Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 292: Advance to the Mage!

Chapter 292: Advance to the Mage!
After Shengsi circled the sky with a radius of [-] miles around Itoshou, his strength has returned to the peak period!And the price is that all the magic elements in Shishou's radius of a hundred miles have disappeared!

After doing all this, Shengsi looked up to the sky and screamed, expressing his joy after recovering his strength!
In this way, after more than a minute, Shengsi stopped the roaring sound, and his shouting just now directly emptied all the turbid air absorbed in the past few days, not only that, when Shengsi shouted The sources of time and space remaining in the body will swim around the body again.

So at this time, after Shengsi shouted, he felt extremely refreshed, and felt comfortable all over his body, as if he was about to float up.

'What are you doing in a daze? !Why don't you hurry up and take advantage of the source of time to advance quickly? ! 'Just as Shengsi sighed, an urgent voice came from his mind.

You know, this source of time and space is the ultimate resource in the magic world. Now, the entire magic world probably doesn't have much. As long as ordinary people have a little bit of this thing, the success rate of advancing to any level can be greatly improved.

However, Shengsi directly let the source of time and space flow through his body. Even if 90.00% of it was absorbed by the two light spheres, a very small part of it would still be absorbed by Shengsi. , and this is only a one-time amount. At that time, Shengsi touched the barrier for several minutes.

The source of time and space has circulated in Shengsi's body at least a hundred times!In this case, the source of time and space remaining in Shengsi's body is much more extraordinary!That's a terrifying amount!
This amount is enough for all the magicians in the entire magic family to advance, but now it is on the body of Shengsi alone!And the source of time and space has a time limit. If it is not used all the time, the effect will gradually decrease with the passage of time. Therefore, Shengsi's performance of not advancing to the next level is simply reckless!

"Oh, okay!" Shouted by the voice in his head, Shengsi immediately responded.

He knows the temper of the ball of light in his head. Usually it can talk but it doesn't talk. You ask it, it doesn't like you, it takes the initiative to talk to you, and then when you want to ask something, it doesn't like it again!

But now, it is eager to talk to itself. From this point of view, this source of time and space is really a very precious thing, so at this time Shengsi also became serious and planned to start to advance.

Saying that, Shengsi sat cross-legged in the [-]-meter-high sky, now!He's about to advance!

In fact, Shengsi had a special purpose in draining all the magic elements within a radius of a hundred miles. Shengsi's promotion is different from others. The general magician advances, and the more magic elements there are, the higher the success rate of promotion. High, but Seiji is different!
He is going to become the first non-attribute mage in history. The so-called non-attribute is a very single attribute without any other ingredients. Therefore, the saint must advance in an environment without magic elements, otherwise If he absorbed magic elements of other attributes when he was promoted, the promotion of the saint would not be perfect!
Therefore, only by emptying the surrounding magic elements, in this way, can he be able to elementalize without attributes!So as to reach the realm of the wizard!

After making these preparations, Shengsi took a deep breath, and in the next second, the magic power on his body was like a dam that opened the gate, scrambling to disperse towards the surroundings.

If other magicians pass by at this time, he will find that the holy priest at this time is an extremely rich magic power group, and the magic elements escaping out are directly liquefied because they are too rich, and become real magic. Elements, what a horror!
"Drink! Ha!" With these two shouts, the magic power on Shengsi's body has been completely emptied!
At this time, except for the power of mind, there is no other energy in Shengsi's body!
Looking at the materialized magic elements around, Shengsi waved his small hand directly, and these liquid magic elements were collected into the dimensional space by Shengsi.

This is all baby!The liquid energy emanating from Shengsi, if used for others to practice, can at least increase the efficiency by five or six times, and make tea from this thing for parents to drink, not only can prolong life, but also strengthen the body. No invasion, living to be more than 100 years old is not a problem at all!So Shengsi collected these things and let Xiao Xi and the others use them. Maybe Xiao Xi can use these things to become a great magician!

Thinking of this, Shengsi smiled and his mood improved.

With this good mood, Shengsi immediately set up a magic circle around him. This magic circle is used to prevent the entry of magic elements, because Shengsi is afraid that magic elements will spread from dozens of miles away when he advances. So he took a precaution.

After doing these things, Shengsi officially started the road to promotion!
Ordinary mages make themselves elemental, and carry the power of elements in every word and deed. The so-called words follow the law, and the body moves people to destroy, which is the power of the mage.

But Shengsi is very unusual. His way of being a mage is different from others. Others are all aware of the elements, and then go to find the elements to elementize them.

But Shengsi is not like this. He turns himself into a gravitational ball, letting various elements find him, and then let himself choose!
The former is like a courtier looking for the monarch, only obeying his orders, and dare not seek another master.

And the latter one is when an emperor goes to court, hundreds of ministers and thousands of sons come to pay homage, and let them choose. The two are completely different, so their strengths are also completely different!
This point, Shengsi also realized at this time!

With this kind of thinking in mind, Shengsi advanced faster, and saw that he compressed his mental power from a radius of ten miles.

Slowly nine miles, eight miles, one mile, 200 meters, 50 meters, and five meters!

At five meters, Seiji felt a sudden increase in resistance, causing his originally easy movements to pause.

Yes, the way for a saint to become a magician is simple, basically it is to directly expand one's mind power to the maximum range, and then use a special method to compress it, and keep compressing it!Finally pressed into an extremely small origin!

After becoming the origin, at this time, you have completed the first step, and the next step is also the most critical step, which is to change this origin back!
Yes, it's that simple, just change it back!When the origin returns to ten miles away again, you will be successfully promoted to a mage!
But!Although these steps are simple to say, how difficult it is is an unknown, even Shengsi does not know, because he is still in the first stage, and he has not even touched the hair of the second stage!
(End of this chapter)

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