Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 298 Embarrassment

Chapter 298 Embarrassment
but!There are always people who don't believe it, or they already have definite news. In these people's hearts, Diwen's behavior is like a clown, which is very funny.

And these people include representatives of the three top magic families. These three people have discovered through their own channels that the Koizumi family does have a small world, and they know that it is in Itoshou!
Seeing Diwen's appearance now, they don't plan to talk about it, so they already have a plan in their hearts, and they plan to find Diwen or the family in private later and then send someone to investigate the situation.

Therefore, at this time, the three of them felt very ridiculous listening to what Diwen said, especially the representative of the William family. Ever since he discovered the existence of Shengsi, his face had been gloomy, and his eyes turned to Shengsi from time to time, as if I'm confirming something.

A few seconds later, when most people were nodding their heads as if confirming Di Wen's words, the representative of the William family—William Dorlock, stood up abruptly, and his confident voice resounded throughout the hall.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Dolok originally planned to wait for these people to disperse, and then "discuss" with the Koizumi family in private, but the more he looked at the saint next to Diwen just now, the more he felt like an unknown master at the last magician conference.

So at this time, Dolok intends to speak out to test, to see if Shengsi is the master of last time!

In fact, Dolok’s idea was not random, it has deep meaning. If the saint is the person from last time, then he will go straight away later. If not, then Dolok has many plans for him later. put into action.

"Huh?! What?" After hearing Dolok's words, everyone in the hall turned their attention to him. After seeing who the voice was, everyone showed curiosity in their eyes. They wanted to know, the representative of the William family What to say.

As Dolok watched everyone staring at him, he first coughed, and then said with a smile on his face: "After some investigations by our William family, we found an interesting thing. It's very simple. Then In Japan, there is a place called Itomori, where the magician of our family discovered something, and this situation happened to be related to the topic we discussed today, don’t you think so, Divin?!”

At the end, Dolok looked at Di Wen with a smile all over his face, showing an expression of 'you don't have to pretend anymore, I've seen through you'.

Hearing this, the hearts of everyone in the hall moved, and everyone's thoughts became active. Diwen said just now that the incident in the small world was purely nonsense, but now, someone from your William family slapped him in the face, This is too much.

Also, if what the representative of the William family said is true, then the Koizumi family will not be able to do well this time. It is at least necessary to be forced to ask questions. Maybe something unexpected will happen!

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to Diwen and the holy priest beside him. The representatives of the other two top families even turned their eyes to Dolok and Diwen, their eyes flickering, and they didn't know what they were thinking. something.

I have to say that this plan of the William family is very good. Talk about the small world, attract everyone's attention, and then bring the topic to Di Wen, and see what he says. If Di Wen doesn't give a reasonable explanation, then Dolok will use the strength of everyone to continue to make moves, so that Di Wen can't get down.

In this case, if the saint next to Diwen is the master from last time, then he will make a move, and if not, Dolok can start to implement the plan!

Just when Dolok was thinking about this, Diwen on the high platform took a deep look at him first, and then said: "This representative of the William family, although our Koizumi family is not a big family, but for deceiving everyone and lying. Things still can't be done. As for what you said, you have news that Itomori has a small world. I'm sorry, it's not a small world, it's just a large teleportation array built by our family. If there are any fluctuations in it that make you I'm really sorry if the William family mistook it for a small world."

As he spoke, Diwen bowed slightly to Dolok, appearing very sincere.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall immediately began to whisper.

"Large teleportation array? That's right, the spatial fluctuations of the large teleportation array under construction are not very stable. It is normal for people to mistake it for a small world."

"The reputation of the William family has been rotten since the magician conference, but why are they provoking the Koizumi family for no reason now? Could it be that there are too many lice and they are not afraid of itchiness?"

"From this point of view, what Diwen said should be correct. The Koizumi family should not have any small worlds, and they are just building a teleportation array."

Listening to the discussion among the people in the hall, Di Wen's low body gradually straightened up. His eyes swept over the people in the hall with a smile on his face. He knew that if the representative of the William family didn't ask any more questions, this matter would be fine. That's how it should be.

However, the representative of the William family is so ignorant, and Dolok hasn't found out the truth of the holy priest, so how could he easily stop? !
Looking at the people who were discussing, Doroklang said in a voice: "Everyone, I forgot to say something. The news just now was told to me by William Lofes of our family!"

"What?! It's news from Luo Feisi!"

"Lofis?! Then things will get interesting"

As soon as Dolok finished speaking, there were several exclamations from the crowd. It seems that the name Lofes is very shocking!
The fact is also the same, William Lofes is recognized as the great magician with the deepest knowledge of space in the entire magic world, his elemental affinity has reached a terrifying 90.00% nine, only one step away from the magician, and the most important point Yes, he was the one who discovered the small world of the William family!
So at this time, as soon as Dolok brought out the name Lofes, the credibility of his words soared. After all, a magic leader of the space department would not smash his own brand because of this.

Listening to the discussion in the hall, the corners of Dolok's mouth turned up slightly, and at the same time, his eyes looked at Diwen, showing a hint of complacency.

Seeing this scene, Diwen's face gradually became gloomy. He originally thought that the representatives of the William family were just defrauding him, but now it seems that they really knew about the small world, so Diwen was in a very bad mood at this time. Well, looking at Dolok's cheap smile, he even had the idea of ​​killing someone.

But the current situation does not allow Diwen to attack at all, so Diwen is very uncomfortable at this time, and he doesn't know how to fight back.

PS: long wait
(End of this chapter)

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