Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 302 The Truth About the Black Organization

Chapter 302 The Truth About the Black Organization

Now the Ecero family feels weird!fear!
There is no one in a radius of tens of miles, and there is not even the sound of insects and birds, it is too quiet!

Shengsi can be sure that the Esero family must have undergone tremendous changes, and the reason for this is within this family!
Because there was no news from the magic world before, all these changes were either carried out by their family secretly, or they were completed in a very short period of time!
Thinking of this, Shengsi couldn't help feeling curious.With this trace of curiosity, Shengsi conducted a major investigation on this place!
Ten minutes later, Shengsi found a secret cave behind the Esero family. At first glance, this cave was extremely dark, like a black hole, and Shengsi's thoughts seemed to be blocked by something. It can't get in at all, so Shengsi doesn't know what's going on in the cave.

Seeing this mysterious cave, Shengsi paused for a moment and walked in.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart saying: Go in, you will be able to know everything you want to know if you go in!
So, Shengsi couldn't help but stepped into this cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Shengsi felt a violent spatial fluctuation. Judging from this fluctuation, he at least teleported as far as Asia!
What the hell? !How could it be a teleportation array? !Even with the spatial attainments of Saint Sina, the magician, he didn't realize that the cave just now turned out to be a large teleportation array, no!It's not the cave, but a transparent barrier at the entrance of the cave!

It was this barrier that sent Shengsi without him noticing!

This... this is incredible!First, my avatar evaporated out of thin air, then the top magic family was empty, and finally there was a space teleportation array that could fool a mage!

Shengsi can be sure that today is the day he encountered the most things!And he still doesn't understand these things!

Before Shengsi was puzzled, the scene in front of him attracted Shengsi deeply in the next second.

This is a huge and luxurious hall, why do you say it is huge, because it is really big, and the football field in front of it is just a child’s play, so big that you can’t imagine it, Shengsi can swear that he has never seen it. through such a large hall.

certainly!There is also luxury, I saw that the hall is filled with all kinds of magic materials, magic books, magic equipment, etc. In addition, there are very advanced computer equipment and some modern instruments.

The most striking thing is that at the very top of the hall, there is a black circle of light that is constantly circulating. Judging from the space fluctuations emitted from it, this is a space crack, or the entrance of a small world!
The main reason is that at this time, the hall is empty like the families outside. In this case, Shengsi can enter the aperture without any hindrance.

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to fly directly towards that circle of light. As for why he didn’t teleport directly there, that’s really embarrassing. Space teleportation near the space crack would really hang himself. If you accidentally enter the turbulent space, Hehe. Fortunately, the ones with missing arms and legs are finally transferred out, and usually they will never come out!
Of course, except for the large-scale teleportation array, the large-scale teleportation array has the function of stabilizing the space, and the kind of thing that falls into the turbulent space will not happen.

Shengsi flew extremely fast, within a few seconds, Shengsi came close to this aperture.

However, when he came near the aperture, Shengsi didn't look at it, but turned around, staring at a computer not far away and let out a light 'huh'.

Just now, when Shengsi flew over, he found that some familiar names appeared on this computer.

For example: gin, vodka or something.

Is this the list of black organizations?With this in mind, Seiji came to the computer in the next second.

'Clap!Slap! .'

With the sound of typing on the computer keyboard, Shengsi was quickly browsing the information on the computer.

A few minutes later, a flash of understanding flashed in Shengsi's eyes.

It turns out that this is really a list of black organizations. The so-called black organization is just a tool for the Esero family to make money. The gin that Conan met is just a branch in Japan. There are their forces all over the world. This organization provides money to the Esero family throughout the year, and important members of it will be marked and monitored by them with magic.

Seeing this, Shengsi suddenly remembered that the first time he met Xiao Ai had triggered a magic, and he was almost controlled. Although he broke free in the end, Shengsi was quite impressed by this incident .

Now it seems that that should be the magic of the Esero family.

In addition, there is also a piece of information recorded on the computer, that is, there are people above the Esero family!
Seeing this message, Shengsi suddenly turned his head and stared at the black circle of light!
He had a feeling that the person above the Esero family should be in this circle of light, and the teleportation array that sent him over just now should be the masterpiece of this person!
You know, the head of the Esero family is a mage, and this person is still above him!So, this man is a sage? !

Thinking of this, Shengsi's cold sweat broke out immediately. He knew that Yagotai might have been created by a sage, but Shengsi himself, he can create a small space at most, and it can't hold living things. Come on, the difference between the two is like the comparison between a bright moon and a firefly!
If that person is really within this circle of light, Shengsi going in this time is simply courting death!
but!Shengsi turned his head and thought, if that person is really a sage, why would he be so timid and entrust a family to do things for him, and, as a sage, why didn't he dare to tell the world?
Disdain?Still don't want to?Or can't?

Thinking of this, Shengsi suddenly had an urge to look into the aperture.

That is a sage!If the person in the legend can catch a glimpse of his beauty, he will have no regrets even if he dies!

Of course, Shengsi is not a fool, he has a backup.

First, he split himself in two with soul magic, and then let one of him leave here. In this way, although half of his own strength has dropped drastically, if this body dies, he will still be alive in the other body 'of!

After a clone left here, Shengsi came to the light ball again.

No nonsense, Shengsi stepped into this aperture after taking a deep breath.

PS: The new book "Super Learning System of Plane" has been released, because the new book is going to be updated, so this book is coming to an end soon!

Thirteen Thank you to all the book friends who have accompanied me so far. Although there are only a few, I am very happy, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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