Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 288 Chase and Kill!

Chapter 288 Chase and Kill!

After the ball of light was crushed, the next second, the ball of light suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. The light was so bright that it directly illuminated the entire bottom of the water. It was much dimmed, apparently suppressed by the white light!
The white light was so dazzling that even Seiji and the others were blinded by the flash.

And when the old woman watched Shengsi crush the ball of light, her expression changed, but the next moment, it was flooded by the white light!

After a few seconds, the white light dissipated.

It was quiet all around, not the kind of silence where there was no sound, but the kind of silence where everything was still.

After feeling this way, Shengsi slowly opened his eyes, and the next second, Shengsi saw a shocking scene!And Shengsi has only seen this situation twice in his life, and this time, it is the third time!
The first time, it was in the previous life, the moment Shengsi was killed by a bomb, at that time, the whole world stopped in the eyes of Shengsi, everything was so clear, so unforgettable for him, until now , Sheng Sidu still remembers the caterpillar on the pear tree!

The second time, it was in the cave behind Gongshui Shrine. It was the first time Shengsi saw the white pearl. The moment the white pearl appeared, it sent out white ripples, making the whole cave time Stilled.

And the third time is now, under the illumination of the white light, everyone here is still in place except Shengsi.

Ayumi and the others looked terrified on their faces, as well as the astonished look of the old woman in the distance, as well as the big eyes and flowing water around them, all of these were still!
Moreover, Shengsi could still feel that the invisible wall that blocked everyone just now had disappeared!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi was shocked!

This... this is really amazing!He didn't expect that the ball of light in his head gave him such a powerful thing, that he could directly pause time!

Looking at the still scene around, Seiji dragged Ayumi and the others gradually flew towards the old woman.

At this time, Shengsi's idea is to use magic to destroy the old woman while it is immobilized!
However, it was obvious that Shengsi was thinking too much. Not long after Shengsi approached the old woman, Shengsi hadn't even taken out the magic beads. At this moment, Shengsi suddenly found that the old woman's face The big eye seemed to blink!
And with this blink, Shengsi felt the surrounding water began to vibrate slightly.

Could this monster break free from the shackles of time? !Or, the original effect of the bead is only for such a period of time?
In any case, no matter what the situation is, Shengsi knows that if he doesn't leave now, it will be dangerous!

Thinking of this, Shengsi didn't care about the old woman anymore, and swam upwards vigorously.

At this time, because of the stillness of time, Shengsi found that the gravity in the water also disappeared, Shengsi had to swim towards the top of his head, and the three of Ayumi and the others were still supported by Shengsi, and Shengsi swam very slowly.

Judging from this speed, when Shengsi swam to the surface of the water, he had already been torn apart several times by the old woman who broke free.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately took out a handful of magic beads from the dimensional space.

First of all, he put more than a dozen protective shields on everyone, and then threw a few attacking spells a few meters below them.

'Boom! '

With this muffled sound, those few spells exploded directly below Shengsi and the others!
In the next second, a huge force came from Shengsi's feet. This force was so huge that it hit Shengsi's protective shield in an instant.

'boom! .boom!boom! '

At this moment, the shield on Shengsi's body was broken into layers.

However, Shengsi was very accurate. Although this force would blow up many layers of their shields, there would still be a few left, so that everyone would not be injured.

At the same time, this force directly produced a huge thrust, making Shengsi and the others fly straight to the top of their heads like a rocket.

However, what worried Shengsi was that because of the magic explosion just now, the time flow in the old woman's space suddenly accelerated. Presumably, within three seconds, the old woman would break free from the shackles of time and head towards Shengsi. Come on!

Sure enough, as Shengsi expected, after three seconds, Shengsi looked back and found that the red light that had dimmed just now brightened again, and the old woman also raised her head at this time, using The eyes on its forehead fixedly stared at Shengsi, and at the same time, its mouth let out an angry roar. Although Shengsi could not hear the sound in this water, from the vibration of the water waves, Shengsi could still Feel the strong anger of the old woman!

Following this roar, the old woman's eyes glowed a frightening red light, and in the next second, it chased after everyone at an extremely fast speed!

At this time, Shengsi had already reached the underwater stairs with the help of that thrust, and seeing the old woman chasing towards him, Shengsi immediately hugged the three of them tightly, and then ran towards the stairs.

Now, Shengsi only needs to run to the end of the stairs, then run out of the water, and finally run out of the stone gate!
As long as Shengsi comes out of the stone gate!He can recover part of his strength, and in this way, he can fight with the old woman who doesn't rely on the formation!

Before, on the way, the old woman suddenly appeared, and disappeared after being thrown once by Shengsi's magic. Shengsi guessed that the old woman was not strong, and she probably couldn't help herself without the formation, so the old woman didn't Fighting against the Saint Division, but chose to set up a formation here and wait.

However, the old woman's attack with full confidence was interrupted by Shengsi's ball of light. At this time, the old woman was extremely angry!
In just over ten seconds, the old woman also climbed to the top of the stairs. At this time, Shengsi had already walked two-thirds of the stairs.

"Ah!~" Looking at the three Shengsi who were running away, the old woman stood at the bottom of the stairs and roared angrily towards this side.

This roar was so powerful that ripples appeared in the deep water, and these ripples were like homing missiles, rushing towards Shengsi and the others!

After shouting, the old woman continued to chase Shengsi and the others.

And those ripples came to Shengsi's side within a second. At this moment, Shengsi felt a sense of danger, and he crushed more than ten beads immediately without thinking.

And in the next second, Shengsi had to praise his wit.

I saw that the moment Shengsi crushed the magic bead, the shields they had originally put on were smashed by the ripples in an instant. If Shengsi hadn't added more than ten shields later, they Maybe he will be shocked by this sound wave to cause internal injuries!
(End of this chapter)

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