Chapter 297 Arguments
"I see." After listening to Diwen's words, Shengsi nodded.

When Shengsi was talking to Diwen, he also used his thoughts to scan the entire Koizumi family, and then Shengsi discovered what Diwen said.

I saw that the hall of the first castle was full of people at this time. From their words, Shengsi could know that these people were representatives of magic families from all over the world. Among them, the three top magic families They also sent people over!And their purpose is to confirm the accuracy of that news.

Regarding this, the elders sitting at the head of the hall tried their best to explain, hoping that these people would dispel their doubts, and then they would go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi turned to Diwen and said, "Let's go!"

As he said that, without waiting for Diwen to react, Shengsi grabbed him and moved his mind. The next second, the two appeared at the entrance of the first castle hall.

"Ah!~Oh." Diwen's cry of surprise because of the sudden space change stopped abruptly.

Because at this time, Diwen saw the scene in the hall.

The sudden appearance of the two attracted the people who were discussing in the hall just now.

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Diwen shut his mouth all of a sudden, and at the same time, he was also secretly startled!

You know, I am a top-level great magician!As for Shengsi, when he teleported himself just now, he had no chance to resist at all, that is to say, if Shengsi wanted to kill him, then he would be powerless to resist.

Although it is true to say that, after all, Shengsi has even killed a mage!However, Diwen always felt that the Shengsi had become different this time, as if... seemed to be stronger!Strong to a point beyond imagination!

However, Shengsi was a great magician before, and now he is stronger. Could it be...he has advanced to the level of a magician? ! !
no no no!The idea that just came up was snuffed out by Di Wen, this is simply crazy!How old is Shengsi?Up to seven or eight years old!

An eight-year-old mage? !Totally impossible!Therefore, Shengsi should have just gone far on the road of the great magician.

Thinking of this, Diwen looked at Shengsi with shock in his eyes.

Diwen knows how difficult it is for a great magician to make progress. He is now in his thirties. Six years ago, he was 30 years old. Now, my elemental affinity is only less than 30.00%, and the eight-year-old Shengsi!I am afraid it is far more than this number!
So, at this time, Diwen had no other thoughts other than shock.

As if he noticed Diwen's gaze, Shengsi turned his head and smiled at him, then turned his head to look at the people in the hall.

"I've met the Patriarch!" At the moment when Di Wen was stunned, three elders had already walked over from the hall.

In the family, the three elders can call Di Wen "Xiao Di" and "Di Wen", but in front of outsiders, they have to be called Patriarchs!Because this is the minimum family etiquette!
"En." Hearing this, Diwen responded lightly, and then walked into the hall with Shengsi.

When he was leaving, Di Wen walked like a dragon and a tiger, showing the majesty of the Patriarch without a doubt!
As for Shengsi, he followed Di Wen with the three elders, looking very calm.

As for the people in the hall, they all thought about this scene.

Who is this brat?How did you come in with the head of the Koizumi family?And judging from the reactions of those elders, this child should be very important in the Koizumi family.

There are rumors in the magic world that the child who killed the mage of the William family at the Magicians Conference has something to do with the Koizumi family.

In that case, could the child in front of me be the one from last time? !
Thinking about it this way, it's really possible!The child in front of him was not the same as the last time, but his height, body shape, and size were very similar. At this moment, everyone in the hall began to think about it.

If the child in front of him is really the same person from last time, then he has to pay attention when he speaks later, after all, this is the existence that can instantly kill a wizard!

Just when everyone in the hall was active, Diwen and his party had already reached the center of the hall.

"Everyone! The elder has made it very clear just now. The fact that our family has a small world is pure nonsense. There must be someone with ulterior motives spreading rumors. For this person! My Koizumi family will definitely arrest him from!"

Diwen's loud voice resounded in the hall. He knew that the news circulating outside was very vague. Maybe the space magician was not sure. Now the entire magic world is just skeptical about the Koizumi family's discovery of the small world.

So, now Diwen and the others are categorically denying this!
No matter what you say, we don't admit it anyway. Now that there is a saint here, don't you dare to search our house? !
Now that Diwen has a saint, he is not at all cowardly!In the past, Shengsi could instantly kill a mage, but now he gave Di Wen a stronger feeling. Now, even if a mage came in person, Di Wen would not be afraid.

"Someone did it on purpose? Then"

"I think it's really possible, Brother Liu, what do you think?"

"Huh? I don't think this matter may be false, after all, yesterday"

After hearing Diwen's words, everyone in the hall began to discuss, some waited and watched, some believed, some did not believe, and some remained silent.

Looking at the appearance of everyone in the hall, Diwen looked calm on the high platform. When someone looked at him, he smiled and nodded, looking very friendly.

Just like that, after making a noise for a while, Diwen waved his hand: "Everyone, be quiet!"

Hearing this, everyone shut up, and then looked at Di Wen, waiting for him to speak.

Seeing this scene, Di Wen paused and said: "Today, everyone gathered in our Koizumi family because of a misunderstanding, which made our family flourish. I feel very honored for this, so our family specially prepared Let’s invite everyone to a banquet!”

"Everyone! Please look outside the gate!" Diwen pointed to the door of the hall with his hand.

Seeing this, everyone looked in the direction Di Wen pointed, and saw dozens of Eight Immortals tables appearing in the open space outside the hall, and these tables were filled with delicacies from mountains and seas, which looked very attractive !

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall had different expressions and didn't know what they were thinking, while Diwen looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

When he first came here, Di Wen had some calculations in his heart.

First of all, regarding the matter of Itomori, this is to be completely denied.After that, it is to divert attention, and then it is to bring this matter.

For this idea, Di Wen said the above words, but the effect is that because of the existence of the holy priest, these words are very useful. At this time, many people in the hall have already believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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