Chapter 293 Success?
"Ah! Ah!~" Shengsi had already compressed his thought power to a radius of one meter. At this moment, he seemed to have reached a bottleneck. He could only see some sweat dripping from his forehead. The scope of this thought power is gradually reduced.

One minute later, Shengsi's forehead was already covered with sweat, but in return, the range of his mind power was compressed to 1 centimeters!
At this time, Shengsi can barely maintain this state, let alone continue to compress, as long as he relaxes a little, the power of thought at this time will rebound and directly return to the initial state - ten miles in size!
Originally, Shengsi thought that he could easily advance to become a mage after he knew the method, but unexpectedly, the reality is so difficult.

He has reached his limit now, it is impossible to continue compressing it!

"Now! What should I do?!" Because he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, Shengsi always paused when he spoke to the light ball in his head!

However, for Shengsi's words, the ball of light in his head didn't respond at all, as if it had disappeared!This made Shengsi slightly flustered.

Does it not know?Could it be that his promotion will fail this time?If it fails. Then
Shengsi really can't imagine the result after his failure, the so-called one effort, then decline, three exhaustion!This simple truth is understood by the priest.

He knew that if he failed this time, the chances of him failing next time would increase exponentially!Even later, it is impossible for him to become a wizard!
So at this time, Shengsi was slightly flustered.

At this time, in Shengsi's mind, the two balls of light were spinning slowly, and the rhythm was very strange. As Shengsi breathed out, their speed also became faster and slower.In fact, they heard Shengsi's words, but they just didn't answer.

Because of promotion!It's a matter of one person!No matter what the result is, it has to be done by one person. If there are others involved, this matter will become less pure, and then there will be a serious lack of strength!
Therefore, the light ball in Shengsi's mind simply ignored Shengsi and let him "fend and die". However, Shengsi's promotion is doomed, because they have already "seen" it, this!It is also an important reason why they do not speak!
Not to mention what the ball of light in Shengsi's mind was thinking, Shengsi was already feeling a little anxious at this moment, he had used all his strength to compress the mind shield just now, but it was of no use, the mind power was still motionless, it had always been Twenty centimeters, not moved at all!

Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head slightly annoyed, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

In fact, Shengsi is frantically thinking about ways to advance himself in his mind at this time.

The first one, he thought of the source of time and space, but Shengsi found that this thing didn't listen to him at all, it just flowed in Shengsi's body on its own, it was not controlled by Shengsi at all, and Shengsi also I don't know how to use it, so Shengsi left it alone.

And the second one, Shengsi thought of using some magic items to strengthen himself, but he vetoed it in the next second, because these things contained magic elements from other departments. On this point, Shengsi completely vetoed it!

Then came the third, the 360th and the fifth, no matter how many methods it was, Shengsi rejected them one by one!Because these methods have problems here or there, there is no way to adopt them.

As for the 360th sixth. Well!Shengsi has not thought of it yet.

Therefore, Shengsi's eyes changed from excitement at the beginning to happiness, then calm, then slightly flustered, and finally the current ups and downs!
All of this was captured in the eyes of those two light spheres, but they didn't panic at all seeing this, because they knew it!Shengsi will definitely succeed in the end!
The fact is also the same. In the next second, Shengsi's eyes suddenly flashed a light. If Xiao Xi was here at this time, she would know that this is Shengsi's performance when he thinks of a way!

Yes!Shengsi already knew how to do it, in fact, it was very simple!His breakthrough point is the liquid magic elements that he expelled from his body before!
Because of Shengsi's own reasons, the liquid energy he discharged has no attributes!So they can be absorbed by any magician, including Shengsi himself of course!

Before, because Shengsi designated the use of these things for Xiaoxi and his parents, he subconsciously ignored them when he was thinking just now, but when Shengsi was slightly agitated, he had an idea and suddenly remembered This crop, so the next scene appeared!
I saw that Shengsi directly extracted about a quarter of the liquid energy in the dimensional space, and after drawing it out, Shengsi sprinkled it around him without thinking.

In the next moment, Shengsi directly absorbed all the energy.

At this moment, Shengsi only felt that he suddenly had infinite power, as if he could blow up the earth with one punch.Taking advantage of this feeling, Shengsi applied this power to the mental shield without even thinking about it.


With a puff, the thought force mask that had shrunk to only [-] centimeters disappeared in an instant!

wrong!It didn't disappear, but it shrunk directly to an origin, which was hidden in Shengsi's mind, between the two balls of light!

At this time, Shengsi was very excited, it was done!It has successfully compressed the power of thought into a point of origin!
good!Then just unleash it!As long as Shengsi can release it, then!He will become a powerful wizard!
However, when Shengsi was thinking about this, the two light balls in his mind suddenly accelerated, and within a second they were so fast that they couldn't see clearly at all!
Seeing this scene, Shengsi was very surprised, what's wrong?Why did the two balls of light suddenly spin?

However, before Shengsi was puzzled, the next second, the sources of time and space that flowed freely in Shengsi's body rushed straight to Shengsi's brain like wild horses that had run wild.

Feeling the impulse of the source of time and space in his body, Shengsi blinked his eyes in a daze, with a bewildered expression on his face.

However, this was not what made him most confused. When these sources of time and space rushed into Shengsi's brain, they gathered together one after another, and finally turned into a small spot of light. After gathering into a small spot of light, , the spot of light rushed straight into the space between the two balls, and collided with Shengsi's thought power on the spot.

In the next moment, the origin of the power of thought exploded? !
kindness? !What the hell? !If I didn't move a bit, the origin would explode? !What the hell is going on here?Did he succeed in advancing? !
(End of this chapter)

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