Chapter 301 Weird!

Seeing this scene, Shengsi's heart tightened. He suddenly remembered that Xiao Ai's sister, Mingmei, had been left in Yokohama for so long, and they hadn't arranged to meet each other yet.

In this way, Xiao Ai hasn't seen her sister for a while.

Thinking of this, Shengsi patted his forehead and said: "Dad, Mom, sister, you three go first, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I left first, and I went home when I finished!"

Saying that, without waiting for a few people to agree, Shengsi disappeared into the air in the next second.

Looking at the open space where Shengsi was standing, the three smiled and shook their heads, "Xiaosi is like this, he is impatient in everything, that's all, let's take a walk and go home to watch TV."

After saying that, the three of them walked towards the south park with smiles on their faces. Judging from their leisurely atmosphere, the departure of Shengsi did not affect them in the slightest.

At the same time, Shengsi appeared at the door of Xiaoai's bedroom.He paused for two seconds, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

Three crisp sounds were especially loud in this silent hall.

"Is it Shengsi?" After a while, a voice came from the door.

"Yes! I'm here today to take you to meet someone!"

'Crack.' As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, the bedroom door opened.

"You mean Sister Yami?" Xiao Ai looked at Shengsi expectantly.

From the reddish corners of Shengsi Xiaoai's eyes, it can be seen that she cried just now.

Seeing this, Shengsi raised his hands and wiped the corners of his eyes: "It's not Yami, it's Mingmei we're going to see today."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai's body froze suddenly, and after a long time, she raised her head: "You already knew?"

"Does it matter if I know it? You should come with me to see your sister now." Saying so, Shengsi led Xiao Ai to the door.

Not to mention, when there was no one around, Shengsi waved his little hand, and in the next second, a cool sports car full of texture appeared out of thin air in this alley.

"You bought it?" Looking at this cool sports car that suddenly appeared, Xiao Ai seemed to be shocked.

"Bought it? Oh. It's changed!" Saying that, Shengsi hugged Xiao Ai and threw her on the co-pilot.

This car is a car made by Shengsi with magic according to the shape of the sports car in the previous life, and it is equipped with many magic circles. Overall, this car is a fortress!

As for why Shengsi conjures up a car, there is actually a reason. If Xiao Ai is brought directly to Mingmei now, it would be too sudden. There is no time to react to Mingmei and Xiao Ai, so Now, Chen Jia is driving there, taking advantage of this time, he can inform Mingmei and at the same time make Xiao Ai mentally prepared.

All the way from Mihuacho to Yokohama, Xiao Ai kept her head down and didn't speak, and Seiji also thoughtfully only drove without spoiling the atmosphere.

Shengsi's car was very fast, and with Shengsi's driving skills, it took only ten minutes for Shengsi to bring Xiao Ai to a villa.

"Your sister is in this house. As for this car, I will give it to you. Voice control!" Xiao Ai and her sister must have a lot to talk about since they haven't seen each other for so long, so it's better not to bother her.

Saying that, Seiji planned to open the car door and leave.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai immediately raised her head, "Wait a minute!"

"Is there anything else?" Shengsi stopped in his tracks.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." As the words fell, the Shengsi people had disappeared.

A few minutes after Shengsi left, Xiao Ai got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the villa
As for what you said about the car being so loud, why hasn't Minmei come out yet?Hey, produced by Shengsi!Must be a boutique!His car makes no noise at all!
Here Xiao Ai saw her sister, but on the other side, Shengsi did not go home, he went to Egypt!

Just now, a clone of Shengsi who went to Egypt to find information suddenly lost contact with him!And the place where the connection was lost was near the Ecero family!

Shengsi remembered that this avatar was planning to go to the Esero family to find information, but when it first entered the range of the Esero family, Shengsi directly cut off contact with this avatar.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. First, the avatar went to a place that can isolate the priest's induction, such as a small world, a different space, a space crack, and so on.

Second, Shengsi's avatar was instantly killed by a powerful existence!And it's still the kind that doesn't even have scum left.

Based on the above two situations, in Shengsi's view, the second possibility is much higher.

You must know that Shengsi's avatar also has the strength of a great magician, and it is impossible for it to enter a small world without being noticed by Shengsi.

And the Esero family has mages, it is still very easy for a mage to kill a great magician silently, so now the holy priest came straight to him and his clone Where to lose touch.

"Tsk tsk. There is no trace?!"

This place is a wasteland, and Shengsi started a rigorous investigation as soon as he came here, but after a few minutes, Shengsi found that he hadn't found the slightest trace.

Whether it is space fluctuations, time fluctuations, elemental fluctuations, etc., they are all very normal, without any abnormality.

It's as if Shengsi's avatar evaporated suddenly!
Seeing this weird scene, Shengsi lowered his head and pondered.

It seems that it is necessary for him to go to the Esero family today. Thinking of this, Shengsi's thoughts spread, and in the next second, he had already appeared at the gate of the Esero family.

"Huh?! Why is there no one?"

Although I have never been to the Esero family, it is still a top family in Shengsi's impression, but what about now?There was not even a gatekeeper at the gate.

With a doubtful mood, Shengsi walked into the door.

For some reason, Shengsi found that his thought power was suppressed after entering the Esero family, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart, as if there was something terrifying in this family.

And Shengsi sensed it in the air, and found that the air here was the same as the desert just now, without any fluctuations, it couldn't be more normal!
But!In the eyes of Shengsi, this kind of normality is completely abnormal!
If the desert just now was like that because there were no people, but here!But in the center of a top magic family, the magicians here practice magic every day, so how could there be no elemental fluctuations? !

But now, Shengsi didn't feel any fluctuations, and after flying into the sky, Shengsi found that there was not even a single person in the entire Esero family!

(End of this chapter)

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