Chapter 295
Now that Shengsi has no one to share his joy with, he went to sleep.

Yes, you heard me right, Shengsi is going to sleep, for some reason, Shengsi suddenly wants to sleep, at the same time, in Shengsi's mind, the little doll also yawned, and then lay on his side body, as if about to fall asleep.

Just like that, a few seconds later, Shengsi lay down on the bed in his bedroom.

Speechless all night
The next morning, Seiji was woken up by a surprise cry.

The moment he woke up, Shengsi was taken aback!
Because it was already seven o'clock in the morning, for Shengsi whose biological clock is 06:30, he... slept late!Moreover, Shengsi also found that his vigilance had dropped unexpectedly, the bedroom door was opened, but he was not awakened.

However, these are trivial matters, because Shengsi saw the screaming person in the next second, it was my mother!

"Xiao Si, you're finally back. Mom misses you so much!" After saying that, my mother ran over and picked up Sheng Si.

Shengsi has not been home for five days!For a mother, a child is suffering if she doesn't see her for a day, but Shengsi has disappeared for five days. Although Shengsi said that she has something to do, the mother still can't help worrying.

That's why she was so happy when she found out that Shengsi was at home this morning!
"Mmm! Mom, I'm back!" Seiji was taken aback by his mother's sudden hug, but immediately he hugged his mother tightly with a happy face.

"Eh?! Xiao Si is back?!" Maybe he heard his mother's exclamation, and there was a question in the corridor at this moment.

The next second, Xiao Xi also appeared at the door of the bedroom: "Xiao Si! You are finally back!"

As she said that, Xiao Xi also walked over with a smile on her face. She felt very happy that Shengsi was back!
"En!" Shengsi nodded and let go of his mother's embrace.

"What do you want to eat in the morning? Mom will make it for you!" Mom looked at Shengsi and smiled happily. She hadn't seen Shengsi for five days, and no matter how she looked at it now, she couldn't get enough of it!

"I want to eat poached eggs!" As always, Shengsi ordered his favorite poached eggs!
"Okay! It'll be done right away!" Asked, my mother happily replied, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Regarding what Shengsi did and did during these five days, my mother didn't ask these questions, because she knew that Shengsi would speak when he wanted to!But now, she just wants to cook a good breakfast for Shengsi!
After mom left, there were only Shengsi and Xiao Xi in the room. As for dad, his carelessness probably didn't notice him, so he went to work!

"Shengsi, how have you been going to Xiaoyuan these few days?" Unlike her mother, this was the first sentence Xiao Xi asked.

Shengsi told Xiao Xi before that he went to Xiao Yuan to find a good thing, so Xiao Xi was very curious about the result of this search.

"Sister, let me tell you, I... have stepped into the mage!" Regarding Xiao Xi's question, Shengsi answered irrelevantly.

He wanted to share this news a long time ago, but he never had the chance last night, but now, he had the chance, so he couldn't wait to say it.

"What?! Xiao Si, you have advanced to the level of a mage?!" After hearing Sheng Si's words, Xiao Xi's eyes almost popped out, and her mouth was opened wide, with a look of surprise.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Also, I discovered the legendary underground world——Yagotai in Xiaoyuan Village!"

"Yago Tai?!" Because she was too surprised, Xiao Xi couldn't speak fluently at this time.

Xiao Xi usually reads the books that Shengsi has read, and Xiao Xi has also read the book of anecdotes and strange stories. Xiao Xi also knows what Yagotai is, so!Xiao Xi was already shocked by these two news at this time, don't want it!

"Yes, it's Yagotai. Speaking of which, Xiao Ai and I were hunted out." Having said this, Shengsi smiled, as if thinking of something interesting.

"What?! Xiao Si, you were hunted down?! How is it? You are not injured?" Hearing this, Xiao Xi looked nervously at Sheng Si, praying that she would not see any wounds on Sheng Si. Yes, she has long forgotten about the two shocking news just now!

Seeing this, Shengsi pressed Xiao Xi's shoulder and said with a smile: "Who am I?! I am an invincible Shengsi! How could I be injured? Not only was I not injured, but I was even promoted to a mage. In this way, next time I enter Yagotai, I will definitely seek revenge from it!"

At the end, Shengsi stared into the distance with both eyes, and the cold light kept flickering.

"It's fine! It's fine!" Hearing this, Xiao Xi nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Xi doesn't care about Shengsi's other words, as long as she knows that Shengsi is fine, that's the best news!
Seeing Xiao Xi's sincere appearance, Shengsi's heart warmed up. Shengsi knew that no matter what he was, there would always be a few people who silently cared about him, and for these people, what he had to do was to do his best to protect them!

"Okay, I'm done talking, what about your sister?" Shengsi didn't continue the topic just now, but asked Xiao Xi instead.

"As for me, there is nothing else, just a few magic problems." Hearing this, Xiao Xi smiled, looking a little shy.

Under the guidance of Shengsi, Xiao Xi's magic level has improved by leaps and bounds. Recently, she has reached the peak of a senior magician, the kind that can step into the great magician at any time.

However, because Shengsi told her to lay a solid foundation, and she still had some magic problems that she didn't understand, so she didn't rush to advance, but waited for Shengsi's return.

But now, Shengsi said that she has reached the level of a wizard. Now, the gap between her and Shengsi is getting bigger and bigger, so when she said that there is a problem, she feels a little embarrassed.

After hearing Xiao Xi's words, Shengsi smiled slightly, and then put his hands in the palms of Xiao Xi's hands. The next second, the mind power in Shengsi's body entered from Xiao Xi's right hand, and then came out from the left hand.

After such a reincarnation, the situation in Xiao Xi's body at this time, the Shengsi has already understood by heart.

"Sister, your problem is that you always feel that you are not perfect when you use magic, and when you meditate, you always feel that there is a small air mass in your stomach." In 1 minute, Sheng Silin listed a dozen of them for Xiao Xi. question.

When Xiao Xi heard Shengsi's words, the more she listened, the more surprised she became. When Shengsi finished speaking, she said with an expression of disbelief: "Yes! Yes! Xiaosi, that's my problem, but? You How do you know?"

Xiao Xi found that the questions Shengsi asked were all she wanted to ask, but how did Shengsi know, which made Xiao Xi very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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