Chapter 294 Success!

At this time, Shengsi was very confused, what happened?Why did it suddenly happen.

Shengsi was still thinking about how to open this origin point later, but he didn't expect that this origin point was actually broken by the energy in his body!It was so sudden!Suddenly, Shengsi didn't react at all!
However, when Shengsi was surprised, the origin of his brain suddenly exploded under the interference of the source of time and space and the light ball in his brain!

I saw that at this moment, the origin in Shengsi's mind spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed under the impact of the explosion, and the invisible ripples were like ripples in the water, one after another, very regular , but that speed!In an instant, it spread to a radius of ten miles.

However, this wasn't over yet, the invisible ripples between them didn't stop after extending for ten miles, but continued to spread outward crazily.

Gradually, [-] miles, [-] miles, [-] miles, [-] miles, [-] miles, and finally, when the invisible ripples extended to a hundred miles, they stopped slowly!
At this time, within a radius of one hundred miles, the magic elements in the entire air disappeared, and they were all pushed away by the invisible ripple just now!
And among the magic families in this range, most of the magicians ran out of their homes one after another. They were all meditating in their own rooms just now, but just now, they found that they could not feel the slightest magic element. This abnormal situation made them run out one after another, trying to find out the reason for this incident.

These situations, Shengsi took them into his eyes one after another, but Shengsi didn't pay attention to them at all, and his attention was all on his heart at this time.

To be precise, it was the little doll in Shengsi's mind!

Yes, that's right!In Shengsi's mind, after the origin exploded, the speed of the two balls slowly returned to normal, and in the center, suddenly appeared a little doll that looked exactly like Shengsi!
This doll is about the size of a thumb, with fair and textured skin. At this time, his eyes are closed, and his little hands are shaking unconsciously, looking very cute.

"What is this?!" Seeing this scene, Shengsi was a little shocked and asked the light ball in his mind, why did a little doll appear in his mind, and it looked exactly like himself!
'This is your source of power! 'As for Shengsi's question, this sentence came to mind.

Shengsi could hear that when the ball of light in his head said this, there was a slight hint of joy in his tone, obviously this source of thought power from Shengsi made him very happy.

"Nian Liyuan?" Shengsi was puzzled, how could Nian Liyuan look like himself?In the past, Shengsi's source of thought power had no entity, and Shengsi couldn't feel it. He only knew that the source of thought power was probably in his brain.

But now, Shengsi has seen the physical source of thought power, and it looks exactly like himself, which is really strange.

'Yes!This is the source of your thoughts, all your powers come from here!And in the future, when your Nian Liyuan becomes an adult, you will step into a new world! 'When he said this, Shengsi could clearly feel that the ball of light in his head was very excited!
And Shengsi also captured an important message from this sentence!That's 'Xintiandi! '

Xintiandi?I have now stepped into the realm of wizards, but the light ball in my head says there is still a new world!Could this Xintiandi be the realm of the legendary sages? !

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately asked: "What is this Xintiandi?! Is it a sage?"

'Oh, yes!No!In short, don’t think about it now, your main task now is to familiarize yourself with your sudden increase in strength, as for what this new world is, you will know in the future! 'After saying this, the voice in Shengsi's head sank.

After that, no matter how Shengsi called, it didn't make any more sound.

Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head and began to think.

Shengsi knew that the ball of light in his head would not tell him anymore, so now he had to find clues from what it said just now.

First of all, it says that this source of thought power will grow up, and when it becomes an adult, it will enter a new world.

That is to say, the power source in Shengsi's mind should go through three stages: children, teenagers, and youth.

As for the latter one, I asked myself if Xintiandi was the realm of sages, and it said yes!No!
This sentence has two meanings. First, this Xintiandi can be said to be the realm of sages, but it is not the same; second, this Xintiandi is not a realm of sages, because it is stronger or weaker than sages. !
Regardless of the two possibilities, Shengsi will be very excited, because!This only shows one thing, that is - there is another realm above the wizard!No matter what it is, Shengsi has the motivation to move forward, which makes Shengsi very excited!

After thinking of this, Shengsi's heart calmed down, and he turned to pay attention to his own strength.

Just now, Shengsi hadn't felt the power of the outside world because of the doll in his mind, but when he sensed it now, Shengsi found that his body was full of powerful strength!

Within a hundred miles, Shengsi has an intuition, as if as long as he thinks about it, everything he wants will come true!

However, it is also true!

At this time, the mind power of the holy priest has undergone a qualitative change compared with that of the great magician, and the power is completely different!

If Shengsi's mind power was like continuous waves before, then now Shengsi's mind power is like a shocking tsunami. There is no comparison between the two. Although they are both water, their power is completely different!
And this is the change in Shengsi's current mind power!

Feeling the powerful force in his body, Shengsi smiled slightly, and the next second, Shengsi's people appeared in his home.

At this time, Shengsi was very excited, he needed to find someone to share his joy, and Xiao Xi became Shengsi's first choice!
As soon as he got home, Shengsi rushed straight to Xiaoxi's bedroom, but when he opened the door, he found that Xiaoxi was already asleep. Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head with a smile and closed the door out.

That's right, it was already past ten o'clock at night, Xiao Xi fell asleep, even her parents fell asleep, and Shengsi stretched out her mental power, and found that Xiao Ai and Ayumi had also fallen asleep.

Now, Shengsi found that he had no place to share his joy for a while.

Thinking of this, Shengsi couldn't help but chuckled. I don't know why, Shengsi suddenly wanted to laugh, he thought it was very interesting, just now he ran over excitedly to share, but he didn't expect it to be like this, it's really interesting!Hahaha
PS: Today is the last stable update, and the next update will be updated. Because I want a new book, there is no way to update it stably. Fengyun hereby apologizes.

(End of this chapter)

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