Chapter 289 Dead?

But now, Shengsi is happy, because although the sound waves roared by the old woman just now did not harm them, the power is still there.

That is to say, not only did the old woman's attack not cause any disturbance to Shengsi, but it also helped Shengsi, allowing Shengsi to take a few big steps forward with this power!

Seeing this, the old woman behind everyone roared angrily again, but this time it was just pure anger, and it also understood that its attack was useless to Shengsi, but instead helped him, really angry died!
Seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, and then he ran towards the water with all his might.

At this time, Shengsi was only a few steps away from the water surface, and the old woman was still tens of meters away, so Shengsi felt very relaxed, and he no longer felt nervous.

Just like that, the old woman who was screaming behind her chased Shengsi straight out of the water.

At this time, the Shengsi people stood beside the stone gate, and the old woman had just surfaced.

"Tomorrow Cai, use Gevis to open this door!" Said, Shengsi turned to look at the old woman, holding dozens of magic beads in his hand.

Just now, when Shengsi came to the stone gate, he found that they couldn't open the stone gate, but didn't he say that he didn't need to do anything when he said it last time?But what's going on now?

Therefore, regarding this situation, Seiji directly asked Asuna to use the fragment of Gevis to open the door, while he turned around to block the old woman.

"En!" Hearing this, Tomorrow Cai nodded, then took out the piece of Gevis from his pocket and pressed it towards Shimen.

At the same time, the old woman behind everyone also rushed towards this side at a faster speed. It roared as it charged, its appearance was very terrifying.

Seeing this, the magic beads in Shengsi's hands were crushed one by one, and then they kept throwing them at the old woman.

Here in Shimen, although it is still a magic-forbidden environment, there is no magic circle arranged by the old woman, so here, the strength of the magic beads of the holy priest is still a little bit.

However, Shengsi's magic beads are not endless. During this trip to Yagotai, Shengsi has used up almost all the useful magic beads. Most of the magic beads thrown out now are less powerful and some Obstacle magic.

Even so, these spells of Shengsi still caused some obstacles to the old woman, and because of these obstacles, Asuna had already opened the stone door with Ge Weisi.

At this moment, the magical elements between heaven and earth rushed into Shengsi's body from outside the stone gate. At this moment, Shengsi's strength rose in a straight line. stopped.

Just now, Shengsi used the skills he learned from the dark space to directly evacuate the magic elements in the entire passage. In this way, the strength of Shengsi was directly restored to the peak of a high-level magician, and with the external magic elements Slowly intervening, Shengsi's strength is still growing slowly.

While Shengsi's magical strength increased, his mind power also rose in a straight line, and he recovered to the level of a radius of three miles in an instant.

Sensing the majestic energy in his body, Shengsi let out a comfortable roar!If Shengsi was only sure to fight the old woman before, then now, he is sure to kill it easily!
"Shengsi, the door has been opened." At this moment, Asuka said to Shengsi.

Hearing this, Shengsi didn't even look back, and sent the three of them far away with his thoughts.

When Ayumi and the others fell to the ground, Shengsi's voice floated in the air: "You wait for me here, I will come out right away!"

Looking at Shimen again, Shengsi had just sent Ayumi and the others out at this time, her head was tilted to the rear, and the old woman flew over from a distance instantly when Shengsi turned her head, with a red light flashing in her hand, A look that is bound to cut Shengsi in half.

When the red light was only a few meters away from Shengsi, Shengsi's head was still facing backwards, as if he hadn't noticed the danger behind him at all.

When the old woman saw this scene, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she had seen Shengsi's death under the knife.

However, in the next second, its smile froze.

because!It had already cut Shengsi in half with one blow, but judging from the feeling of the cut, the old woman didn't feel any resistance, as if it was cut in the air.

Moreover, there was not a trace of blood spilling from Shengsi who was split in half, no matter how stupid the old woman was at this time, she knew that she had been tricked!

And just as the old woman realized this, it suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind.

This is the kick of the holy priest who blessed the power of thought. It is so powerful that if it is an ordinary person, it can be kicked into a ball of blood foam directly. Even a great magician would not dare to accept this kick!Because Shengsi didn't know the strength of the old woman, he directly used all his strength!
Before, what was split by the old woman was a water mirror technique used by Shengsi, leaving a fake clone in place to confuse the enemy.

The effect was obvious, and the old woman was completely dumbfounded by Shengsi's move.

And Shengsi took advantage of the old woman's ignorance, and used the invisibility technique to launch a thunderous blow from behind her!
'ah! ~'

Being kicked by Shengsi, the old woman let out a shrill scream, obviously being seriously injured by Shengsi.

However, this is not over yet, looking at the old woman Feiyuan, Shengsi directly wrapped her up with her thoughts, and then imprisoned her in the air.

At this time, the old woman was placed in the air in a big character by Shengsi, matching its ferocious appearance, it was extremely terrifying!
"Who are you?! Why did you kill us?!" Looking at the imprisoned old woman, Shengsi asked.

At this time, Shengsi was shocked, he didn't expect that his all-out blow turned out to seriously injure the old woman, it was really terrifying.

At the same time, he was also puzzled, who is this monster?Why do you have to make trouble with yourself, even the light ball in your head doesn't know its origin.

The old woman didn't pay any attention to Shengsi's question, and saw that it just laughed evilly in the air. The laughter was very serious, which made Shengsi feel very uncomfortable.

And as the old woman laughed loudly, the eye on her forehead blinked at the same time. This terrifying appearance made Shengsi feel a little terrified.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie" the old woman laughed even louder.

Seeing the crazy appearance of the old woman, Shengsi used all his thoughts to press towards her without thinking, and he planned to use his thoughts to crush it to death!He knew that he couldn't ask any more questions, so it was useless to keep this monster.

However, after a few seconds, Shengsi found that no matter how hard he tried, it was useless, and the power of thought did not harm the old woman at all. Seeing this, Shengsi planned to use other methods to kill it.

But!Just as Shengsi was thinking, the old woman suddenly burst into a ball of blood foam in the air!
(End of this chapter)

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