Chapter 299
In the current situation, if Dolok continues to talk, then maybe their Koizumi family will be attacked by the crowd.

There are three ways in front of Diwen now. The first one is to use the force of the holy priest to suppress it forcefully. After the rebound, and whether Shengsi's strength is enough to suppress this matter, Diwen was not sure.

And the second is to use the formation to kill all these people in front of you in order to keep the secret!This method is not much different from the first one, but the consequences are even worse, and it might become the second William family!
As for the third one, which is what Di Wen thinks is the most feasible idea now, that is to turn passive into active, directly deny what Dolok said, and let others discuss as long as they insist that there is no small world, then they will not do anything. In this way, even if they want to use force, they are still on the side of righteousness!
Although this will lower the Koizumi family's rank in everyone's hearts, this is the best way at present. At least it can keep the small world. Wouldn't the wait be in vain? !
Just as Diwen was thinking about this, there were more discussions in the hall.

Seeing this scene, Diwen raised his hand and pressed twice, "Everyone be quiet. Listen to me!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately fell silent, then turned their heads to look at Diwen, waiting for the next article.

"Maybe you're right, sir, but I just want to say one thing right now, and what you're saying is—bullshit! So, please, stop talking, and now! Everyone, hurry up and eat outside. Take a break, and then go home."

Diwen's majestic voice filled the entire hall, causing those who heard the words to walk out unconsciously. They knew that Diwen was already angry. After all, now that he is in someone else's family, it is better not to go too far, so At this time, everyone planned to go down the steps.

However, just when everyone was about to go out, Dolok's voice rang again: "Wait! Since you said that, how about your Koizumi family let us visit the magic circle?"

Dolok found that Sheng Si hadn't moved, so he made the last test now. He planned to wait until this test was finished, and then he would not speak no matter what.

"Huh?!" Hearing this, everyone let out a sound of surprise.

If the previous few sentences were normal, then from this sentence, everyone could smell something different. Could it be that the William family started to target the Koizumi family?Diwen is like this, you dare to ask such a bottom line, is it possible that the two families are going to tear their skins apart now?

The people below thought so, and Diwen and several elders on the high platform were even more angry. Something called anger rose from the heads of several people, causing slight changes in the atmosphere in the hall.

Perhaps sensing something strange in the hall, the representatives of the other two top families secretly paid: To be honest, Dolok has gone too far this time. If he was so provocative in his own family, he would have been bombarded and killed a long time ago. It was on the spot, but now it is true that a top family is fighting against a high-level family, and this high-ranking attitude is not wrong.However, if the holy priest next to Diwen is really the unknown master from last time, then this time Dolok will probably be more or less ominous.
The fact is the same, I saw Dolok had just finished speaking, when Diwen was still angry.

Sheng Si next to him opened his eyes suddenly and let out a soft hum.

'Humph! '

With this soft hum, Dolok in the hall didn't even have a chance to react, and was sucked into a black hole the size of a thumb in an instant.

The black hole appeared very suddenly. When everyone reacted, they could only see a black ball spinning around where Dolok was originally standing, and after a second, the black ball disappeared. If If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that there was a great magician from the William family standing there just now!

"A magician of the empty space system?!" After the black ball disappeared, an unbelievable voice came from the crowd.

"What?! A magician of the space department?!" After hearing this exclamation, everyone in the hall looked at Shengsi on the high platform in shock.

Not only them, but Diwen who was beside Shengsi also looked in disbelief. Although Diwen had already highly estimated Shengsi, but now he realized that he still underestimated.

Originally thought that at such an old age, Shengsi was already a peerless talent as a great magician, but he did not expect that he had already advanced to the realm of a magician, and judging from his methods just now, he was still a magician of the space system. Mentor!

This... This is really unbelievable. As we all know, it is more difficult for a magician of a special department to advance to a mage than a magician of the five elements, but correspondingly, their abilities are also stronger!

In other words, in this magical world, Shengsi is no longer afraid of anyone!And judging from the fact that he was able to kill a mage in the realm of a great magician, the current saint can probably kill anyone at will!

In other words, Shengsi is now invincible in this magic world!

At this time, Diwen had already made a decision in his heart, no matter what conditions were given, he must keep Shengsi in their Koizumi's house!

"Yes! That's right! There is a small world in Shishou's place, but! That small world belongs to me! What? You want to snatch it?" When everyone looked at him, Shengsi's faint voice rang in the hall up.

Shengsi had been resting there with his eyes closed just now, but there was a fly whistling beside him, that's why he spoke, no, it's much cleaner!

Maybe it was suppressed by Shengsi's hand just now. Hearing Shengsi's question at this time, the whole hall was silent, and no one dared to touch Shengsi's brow.

Seeing this, Shengsi waved his hands boredly, "Forget it, I have nothing to say to you, remember my words, Shishou is mine, whoever dares to go there, there is only one word - die!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi disappeared, leaving only a sentence on the high platform: "Uncle Diwen, I'm leaving, we will meet later."

Shengsi knew that the main purpose of Diwen calling him was to deter him, and now, Shengsi believed that he had achieved a good deterrent effect, so he should go too.

After Shengsi left, Diwen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said to the crowd: "Now, can everyone go to the banquet?"

"En! Okay." Everyone who was in a daze nodded hurriedly after hearing what Di Wen said, as if they would invite death if they didn't nod.

(End of this chapter)

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