Chapter 300 Take a Walk
On the other hand, Seiji came directly to an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean after leaving the Koizumi family.

Now Shengsi has just been promoted to a mage, and he is still exploring the use of power, so at this time he needs to practice and explore constantly, in order to control more things in a short period of time.

At the same time, Shengsi is also using his avatar to search for clues about Yagotai all over the world, and how to maintain his original strength after entering Yagotai.

In this way, time passed quickly, and when Shengsi came home for dinner at night, his magic exercises were almost done.

Because of the particularity of the Holy Division's own power, it can be said that the Holy Division can now be transformed into a magician of any department. No matter what element of magic, the Holy Division can use the power of thought to transform it, and then cast magic. The reason for the mastery of all methods, at this time, after a day of familiarization, the holy priest is now almost able to display seven or eight out of ten of his own strength.

Although this result is very gratifying, Shengsi is not happy at all, because he almost searched the whole world during this day, and found a lot of information on Yagotai, but how to save strength to enter Yagotai Shengsi didn't know the method at all, so Shengsi was still a little unhappy at this time.

Perhaps because she noticed Shengsi's unhappiness, Xiao Xi at the dinner table said softly, "Xiao Si, what's wrong with you? Why do you look unhappy?"

Not only Xiao Xi, but my parents also looked at Shengsi with worried expressions.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi's heart warmed up, and he said with a smile, "It's nothing, it's just a small problem, and it will be resolved soon."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi put a dish in each of the bowls of the three of them. "Eat! Eat!"

It is so happy to have family members who care about something. At this moment, Shengsi put aside his troubles and enjoyed the family happiness.

At the same time, in the hall of the William family, a middle-aged white man on the high platform was cursing angrily.

"What?! Dolok is dead?! Are you all idiots?! A small senior family, and we already know that they have discovered a new small world, and now, you will bring me Respond to this message?!"

The white man on the high platform is like a beast that devours people, and his appearance is very scary!The few people in the audience held their voices and dared not speak. The scene where the Patriarch got angry last time was still deeply etched in the hearts of everyone, so no one dared to speak at this time!

After a long silence, the white-haired old man took two steps forward, and a hoarse voice sounded.

"Patriarch, although our operation failed this time, we brought back a piece of news."

"Elder Luo Feisi, what's the news?" Hearing the old man's voice, the middle-aged man, that is, William Smith, gave him a sidelong glance.

From the conversation between the two, it can be seen that this old man is the William Lofes that Dolok said in the Koizumi family, a space mage with profound attainments!

For such an experienced magician, even as the head of the William family, he should be treated with three points of courtesy.

"The master who killed Yax at the magician conference last time has been found, and he is also the magician who killed Dolok this time. Also, according to the information, he should be a space magician. Instructor! At the end, he also said, 'Shishou is his, and whoever dares to go there, there is only one word - die!'”

When it came to the end, Luo Feisi's voice became even hoarse. Unexpectedly, the realm he had been pursuing for many years was broken through first, and he was just a child. This is really a joke!

After hearing Luo Feisi's words, Smith on the high platform gradually clenched his hands, and his face gradually turned red. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was a sign of impending rage.

The same is true, and after a few seconds, Smith's angry voice sounded in the hall.

"Asshole! This person is so arrogant, is he deceiving me that there is no one in William's family?!" While talking, Smith's whole body turned into a blazing flame, and the blazing breath seemed to burn the entire hall, making everyone lucky Pulling up his own magic power, he struggled to resist.

"Patriarch, please calm down, that person is a space-type mage, I will take a long-term plan!" Luo Feisi clearly knows how terrifying a space-type mage is. In his own words, an elemental The great magician of the space system with an affinity of 90.00% nine, his current strength is nothing else, if Smith alone wants to kill him, as long as he is careful, his life will not be in danger at all!
From this point of view, how terrifying is a space magician!If Smith raised the knife recklessly to see Shengsi, he might easily be brought to the dog!So even if Smith was furious at this time, Luo Feisi had to speak out to remind him.

Hearing this, Smith's anger gradually calmed down. He knew that what Luo Feisi said was right, he should not be able to defeat Shengsi now, and this matter should be considered in the long term.

In this way, after Luo Feisi finished speaking, the hall fell into a brief silence, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because the flames on the high platform gradually faded until they disappeared.

After a long time, there was a soft hum from the high platform, then turned around and disappeared.

After Smith left, everyone in the hall looked at each other, then shook their heads.

Looking back at Shengsi, I saw that Shengsi and the others went out for a walk together after eating. After eating, the family went out for a walk like this. Shengsi used to do it often, but because he has been very busy recently, plus There are a lot of things going on, so the family hasn't taken such a walk for a long time, and it's really comforting to try again now.

In this way, a group of four people walked on the street, chatting about family affairs from time to time, which made Shengsi feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

After a while, the four walking people walked into an alley unknowingly, and this alley was very familiar to Shengsi. On the right was the Xin family and the doctor's house. As for the left, that was where Xiao Ai lived now.

Looking at this street, Shengsi subconsciously looked towards Xiao Ai's house, and at the same time, Xiao Ai at home just planned to look at the scenery outside, wondering if he should go out for a walk later.

But as soon as she looked out the window, she saw Shengsi and his party of four. Looking at the family of four, Xiao Ai suddenly felt a strong longing for her sister.

Shengsi and his family went out for a walk in such a harmonious way, but he could only spend time at home alone.

Xiao Ai has not seen her for a long time, are you still there?If so, how are you still living?
And at this moment, Shengsi just raised his head and met Xiao Ai's longing eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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