Chapter 290 Injured
what happened? !What's the matter?Shengsi said that he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He obviously didn't use his strength, but why did it suddenly explode? !

And still such a disgusting explosion, it's... so disgusting.

Looking at the blood mist in the air, Shengsi waved his hand in disgust, intending to use his thoughts to dispel it.

Although he didn't know why the monster suddenly exploded, Shengsi didn't care about it at all. He was going to die anyway, so let it die.

However, after a few seconds, Shengsi was surprised to find that he could not dispel the blood mist, and after a few seconds of Shengsi's astonishment, the blood mist suddenly gathered, and after several changes, finally formed a blood red big eyes.

This eye formed really fast, in an instant, the blood mist turned into an eye, which left Shengsi with no time to react.

However, this was not enough, the moment the blood-red eyes formed, a huge force was brewing on it, as if it would explode in the next second.

not good!It's blood burst!
Looking at the scene in front of him, such a word appeared in Shengsi's mind.

The so-called blood explosion refers to an extremely terrifying magic. The principle of this magic is to use all the blood in one's body, and then gather it together to erupt with huge power.

This kind of energy is so strong that a senior magician may kill a great magician by using this magic!However, when you finish using this magic, you will also die due to loss of blood!
300 years ago, this magic was developed by a magician of a special department, and it became popular in the entire magic world in a very short period of time. More than ten years later, basically every magician at that time knew this kind of magic.

Moreover, because this kind of magic has the ability to leapfrog instant kills, many magic families have cultivated a one-time dead warrior who has learned the blood explosion technique!
Most of these dead men are at the level of high-level magicians, and only a small number are at the level of great magicians. As long as this kind of dead men at the level of great magicians are ordered to assassinate the head of another family, they will be killed. But every kill is accurate, very few misses!

For a time, the balance of the entire magic world was destroyed, and the hatred between families gradually accumulated. 100 years after the invention of the blood blast technique, a great war broke out in the magic world. , that is the famous Second Magic World War.

In this battle, countless deaths and injuries occurred in the entire magic world, and the magicians were greatly reduced!And the main reason for this is the blood explosion technique!

It is precisely because of the cruelty and great power of this kind of magic that after the war, the magic families formed the Magician Conference, and the first Magician Conference held at that time proposed a ban!
That is to completely eliminate the magic of blood explosion, and those who know this magic are not allowed to pass it on!
After this ban was issued, all magic families and individual magicians at that time had to swear!Under the supervision of the four wizards, there are no magicians in the world missing!

Just like that, the Blood Explosion Technique completely disappeared from this world that day!
Since then, magicians have only seen or heard about it in books about anecdotes and strange things. As for the books that record how to perform this kind of magic, no one has ever seen it. I saw a record of the blood blast technique in a book.

But now!Unexpectedly, right in front of Shengsi's eyes, he saw the complete formation of the blood explosion technique!
The strength of the monster in front of you should be at the peak of a high-level magician, so the power of the blood explosion technique it casts should be equivalent to a blow from a great magician's forbidden curse, and the time required for this blow is very short, allowing you I can't even react, this!That is the horror of the blood explosion technique!
If Shengsi was hit by this blood explosion, he must be dead, but at this time Shengsi has already reacted, so he still has a period of time to react, although this time is very short!

After Shengsi watched this scene, he immediately retreated without thinking, and at the same time, he laid several layers of defense on his body!In fact, Shengsi wanted to arrange more, but he didn't have this opportunity.

Because the moment Shengsi finished these, the blood explosion technique broke out!

'Shua! ~'

The blood-red eyes emitted a bright red ray, which was so fast that Shengsi couldn't react at all, and at the same time as the ray was emitted, Shengsi was hit by the ray.

In an instant, the defenses laid down by Sheng Sibu were like waste paper, and they were all shattered the moment they came into contact with the rays.

And the ray also dimmed a little after breaking through these shields.

Even so, it rushed towards Shengsi's chest with a turbulent momentum, but it was stopped by a transparent barrier just after flying a few millimeters.

This is Shengsi's mental power shield, and it is also Shengsi's last line of defense. If this line of defense is breached, then the next time it will hurt Shengsi himself.

However, since Shengsi has never seen what the blood blast technique looks like, the protection he puts on is like the whole body, even the power of thought, so these protections are so fragile for the single-point attack of this ray.

Even Shengsi's mental power was the same, only a few microseconds after the ray came into contact with Shengsi's mental shield, the winner was decided.

The answer, of course, is that Shengsi's mind shield has been completely defeated. However, Shengsi's mind shield is not useless. After the ray broke through all of Shengsi's shields, its light was more than half dimmed to the naked eye.

Thus, such a ray hit Shengsi's chest straight!

'Wow! .'

'Boom! '

The first sound was the sound of Shengsi spitting blood in the air, and the second sound was the sound of Shengsi being beaten and thrown against the wall.

"So strong!" Shengsi slid down the wall, then sat down on the ground, spitting a mouthful of blood.

After all, he still underestimated the blood explosion technique. In Shengsi's imagination, this ray should be completely blocked by his shield, but at this time, Shengsi ignored his own strength.

If Shengsi is a great magician now, then that ray can't do anything to him at all, but!His current strength is only a high-level magician, so Shengsi was directly seriously injured by this ray.
I saw a big hole in Shengsi's chest at this time. From this opening, it can be seen that Shengsi's internal organs have been displaced, and a large part of his lungs has been shattered. Even the beating heart can be used. visible to the naked eye.

This kind of injury, if it were someone else, would be powerless!However, Shengsi is different. While repairing his body with magic power, he also uses his power of thought to control his internal organs from bleeding, and in those broken places, he can also simulate blood vessels with his power of thought to let blood flow in them. If it wasn't for this reason, Sheng Sima would not have escaped death!
(End of this chapter)

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