Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 291 The Origin of Time and Space

Chapter 291 The Origin of Time and Space
Now, although Shengsi was seriously injured, he couldn't die at all.

More than ten minutes later, Shengsi stood up, and then took a deep breath. At this time, Shengsi's injuries have all recovered with the help of magic power and thought power. There is no scar on his chest, as if Never been injured in general!
After getting up, Shengsi took a deep look at the stone door that had been closed long ago.

Afterwards, Shengsi left without looking back. Shengsi could not bear the slightest nostalgia for this place. Shengsi knew that when he came back again, he was already a powerful wizard!

At that time, Shengsi will definitely catch the mastermind behind the scenes and make him pay the price in blood!
A few seconds later, Seiji flew to Ayumi and the others.

"Shengsi, how's it going?!" Xiao Ai was the first to see Shengsi, and she asked when Shengsi had just arrived.

"It's okay, I've wiped it out, now, let's go home!" Saying that, Shengsi wrapped the three of them with his thoughts, and then flew outside.

Two minutes later, Shengsi landed not far from Xiaoyuan Village. It was the second watch at this time, and most people in the village were asleep. There was a ripple in the tranquility of this small village.

"Asuka, hold this bead. If you find any danger, crush it! I will appear by your side immediately!" Seiji said on the way here just now, they are going back to Tokyo , so I had to separate from tomorrow's dishes.

However, because Asuka has Gevis that Shengsi needs on him, after all, Shengsi still needs this when he enters Yagotai again, but Shengsi can't steal what his father left her, so Shengsi had to Send something by her side, so that Seiji can protect her when Asuka is in danger, so that Ge Weisi will not be lost.

In fact, Shengsi also made an insurance, that is, put a soul mark on Geweisi, so that no matter where this Geweisi is, Shengsi can find it!

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Tomorrow Cai took the beads and nodded happily.

Getting along with Shengsi and the others these days, Tomorrow Cai feels very happy, especially now, she also received a gift from Shengsi when she parted, which made her even happier who has no friends!

"We will definitely come back to find you!" Ayumi gave Asuna a big hug when she knew she was about to part.

"Hmm! I'll wait!" Asuka returned Ayumi with a hug.

After the two hugged each other, Shengsi said with a smile: "Okay, your mother must be waiting impatiently, go back quickly, we are going home too. So, goodbye!"

Saying that, with a movement of Shengsi's mind, the three of them slowly floated up from the ground, as if they were about to fly away from this place.

"Goodbye!" Watching the three take off, Asuna waved his arms and shouted loudly with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, and in the next second, the three of them turned into a meteor and flew towards Tokyo.

A few minutes later, everyone appeared at Xiao Ai's home.

"Ayumi, you can sleep here with Xiaoai today, I can't accompany you if I have something to do at night." Shengsi said just after entering the door.

He has always remembered the words of the light ball in his mind - after going out, hurry up to guard the shield and let it absorb the energy of the barrier!

So at this time, Seiji has to hurry to Itoshou's side.

"Okay! Brother Shengsi, go get busy, I'll be here with Huiyuan." Ayumi knew that Shengsi was busy, so she seemed very obedient.

"Ayumi, please!" At the same time as he said, Shengsi handed a ball of light towards Xiaoai.

"En!" After receiving the light ball, Xiao Ai nodded.

Seeing this, Shengsi flashed in place, and the person had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Ayumi and Xiao Ai glanced at each other, then laughed and rushed towards the living room. They hadn't seen such a modern thing for several days, so they seemed a little excited at this time.

Looking at Shengsi again, Shengsi was floating in the sky above Shishou at this time, and not far from his feet was the transparent barrier.

Seeing this, Shengsi slowly floated down from the sky. At the same time, he kept shouting into his mind, hoping to get a response from the two beads.

After more than ten seconds, Shengsi landed on the ground next to the transparent barrier.

However, at the moment Shengsi's feet fell to the ground, a voice came from his mind: "Put your hands on this barrier, don't stick it in, just touch it." '

Hearing this, Shengsi's heart moved, and then he put his hands on the transparent barrier according to the words in his mind.

At the beginning, Shengsi didn't feel anything when he put his hand on it, but in the next second, Shengsi felt a huge energy flow pouring in from his palm. First of all, that energy first circulated in Shengsi's body After a circle, it finally rushed towards the brain.

This abnormally pure energy made Shengsi feel extremely comfortable when it flowed through his body, just like soaking in a hot spring, his whole body was warm and caring.

Just when Shengsi was enjoying this feeling, the voice in his head came again: "It's really cheap for you kid, this is the purest source of time and space, something that ordinary people can't see in a lifetime, if you advance tonight If you are a mage, I think it will help you. '

Hearing this, Shengsi was taken aback for a moment, is there such a benefit?Originally, Shengsi thought that this thing would only make the body comfortable, but he didn't expect it to have this effect, but what effect does it have?

Thinking of this, Shengsi blurted out: "What effect does this energy have?"

He wanted to figure out what was the use of this thing.

However, the ball of light in his mind didn't answer Shengsi's question. I don't know if it thought the question was too stupid and didn't want to answer it, or it was absorbing energy and didn't have time to reason with Shengsi.

Seeing that the question he asked had not been answered, Shengsi didn't ask any more, but carefully felt the energy in his body, praying that he could find some secrets in it.

In this way, a few minutes passed. At this time, the two light balls in Shengsi's brain had already replenished their energy, and then cut off the connection with the barrier: "Okay, you go to the promotion, or you will wait until the space-time gap." The effect of the source will be greatly reduced. '

"Eh?!" Shengsi had been intoxicated in that comfortable feeling just now, but now he was suddenly awakened, and he still didn't react for a while.

'What are you doing in a daze? !go! Seeing Shengsi in a daze, the voice rang out again.

"Hey! Okay!" Only then did Seiji react.

As he said that, he immediately rushed into the sky, and began to frantically absorb the magic elements around him.

(End of this chapter)

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