Chapter 296 Leaked
"Hehe, how do I know? Of course it's induced. This great magician can do it, and I'm a magician now, of course I can do it too! Okay, let's not talk about this, I will talk about it next." If you want to talk about the solution to the problem, you have to listen carefully!" Regarding Xiao Xi's doubts, Shengsi laughed.

Hearing this, Xiao Xi's face straightened: "Yes! I'm listening!"

Xiao Xi knew that what Shengsi said next was very important to her, so she listened carefully!

Seeing Xiao Xi's serious appearance, Shengsi smiled, and then began to explain to her: "Actually, these problems of yours are very simple, and the main reason is that you are restless. You just need to."

A few minutes later, Shengsi finished all the solutions to Xiao Xi's problems.

"Oh! So that's the case!" After listening to Shengsi's answer, Xiao Xi looked stunned.

At this moment, my mother stood at the door of the bedroom: "Xiao Xi, Xiao Si, it's time to eat!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xi and Shengsi looked at each other, and then responded in unison: "Okay!"

With that said, the two stood up and followed their mother to the restaurant
After eating his mother's breakfast, Shengsi took Xiao Xi to a hill outside Tokyo.

At this time, Xiao Xi was about to be promoted to a great magician, and Shengsi was here to protect her and help her.

The promotion was very simple. After half an hour, with the help of Shengsi, Xiao Xi successfully became a great magician of the fire department!

"Xiao Si, it turns out that this is the Great Magician. It's really, really great!" After successfully advancing, Xiao Xi said happily to Sheng Si.

"Well, it's great! But sister, you still have to work hard, because the great magician is not an end, but a brand new starting point!"

"There are wizards above the great magician, and there are sages above the wizards! So, come on!" Seeing Xiao Xi happy, Shengsi also seemed more excited.

"What?! The realm of sages really exists?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Xi opened her mouth in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

In the perception of Xiao Xi and all magicians in the magic world, a sage!This state is just a legend, don't say whether it exists or not, even if it exists, you still don't have a way to reach this state.

Besides, this realm is just a legend, and it is estimated that no one will ever reach it!

I thought so, but now!Doesn't the tone of Shengsi's speech mean that he has already recognized the existence of sages?Could it be that Shengsi already knows how to advance to a sage?

With this in mind, Xiao Xi looked at Shengsi with a puzzled expression, hoping to get an answer.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Sages exist, and you will understand after you reach the level of a wizard!"

Shengsi didn't say much about this topic, because it's not good to talk too much to Xiao Xi now, so Shengsi chose to mention it.

"Oh." Xiao Xi is also a thoughtful person, now hearing Shengsi's tone, she gave a low reply and didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh! By the way, sister, did something happen after I left?" Shengsi said suddenly after a moment of silence.

"It's nothing, I've turned down all the irrelevant things for you, such as spring outings, piano competitions, etc., I've turned down all of them for you."

"Besides, the Koizumi family also sent me a few text messages asking if you were there. Of course I said no, and then they said they would notify them immediately when you came back! No, that's all Yes." Xiao Xi replied with a smile to Shengsi's question.

Well, the ones that were rejected were all right. As for the piano competition, Seiji didn't want to go. He promised Mr. Miyai to participate in the competition, and he fulfilled his promise in the preliminary competition last time. As for this time...forget it.

There is also the matter of Koizumi's family. Di Wen probably wanted to find him for something, but because he entered Yagotai, he couldn't contact him, so he found Xiao Xi.

Thinking of this, Shengsi turned his head and said with a smile: "Sister, go back and familiarize yourself with your own strength first, I will go back by myself after I go out to do some errands!"

After Xiao Xi nodded, Shengsi smiled and disappeared from the hill.

Looking at the empty stone ground in front of her, Xiao Xi thought for a while and then left.

"Shengsi, you're here! I haven't been able to contact you for the past few days. I'm really anxious!"

Just now, the first place Shengsi came to after leaving Xiaoxi was the Koizumi family, no, Diwen discovered Shengsi as soon as he arrived here.

"Uncle Diwen, what's the rush?" Shengsi guessed that Diwen's finding him should be related to Shishou, otherwise he wouldn't have kept it from Xiao Xi.

Because in Diwen's eyes, Xiaoxi is just Shengsi's "sister" and has no right to know important things at all. However, Diwen didn't know that Shengsi would tell Xiaoxi about Yagotai but not him.

In Shengsi's eyes, Xiao Xi alone is more important than the entire Diwen family!However, Di Wen didn't know, if he knew, he would definitely try to win Xiao Xi over!
"The thing about Shishou was exposed!" After hearing Shengsi's question, Diwen replied a little embarrassed.

He said before that as long as there is no intervention by wizards or the like, then it will be OK!But now.
"Well and then?" Seiji wasn't surprised at this sentence, he had already guessed that it should be the matter of Itomori, so now Seiji has no other thoughts except being a little curious about what happened.

Diwen was slightly taken aback by Shengsi's bland reaction, but he soon came to his senses.

"The day before yesterday, a magician passed by Itomori. Because he is a great magician of the space system, he accidentally discovered the strangeness of Itomori."

"Just when he was trying to approach the barrier in vain, he was discovered by the magician of our Koizumi family. And because he seemed to have discovered something, the captain of the patrol at that time decided to arrest him."

"However, a magician of the space department is so easy to catch, let alone a great magician! So, when the elders and I received the news and rushed over, that person had already fled."

"The next day, that is, yesterday, news began to circulate in the magic world, that is, 'The Koizumi family is suspected to be in control of a small world'! The news spread very suddenly, and one could tell it was the great magician of the space department It was passed on. No, this morning, a large number of people from our family came, and all the elders went to meet the guests."

It took more than a minute for Diwen to finish what he wanted to say.

PS: I will not be a eunuch, but it will be slower in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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