Just tie it tight, and just tie a knot!"

In this way, more than a minute later, after Shengsi confirmed that the three of them were tied with knots, they came to the well, and after Shengsi gave three orders, they all jumped down together!

Following this thud, Shengsi and the others gradually sank in the well!

And as time passed, Shengsi and the others descended faster and faster, and after a while, the four of them arrived at the place where they had trouble entering Yagotai last time.

There are murals with big eyes all around here, which is very weird, but the light is very dark at this time, and the murals around are not very clear.

Now that they have arrived here, Shengsi and the others have already walked half of the distance. I believe that in a few seconds, they will return to the stairs at the bottom of the water. At that time, as long as they go up the stairs, they will I can leave Yagotai now.

However, when Shengsi was thinking about this, he suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger. At this moment, Shengsi crushed more than a dozen magic beads without thinking. These are all shield-like magic After being crushed, shields of various colors appeared on Shengsi and the others, which could protect them from harm.

next second!
'Boom! .Boom! .Boom! .Boom! 'The sound of four collisions in a row sounded.

Because of the violent impact, several of the shields on everyone's bodies were broken, but none of them were injured.

After a while, Shengsi understood the situation. It turned out that they hit a transparent barrier, and this barrier was very familiar to Shengsi, it was the transparent barrier that blocked Shengsi and Ayumi in that time and space!

At this moment when Shengsi was stunned, suddenly, a dazzling red light came out all around!Those are huge red eyes, they all emit bright red light, and they look terrifying in this deep water.

This is not the most frightening thing for Shengsi. The most frightening thing is that among these eyes, Shengsi saw a humanoid figure with a huge eye on his forehead and a big mouth. There was a silent smile!As if laughing at Shengsi and the others.

One glance at Shengsi knew that this was the old woman who was 'eliminated' by Shengsi before!

Originally, Shengsi thought that it didn't chase after him because of some scruples, but he didn't expect that it was waiting for them here!It's abominable!
And judging from the current situation, it should have been waiting here for a long time, and with this barrier and so many eyes around it, Shengsi remembered the scene in the Witch Temple in that time and space.

At that time, it was also such a red light, and this transparent wall, could it be that this is also its trap?
Thinking of this, Shengsi felt a chill in his heart, is that scene going to happen again?
Just when Shengsi was thinking about this, the old woman opened her mouth wide and walked slowly towards Shengsi and the others. The slow steps seemed to have determined that Shengsi and the others could not escape.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Ayumi and the others were frightened and moved closer to Seiji. At the same time, their mouths kept opening and closing, but because they were in the water, there was no sound at all.

But judging from the terrified expressions on their faces, Shengsi knew that they were very scared.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shengsi's heart ached inexplicably. Is that scene going to happen again?Shengsi tried it just now, and the magic here will disappear as soon as it is thrown out, exactly the same as the previous scene.

So he was slightly desperate!

At this moment, Shengsi has no strength to resist, so he can only let others slaughter him. No!etc!Shengsi suddenly remembered that the ball of light in his head said something, the ball of light said, remember to crush a ball of light when they go out of the well.

And that ball of light is now in Shengsi's dimensional space!
Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately took out the light ball in the dimensional space, and took it out, Shengsi crushed it immediately without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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